Past Tense: Dave Allen Sketch

Let's refresh what we know about past tenses!
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 10 diapositives, avec quiz interactif, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Let's refresh what we know about past tenses!

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Write a sentence about a past event and name the tense that you have used!

Slide 2 - Question ouverte

Most of you know all about the Past simple: Used for an event that has been completed in the past. The cat ate fish.
Also the Past Continuous: Used to describe what we were in the middle of doing at a particular moment in the past. The cat was eating fish

But what can you remember about the Past perfect and the past perfect continuos tenses? Look at the next slides for more explanations......

Slide 3 - Diapositive

The Past Perfect: 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

The Past Perfect Continuous tense is like the Past Perfect tense, but it expresses longer actions in the past before another action in the past. For example:
Susan started waiting at 9am. I arrived at 11am. When I arrived, Susan had been waiting for two hours.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

1. You need your notebook and a pen, it might also be handy to have made some notes on the different past tenses and example sentences. 
2. Do the preparation task on slide 6 to help increase your vocabulary
3. Watch the filmclip from the 1970's ( It is still very funny!)
4. Make notes of the events in the film using as many past tense verbs/sentences as possible. 
5. Using a highlite pen or coloured pencils, underline the verbs and make a key to indicate which tense you have used: See slide 4 for an example.....
6. Upload a screenshot of your sentences describing the events in the film clip to Google Classroom

Slide 6 - Diapositive

A child was walking down the road when he stopped unexpectedly, what had he seen? Why had he stopped? What was going on? I also noticed that a woman had been sitting in her window all morning.
Yellow: Past perfect continuous
Orange: Past perfect
Green: Past continuous
Blue: Past simple

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Preparation task: Match 1-8 to a-h

  1. bowler hat
  2. a tenner
  3. suspicioulsy 
  4. Punch and Judy 
  5. waitress 
  6. road sweeper
  7. handkerchief
  8. pram
a. behaving in a dubious manner
b. Punch and Judy are a very famous puppet duo from England who have been around for over 350 years. 
c. a banknote worth ten pounds sterling
d.  headgear made of hard felt with a rounded crown, originally worn by British businessmen in the 60's and 70's
e.  servers  who work at a restaurant or a café, 
f. Someone who cleans the streets
g.a four wheeled vehicle in which a baby or child is pushed around.
h. square piece of cloth or paper used for cleaning the nose or drying the eyes.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Now watch the film clip a few times 
1. Write a description of what happens during the film using as many past tense verbs as possible. Use a variety of tenses perfect continuous, past perfect, past continuous and the Past simple. 
2. Use a highlite pen or coloured pencils to underline the verbs and make a key to indicate which tense you have used: See slide 4 for an example.....
6. Upload a screenshot of your sentences describing the events in the film clip to Google Classroom

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Vidéo