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6 lessons US History middelbare school vmbo t
Looking for interactive lesson materials US History for middelbare school vmbo t? Browse ideas for online lessons US History from other educators.
2020 This Is America - voorbereidingsles
- Lesson with 16 slides by Discover art and heritage in Amersfoort
Kunstzinnige oriëntatieBurgerschapskunde+5Middelbare schoolvmbo t, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1-6
This Is America - voorbereidingsles
- Lesson with 16 slides by Discover art and heritage in Amersfoort
Kunstzinnige oriëntatieBurgerschapskunde+5Middelbare schoolvmbo t, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1-6
Prelude to the war (Classroom Lesson)
- Lesson with 23 slides by Geschiedenisleraar.nl
US HistoryMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2,3
Prelude to the war (Homework Lesson)
- Lesson with 15 slides by Geschiedenisleraar.nl
US HistoryMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2,3