Year 9 Game Development 3 - Solo Project: Start

Game Development 3 - Solo Project: Start
Key Vocabulary:
Game engine

Today's lesson objectives:
Discover the importance of game engines.
Learn how to setup the Gamemaker environment for your solo project.
Familiarise yourself with the program.
Create some assets for use in Gamemaker.

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Slide 1: Diapositive
Computer ScienceLower Secondary (Key Stage 3)

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Game Development 3 - Solo Project: Start
Key Vocabulary:
Game engine

Today's lesson objectives:
Discover the importance of game engines.
Learn how to setup the Gamemaker environment for your solo project.
Familiarise yourself with the program.
Create some assets for use in Gamemaker.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Starter & recall - Drag and drop
Allowing a two way flow of information between a computer and it's user/ responding to a user's input.
Features of a game, such as it's plot and the way it is played or feels.
A blueprint or template that defines the attributes and methods that objects of a specific type will have.
Basing classes on another class.
A fundamental building block of Object Oriented Programming, representing a real-world entity with specific characteristics.

Slide 2 - Question de remorquage

Game engine

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

Slide 4 - Vidéo

🥈 Silver question: Why is it rare for a solo developer to create their own game engine?

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

Gold Task 1: Setup Checklist
  1. Create a new folder inside your computer science/year9 folder named:  "Gamemaker_test".
  2. Open the Gamemaker application on your computer.
  3. On the home page select: New.
  4. Select project type: Game.
  5. Select Template: Blank Game.
  6. Rename the project; "Placeholder_paradise".
  7. Change the save path to your Gamemaker_test folder. your screen should look like the image on the right ->
  8. Press the lets go button.
  9. Take a screenshot of your project folder with the Placeholder_paradise folder visable. 
  10. Save the screenshot as you will upload this on the next slide.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Upload a screenshot here, containing your project folder and it's contents.
Write "F" as your answer below.

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

🥇Gold Part 2: Think;
What do you think "placeholder" means?

Slide 8 - Diapositive

🥇Gold part 2: Pair;
What do you think "placeholder" means?

Slide 9 - Diapositive

🥇Gold part 2: Share; What do you think "placeholder" means?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Open up Gamemaker

Slide 11 - Diapositive

🥉 Platinum question 1: Why would a developer decide to create their own game engine, despite the drawbacks?

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

🥉 Platinum task 2 Create Some Placeholders
  • We need some placeholders so we can get the game workingbefore we work on the art 
and other assets. 
  • You can right click on the folders inside the Asset browser, on the right of the window
by default. See this image --->
  • In the sprite folder, create four sprites with the following names:
"spr_bullet", "spr_player", "spr_rock_big", "spr_rock_small"
  • One by one, double click them one by one and select edit image, Gamemaker has a 
simple bitmap editor built in. 
  • Do a quick doodle to represent; a bullet, some rocks and the player so that you know
which way they're facing (an arrow will suffice).

Extension: Figure out how to edit the background of room 1, if you get stuck, ask the teacher. Pick a theme for an asteroids-like game (maybe it's a unicorn firing muffins at goblins instead of a spaceship shooting rocks). Tweak your placeholders toward your theme.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Screenshot all of your placeholders and share them here, then write "I love Computer Science" in the box below.

Slide 14 - Question ouverte