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WW class 1- Grammar past simple intro
English today
Very important new grammar!!
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
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English today
Very important new grammar!!
Slide 1 - Diapositive
today's checklist
You've practiced your speaking and reading skills
You know a new verb tense: the past simple
You know the rules for the past simple
You can use the past simple in a sentence
Slide 2 - Diapositive
What is a 'tense'?
Hint: we've got past, present and future tenses
Slide 3 - Question ouverte
What do you know about
The Big Bad Wolf?
Slide 4 - Carte mentale
The Big Bad Wolf
Let's read a story...
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Sort the
words in the table
Answer the questions under the text
Slide 6 - Diapositive
in which tense is this story written?
Present tense
Past tense
Slide 7 - Quiz
What patterns do you see?
Look at the BOLD, regular verbs what do they have in common?
Slide 8 - Question ouverte
So, when you want to use regular verbs in the past simple tense, what do you have to do?
Slide 9 - Question ouverte
De regelmatige past simple
Je gebruikt de past simple als je wilt zeggen dat iets in het verleden is gebeurd.
Dat doe je door -ed toe te voegen aan het hele werkwoord.
Een werkwoord dat al op e eindigt krijgt alleen -d.
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Vragen en ontkenningen
Op dezelfde manier als in de present simple, maar dan met:
did / didn’t
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Past simple vs present simple
I walk to school every day
Do I walk to school every day?
I do not walk to school every day
I walked to school yesterday.
Did I walk to school yesterday?
I did not walk to school.
Slide 12 - Diapositive
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs (onregelmatige werkwoorden) don't accept the rules. They get different forms in the past simple and in other verb tenses.
There are no rules for these verbs and you just have to study them.
Slide 13 - Diapositive
Let's practice!
Please go to Learnbeat.
Go to chapter 1: Grammar and open assignment 1.4C.
Download the story from page 1.
Fill in the table, adding the following:
Column 2: the form the verb gets in the past tense. All verbs are in the text!
Column 3: the translation of the verb.
Slide 14 - Diapositive
I understand the difference between the past and the present tense
Slide 15 - Sondage
I understand the basic rule to write a verb in the past tense
Slide 16 - Sondage
Write in the past simple
Every group takes a piece of paper. Start your sentence with: ......... and then
When you have finished your sentence, fold the paper and pass the paper to the person next to you. This person writes a new sentence with a new verb.
Use the following verbs:
look, play, open, watch, work, ask
Slide 17 - Diapositive
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