Following the PR format from slide 3 of this LessonUp & the instructions from writing assignment 3, we will work on the final press release individually. Please raise your hand if you have questions in the meantime. You may brainstorm with a classmate but please only talk about the assignment & do not distract the others. Upload in Teams when you are finished/use your first name in the file name.
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Do we need a 5 minute break?
Slide 6 - Sondage
PR review
We will pick 2 or 3 example press releases to review as a class now. Look out for the 5 w's + how, interesting supporting information, quotes/facts/figures, and format.
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Grammar review (book) module 5: page 116-117
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Answers found on
Page 393
Slide 9 - Diapositive
Written Assignment 3
All versions of the press release for written assignment 3 must be uploaded to the written assignment 3 folder by 9am on Monday, October 11th. I will download the word documents with names on them that are uploaded by or before then into one document that will be used for the in-class teacher + peer feedback session that will take place in lesson 6. PLEASE HIGHLIGHT 50 WORDS YOU WANT FEEDBACK ON SPECIFICALLY!
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Are you feeling confident in writing the press release?