Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.
Éléments de cette leçon
Interactive questions
What interactive questions are there and how do you use them?
Slide 1 - Diapositive
You can add various interactive components to your LessonUp lesson. What are they, when do you use each interactive component, and how do you do it?
In the following slides, we will guide you through all the interactive components in the order listed below. Have a look at what interests you.
Quiz Question
Mind Map
Open Question
Photo Question
Drag-and-Drop Question
Interactive Video
Slide 2 - Diapositive
Quiz Question (1/2)
Characteristics: dynamic, game-like element, activates working memory
Question Type: closed question, usually for reproduction
Use: can be used throughout the entire lesson - as an energizer, interim check, or at the end
Design: easy
Various formats: *
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Quiz Question (2/2)
Practical Explanation: 1. Select "+ Add" to choose the quiz question. 2. Add a question and answer options. If you want to provide fewer answer options, leave the unused ones blank. Note that more than 4 answer options are not possible for this question format. 3. Indicate the correct answer at the bottom of the screen. Check the box for "multiple answers possible" if there are multiple correct answers.
Please refer to our Helpdesk articles on quiz questions for additional explanations.
Slide 4 - Diapositive
Mind map (2/2)
Characteristics: Activate prior knowledge
Question Type: Open question, usually application and insight
Use: Primarily at the beginning of the lesson
Design: Easy
Various formats: ***
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Mind map (2/2)
Practical Explanation: 1. Select "+ Add" to choose the word web. 2. Add a word, sentence, or question to which the students must respond with words. 3. The entered words will appear as speech bubbles on the screen. The words are not visible yet. 4. You can close the input and open the words one by one or all at once.
Click here for additional explanation about the mind map.
Slide 6 - Diapositive
Open question (1/2)
Characteristics: In-depth, extensive answers
Question Type: Open question, usually application and insight
Use: Can be used anywhere in the lesson
Design: Easy
Various formats: **
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Open question (2/2)
Select '+ Add' for an open question.
Type a question in the text box.
You can add a correct answer. If there is only one correct answer, choose 'Fill in the correct answer, which will be automatically checked.' Adding a correct answer is optional. If you leave the field blank, no correct answer will be displayed during the lesson.
Consult our Helpdesk articles for additional explanation about the open question.
Slide 8 - Diapositive
Photo Question (1/2)
Characteristics: Different way of answering, homework check
Question Type: Open question, usually application and insight
Use: For homework check at the beginning of the lesson or as an assignment in the middle or end of the lesson
Design: Easy
Various formats: ***
Slide 9 - Diapositive
Photo Question (2/2)
Practical Explanation
Select '+ Add' for a photo question.
Type a question in the text box.
In a photo question, you cannot add a correct answer. However, you can provide an explanation by clicking on 'Answer or explanation' and adding the desired information there. Leaving the field empty will not display a correct answer during the lesson.
Click here for additional explanation about the photo question.
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Drag-and-Drop Question (1/2)
Characteristics: challenging
Question Type: closed question, reproduction, application, and insight
Use: As an assignment in the middle of the lesson
Design: Average to difficult, depending on the format
Various formats: ***
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Drag-and-Drop Question (2/2)
Practical Explanation
1. Select '+ Add' for a Drag-and-Drop question. 2. A drag-and-drop component is what you want to drag to the correct answer (drop target). You add a drag-and-drop component by clicking on +Component and choosing from the right-hand list. 3. Add a drop target by clicking on the red box +Drop target. Then, link the drop target to the drag-and-drop component by clicking on the number or letter at the top of the component.
Click here for additional explanation about the drag-and-drop question.
Slide 12 - Diapositive
video (1/2)
Characteristics: Observation questions, summarizing, visual and auditory skills
Question type: Open and closed question, reproduction, application, and insight
Use: Middle and end of the lesson
Design: Average to difficult, depending on the format
Various formats: ***
Slide 13 - Diapositive
video (2/2)
Practical Explanation
Select '+ Add' for Interactive Video.
Paste a YouTube or Vimeo link.
Now you can add interactions on the timeline of the video.
Check our Helpdesk for a comprehensive explanation on how to use the interactive video in your lesson.