Les 3 v2 - Engels voor Docenten

Oudergesprekken voeren in het Engels
1 / 35
Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 35 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Oudergesprekken voeren in het Engels

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Week 1. Klaslokaal en de school. 
Week 2. Mentorgesprek en kwaliteiten van het kind.
Week 3. Slecht nieuws gesprek en stubborn parent.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Common Dutch mistakes
The little boy was so brutal today!

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Common Dutch mistakes
I have seen that yesterday.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Common Dutch mistakes
Did you saw that?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Common Dutch mistakes
 I did found out

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Common Dutch mistakes
I wanna join you
I'm gonna join you

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Common Dutch Mistakes
I wasn't in school because I was sick yesterday.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

word order

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Slide 11 - Diapositive

your child / great progress / has been making / in understanding  / more complex texts
Your child has been making great progress in understanding more complex texts.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

this term / is important / to focus on / improving / spelling / for / your child
It is important for your child to focus on improving spelling this term.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

after school / to discuss / if / we / could arrange / your child’s behavior / a time / it would be great
It would be great if we could arrange a time after school to discuss your child’s behavior.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

on creative tasks / works well / when given / your child / a clear structure
Your child works well on creative tasks when given a clear structure.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

we noticed / gets distracted / that / during group activities / your child / quite often
We noticed that your child gets distracted quite often during group activities.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Diapositive

What kind of bad news conversations will you have this year?

Your child ...

Slide 18 - Carte mentale

Bad news conversations

Slide 19 - Diapositive

What was difficult about having these conversations? Which terms did you miss?

Slide 20 - Question ouverte

Irregular verbs

Slide 21 - Diapositive

The Past Simple
Bij regelmatige ww                     Bij onregelmatige ww
altijd het hele WW + ed

Je gebruikt de Past Simple als je zeker 
weet dat iets in het verleden gebeurd is
en nu afgelopen is.

2e rij (Past Simple)

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

Zien | See

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

missen | miss

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

rijden | drive

Slide 25 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

vriezen | freeze

Slide 26 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

gaan | go

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

stop | stop

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

vliegen | fly

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

Wat is verleden tijd van:

Wat is de verleden tijd van: 

doen | do

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

Irregular verbs

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Useful Sentences
in Showbie

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Dealing with a stubborn Parent
in Showbie

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Plan your stubborn parent conversation.
  1. Share something you like about the student.
  2. Raise your main concern. Be gentle, factual and give examples.
  3. Ask how the parent or you the teacher can help resolve this issue. 
  4. End by reiterating everything that’s going right.
  5. Summarise action points.

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Oudergesprekken voeren in het Engels

Slide 35 - Diapositive