BO1 Session 1

Welcome to BO1 Session 1
Aim: At the end of this session, you can give a short description of what to 
          do to get the credits for this module.
SC: You can list the 6 roles of a teacher
SC: You can explain where to find the requirements and rubric.
SC: You can describe what is needed to pass BO1a.
SC: You can describe what is needed to pass BO1b.

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Slide 1: Diapositive
TaalHBOStudiejaar 1

Cette leçon contient 18 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Welcome to BO1 Session 1
Aim: At the end of this session, you can give a short description of what to 
          do to get the credits for this module.
SC: You can list the 6 roles of a teacher
SC: You can explain where to find the requirements and rubric.
SC: You can describe what is needed to pass BO1a.
SC: You can describe what is needed to pass BO1b.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

The homework for today:
  • Homework is always posted in our ‘Preparation and Class time for part-timers’ sub-folder (in each Session folder) in Brightspace. Also for materials, links, etc.

Preparation for this lesson was: 

  • Scan Bekwaamheidseisen
  • Watch video as an introduction to the first five roles of the teacher:
  • Skim-read chapter 1 of De zes rolllen van de leraar
  • In class we will explore BO1 and the 6 teacher roles. Please bring your book (De zes rollen van de leraar) to class.
  • The link to this LessonUp will be uploaded in the BS folder and shared in Whatsapp.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

After doing the prep work, what are your expectations for this module?

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

What are the three areas of competences according to the bekwaamheidseisen?

good dress sense recognises students' skills starts lessons on time
master of content skilled methodologist pedagogically competent
sense of humour can keep order can give good explanations
registers absence good entertainer clear articulation

Slide 4 - Quiz

Which role of the teacher do you think will suit you best?
the host
the presenter
the methodologist
the pedagogue
the closer
the coach

Slide 5 - Sondage

Which role of the teacher do you think you will struggle most with?
the host
the presenter
the methodologist
the pedagogue
the closer
the coach

Slide 6 - Sondage

Which role is most prominent/visible (or most obviously missing) in this excerpt (next slide)

the host
the presenter
the methodologist
the pedagogue
the closer
the coach

Slide 7 - Sondage

Requirements and rubric
In groups of 3: 
What do you have to KNOW?
What do you have to PREPARE?
What do you have to DO?

What is the difference between BO1a and BO1b?


Slide 9 - Diapositive

Success criteria for BO1a
Students can.....

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Success criteria for BO1b
Students can.....

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

BO1a + BO1b
Both assignments in English!

BO1a: Formative: 10 November, one school visit (see Module guide for more info) Submitted = pass, no submission = resit (pass is needed to receive 6 credits for this module). Feedback based on assessment criteria. You’ll use feedback to improve and finish your whole assignment on two school visits (BO1b)

BO1b: Summative 26 January on two school visits (including compare and contrast, see Module guide for more info)
Assessment criteria in Module guide and Brightspace
A pass (5.5 or higher) is needed to receive 6 credits (+ pass for formative)
How can you prepare for the assignments?

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Short version :-)
  • 2 assessments: BO1A (formative) and BO1B (summative)
  • Zes rollen van de leraar (& Handboek voor leraren)
  • Themes What does it mean to be a teacher? Do I want to be a teacher and what kind of teacher?
  • 2 bezoekdagen
  • 1 semester
  • 6 credits
  • Assessments, most reading and classes in English

Slide 13 - Diapositive

School visits
  • 2 schools, half a day to a day
  • One school, one teacher, minimum of one lesson (per school)
  • Bezoekdag 1: between 4 and 22 October (before 10 November!)
  • Bezoekdag 2: between 8 and 26 November (earlier is always possible!)
  • Havo/vwo and vmbo/mbo school (two different schools, not just buildings) 
  • Any school, organize this for yourself.
  • You may go in pairs.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Which challenges do you foresee for BO1a and BO1b?

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Prep for next week:
Preparation next lesson (in our Part-time folder in Session 2A):

  • Read chapters 4 and 5 (chapters on host and presenter) from De zes rollen van de leraar. 
  • For each chapter write down 5 things you can see a good host and presenter do in the (English) classroom.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Guiding questions
The reading questions in Brightspace might help you read and digest the chapters and information on the different roles.

Can you think of your own questions while reading chapter 4? (we think this is the easiest role/chapter to grasp).
But mind you! These reading questions do not cover all the content!

Slide 17 - Diapositive

One important, handy, interesting thing you learnt today?

Slide 18 - Question ouverte