Actueel/gevoelig onderwerp les 3: serving in the military

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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 13 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

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Today's Planning
Wat gaan we doen? Een les over een actueel onderwerp: 'serving in the military' met verschillende opdrachten daarbij. 
Waarom?  Omdat jullie gaan leren om een eigen mening te vormen over onderwerpen en om naar elkaar te leren luisteren, en om gesprekken te voeren in het Engels. 
Hoe? Werkblad.
Hoeveel tijd?  45 minuten.
Hulp nodig? Ask three before me. 
Uitkomst? Wat doen we ermee?  Jullie leveren de werkbladen bij mij in, ik kijk ze na. 
Klaar? Dit duurt de hele les

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Lesson goal
At the end of this lesson:

- I have formed an opinion about serving in the military and I am able to express this opinion. 

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1. Elke leerling mag eigen ideeën/meningen inbrengen
2. Wij luisteren naar elkaar en respecteren elkaars inbreng
3. Wij geven argumenten voor onze ideeën/meningen
4. Wij stellen vragen aan elkaar en vragen naar de ideeën/meningen van de ander
5. Wij reageren op elkaar en geven feedback
6. Wij proberen elkaar echt te begrijpen

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We'll start with exercise 1
Write at least 5 sentences in which you will express your opinion on this matter:
"Everyone should have to spend at least a year doing military service" 

We'll use OREO for this.

1. Opinion (schrijf je mening hierover op)
2. Reason (geef de reden waarom dit jouw mening is; ik vind dit/ik vind dit niet omdat...)
3. Example (geef een voorbeeld waarom je dit vindt)
4. Opinion (conclusie: ik vind dit, omdat... )

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Do you know what these words mean? We'll discuss it together. 

army / music / military /
war / peace treaty / duty / serve /important / national treasure / government/ delay / praise / attention / chance

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3. and 4. 
Now do exercises 3 and 4 by yourself.
First read the text and answer the questions, are they true or false?

Next up: find the right synonym for the words. You can use a dictionary. We will check the answers afterwards. 

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5. and 7. 
Now we will have a group discussion and answer the questions from exercises 5 and 7. What is your opinion? 

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6. and 8. 
Now do these exercises by yourself. 

Match the phrases (read the text again) (exercise 6) and write down the right words ( exercise 8). 


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Now do exercise 9: go and sit next to a classmate/partner and have a discussion together (in English). Which music genre is the best? K-pop, jazz, folk, techno, rock, rap/hiphop, hardcore, classical.

Tell your partner three reasons why you think this is the best genre music genre. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their genres. Also, tell the others
which is the least enjoyable of these music styles and why. 

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Lesson goal
At the end of this lesson:

- I have formed an opinion about serving in the military and I am able to express this opinion. 

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End of the lesson
1. Put away your things 
2. Stay seated until the bell rings 
3. Pull in your chair
4. Get your phones
5. Bye, see you next lesson!

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Actueel/gevoelig onderwerp les 3: serving in the military

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