Present Simple ontkennend en vragend

The Present Simple
Present Simple
1 / 26
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 26 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 30 min

Éléments de cette leçon

The Present Simple
Present Simple

Slide 1 - Diapositive

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

The present simple is an English tense. A normal present simple sentence looks like this:

                   We eat french fries every Sunday.

How many verbs do you see in this normal present simple sentence? 
Why do you think it is called 'simple'?

Slide 2 - Diapositive

1. I like scary movies.
2. He is walking the dog.
3. We danced all night long.
4. She plays the piano.
5. They are my parents.
Present Simple
Not Present Simple

Slide 3 - Question de remorquage

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Now you know what the present simple looks like. But when do you use it?
We use the present simple when we talk about:
- Facts
The leopard runs very fast.
- Routines
Harry plays football every Wednesday. 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

In a sentence, you know if it is a fact or routine by looking at signal words

Words like everyday, never, always, every Wednesday  tell you it is about a routine. It happens often.

If there are no signal words, the sentence tells you a fact.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Look at the words below. Which ones are signal words for the Present Simple and which ones are not?
Signal word
Not a signal word
Next Friday
Every week

Slide 6 - Question de remorquage

Great work!

Slide 7 - Diapositive

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Now you know what a normal present simple sentence looks like.

Now, we are going to take a look at:

- The SHIT-Rule
- Questions
- Negations

Slide 8 - Diapositive

The Present Simple
The SHIT Rule

The SHIT Rule has to do with She, He, and IT.

The rule is:

If the subject is a he, she or it, the verb gets +s.

So I dance becomes She dances.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

every Saturday.
They never
with oil.
That tree
very fast.
I always
chocolate ice cream.
Those boys
in class very often.

Slide 10 - Question de remorquage

The present simple 
Questions & Negations
Vragen & Ontkenningen

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Hoe maak je vragen?

Om vragen te stellen gebruik je het hulpwerkwoord 'to do' en het hele werkwoord

Bij she/he/it krijg je does + ow + hele ww + rest v/d zin (1)

Bij I/you/we/they krijg je do + ow + hele ww + rest v/d zin (2)

1. Does he work for your father?

2. Do you like school?

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Stappenplan vragen maken
  1. Is het werkwoord van de zin am, is, are?

    JA --> zet am, is of are vooraan in de zin 
    NEE --> naar stap 2 
  2. Is het onderwerp van de zin een he, she of it?

    Ja --> stap 3
    Nee --> Ze Do vooraan de zin
  3. Zet does vooraan de zin en verander het werkwoord terug naar het hele werkwoord.

  • We are very happy.
  • Are we very happy?

  • My parents always buy sweets.
  • Do my parents always buy sweets?

  • Her sister eats chocolate every day.
  • Does her sister eat chocolate every day.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Maak vragend:
My parents are the best.
My parents are the best?
Are my parents the best?
Do my parents are the best?
Does my parents are the best?

Slide 14 - Quiz

Maak vragend:
He supports Ajax.
Do he support Ajax?
Does he support Ajax?
Do he supports Ajax?
Does he supports Ajax?

Slide 15 - Quiz

Maak vragend:
Jeremy plays football after school.
Do Jeremy plays football after school?
Does Jeremy plays football after school?
Do Jeremy play football after school?
Does Jeremy play football after school??

Slide 16 - Quiz

Maak vragend:
I like trains.
Do I like trains?
Does I like trains?
Like I trains?
Do I likes trains?

Slide 17 - Quiz

Maak vragend:
They do their homework on Tuesday.
Do they do their homework on Tuesday?
Does they do their homework on Tuesday?
Do they does their homework on Tuesday?
Does they do their homework on Tuesday?

Slide 18 - Quiz

Hoe maak je ontkenningen?
Om ontkenningen te maken gebruik je het hulpwerkwoord 'to do' en het hele werkwoord

Bij she/he/it krijg je: OW + does not + hele ww + rest vd zin (1)
Bij I/you/we/they krijg je: OW + do not + hele ww + rest vd zin

1. She does not do her homework on Saturdays.
2. I do not have a lot of cheeseburgers.

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Stappenplan ontkenningen maken
  1. Is het werkwoord van de zin am, is, are?

    JA --> zet not achter am, is, are 
    NEE --> naar stap 2 

  2. Is het onderwerp van de zin een he, she of it?
    Ja --> stap 3
    Nee --> Ze do not voor het werkwoord

  3. Zet does not / doesn't voor het werkwoord en verander het werkwoord naar het hele werkwoord.

  • We are very happy.
  • We are not very happy.

  • My parents always buy sweets.
  • My parents do not / don't always buy sweets?

  • Her sister eats chocolate every day.
  • Her sister does not eat chocolate every day.

  • My brother studies for English.
  • My brother does not study for English.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Let op!
Bij het werkwoord 'to be' (am/is/are) 
gebruik je nooit do/don't/does/doesn't

Bij alle andere werkwoord MOET 
je deze hulpwerkwoorden gebruiken.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Maak ontkennend:
The boy eats pizza every day
The boy don't eats pizza every day.
The boy doesn't eat pizza every day.
The boy don't eat pizza every day.
The boy doesn't eats pizza every day.

Slide 22 - Quiz

Maak ontkennend:
My sister plays football.

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

Maak ontkennend:
Our parents go to school.

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

Slide 25 - Lien

Slide 26 - Lien