🥉 Platinum task 2 Create Some Placeholders
- We need some placeholders so we can get the game workingbefore we work on the art
and other assets.
- You can right click on the folders inside the Asset browser, on the right of the window
by default. See this image --->
- In the sprite folder, create four sprites with the following names:
"spr_bullet", "spr_player", "spr_rock_big", "spr_rock_small"
- One by one, double click them one by one and select edit image, Gamemaker has a
simple bitmap editor built in.
- Do a quick doodle to represent; a bullet, some rocks and the player so that you know
which way they're facing (an arrow will suffice).
Extension: Figure out how to edit the background of room 1, if you get stuck, ask the teacher. Pick a theme for an asteroids-like game (maybe it's a unicorn firing muffins at goblins instead of a spaceship shooting rocks). Tweak your placeholders toward your theme.