Cette leçon contient 27 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.
Éléments de cette leçon
Goals for today
Considering Stream of consciousness
Characters and relationships in the vignettes
Looking at some vignettes in "At the Bay"
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Slide 2 - Vidéo
Other features of Mansfield's writing style
Most stories reflect the point of view of women: many who feel isolated from mainstream society.
Mostly uses third-person narrative style along with stream of consciousness and free indirect discourse, which allows her to present a character's perspective effectively.
Use of epiphany: many of her stories feature a character who has a dramatic insight, which marks a shift in their developmental arc.
Use of vivid, detailed imagery & symbolism
Her characters usually find it hard to clearly articulate their experience: there is a gap between experience and language.
Using the short story "Miss Brill", find examples of these stylistic choices. Give quotes and page numbers to support your ideas.
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Common themes and topics
Entitlement of the wealthy
Divisions of social classes; the gap between rich and poor; class consciousness
Marginalization of people by society
Coming of age
Alienation and self-deception (Appearance vs. Reality)
The patriarchy and male entitlement; marriage and unhappy marriages
Female sexuality (in society and in social norms)
Slide 4 - Diapositive
Narrative POV & narrative voice
Past tense
3rd persons omniscient narrator
Sometimes limited - at the end limited to Beryl's perspective
The narrator takes on the character and personality of the main person in the scene.
Descriptions that do not focus on a character, for example, setting description are neutral in demeanour.
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"At the Bay"
Lottie, Kezia & Isabel
Mrs Stubbs
Mrs Fairfield
Stanley Burnell
Jonathan Trout
Mrs Harry Kember
Pips & Rags
Harry Kember
Join the characters together and write on the line what their relationship is. You can draw a family tree if you think you have enough familial relationships.
Slide 6 - Diapositive
What is the main message of this short story?
Write it down in a sentence.
Slide 7 - Diapositive
What concepts or ideas do these images symbolise for you?
Slide 8 - Diapositive
“In literary usage a symbol is a specially evocative kind of image that is, a word or phrase referring to a concrete object, scene, or action which also has some further significance associated with it [...] to say that a literary symbol 'stands for' some idea as if it were just a convenient substitute for a fixed meaning; it is usually a substantial image in its own right, around which further significances may gather according to differing interpretations." Oxford dictionary of literary terms.
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Writers can use all sorts of things to represent a deeper meaning that contributes to the understanding of the overall piece of writing. Symbols always have a literal (concrete) meaning and a figurative (abstract) meaning.
An object can symbolise different things to different people and the context can change what an object symbolises. Some symbols have a universal meaning. However, writers can also create their own specific symbols in their writing by referring to something repeatedly, emphasising it through the language used to describe it or by the attention given to it.
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Symbols in "At the Bay"
What elements, characters or actions do you feel are symbolic. What abstract idea could they symbolise?
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Goals for today
Characters and relationships in the vignettes
Looking at some vignettes in "At the Bay"
Using stream of consciousness
Slide 12 - Diapositive
Rate the word 1 to 4
1. I do not know the word, and I have never seen it before.
2. I've heard or seen the word before, but I'm not sure what it means.
3. I know the word and can recognise and understand it while reading, but I probably wouldn't feel comfortable using it in writing or speech.
4. I know the word well and can use it correctly in writing or speech.
Slide 13 - Diapositive
Word of the day
Ambiguity (n) - the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion.
The adjective is ambiguous
Unscramble this word to find a synonym AUCIRYNENTT
Be as precise as possible in your answer, so that there is no ambiguity.
Slide 14 - Diapositive
"At the Bay"
Find a quote from the short story that you feel is connected to your image.
Share your quote with the class.
What is the significance of this part of the short story to the story as a whole?
Slide 15 - Diapositive
Character interactions "At the Bay"
1. You will be given a number. That is the character interaction that you will explore.
2. What happens between the characters? If you were filming this scene what would the viewer see?
3. What aspect of relationships is explored. For example, regret, embarrassment, distrust, disappointment, alienation etc
4. Does your exploration add to the idea discussed in class that the short story is exploring human relationships?
5. What is being explored how is it supported through references to nature?
Slide 16 - Diapositive
Goals for today
Summative presentation activity introduction
Completion of relationship exploration
"The Garden Party" key passage
"The Garden Party" techniques and concepts
Slide 17 - Diapositive
Rate the word 1 to 4
1. I do not know the word, and I have never seen it before.
2. I've heard or seen the word before, but I'm not sure what it means.
3. I know the word and can recognise and understand it while reading, but I probably wouldn't feel comfortable using it in writing or speech.
4. I know the word well and can use it correctly in writing or speech.
Slide 18 - Diapositive
Word of the day
Ambivert (n) - a person who has features of both an introvert ( someone who prefers to spend time alone) and an extrovert ( someone who prefers to be with other people) in their personality:
Adjusting behaviour to fit the person or situation seems to come naturally to ambiverts.
Slide 19 - Diapositive
Presentation short story choices
Read the instructions
Find the people you will present and work with (4 groups of 3 and one group of 2)
Sit in your group
Make a plan and divide the work
Next week your English lessons will be cancelled due to oral exams. Use this time to work on your interactive presentation.
Slide 20 - Diapositive
Presentation short story choices
Slide 21 - Diapositive
Presentation short story choices
Slide 22 - Diapositive
Character interactions "At the Bay"
1. You will be given a number. That is the character interaction that you will explore.
2. What happens between the characters? If you were filming this scene what would the viewer see?
3. What aspect of relationships is explored. For example, regret, embarrassment, distrust, disappointment, alienation etc
4. Does your exploration add to the idea discussed in class that the short story is exploring human relationships?
5. What is being explored how is it supported through references to nature?
Slide 23 - Diapositive
"At the Bay"
Linda & Jonathan Trout
Stanley Burnell & Jonathan Trout
Linda & her baby son
Alice & Mrs Stubbs
Mrs Fairfield & Kezia
6. Beryl & Harry Kember
7. Beryl & Mrs Harry Kember
8. Lottie, Kezia, Isabel, Pips & Rags
9. Stanley & Linda
Slide 24 - Diapositive
"At the Bay"
"'I'm here!' that happy smile seemed to say. 'Why don't you like me?' There was something so quaint, so unexpected about that smile that Linda smiled Herselt. But she checked herself and said to the boy coldly, 'I don't like babies.'"pg 20
Slide 25 - Diapositive
"At the Bay"
Try your hand at the stream of consciousness style. Use one of the characters or animals in the short story. Write a passage in which the thoughts of the character or animal are reflected in the stream of consciousness style.