Tenses revision begin klas 3 (tenses uit klas 1 en 2)

Tense revision year 3
1 / 50
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 50 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 5 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

Tense revision year 3

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Year 1: present simple + present continuous
Year 2: past simple + past continuous + present perfect + future with will & going to
Year 3:  complete future + past simple vs pres perf + pres simple vs pres continuous + Past perfect
BB: present perfect continuous + pas perfect continuous + all tenses mixed
Tenses also part of indirect speech (y3)& conditionals (y4)

What do you remember?

Slide 2 - Diapositive


Slide 3 - Diapositive

Wanneer gebruik je de present simple?

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

Welke 2 tijden gebruiken "to be"?
present simple + past continuous
present continuous + present perfect
past perfect + present perfect
present continuous + past continuous

Slide 5 - Quiz

Wat maakt het verschil tussen de present cont. en de past cont?

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

Hoe maak je de past simple?

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

Maak deze zin af door "the gap" in te vullen met het werkwoord maken in het Engels, zodat het een present perfect is:
"Mind your step! Dave____ (maken) a mess in there."
was making
has made

Slide 8 - Quiz

Vul de juiste vorm van de future in:
Sarah ___ her birthday party at the Ritz next Friday.
will have
is going to have
is having

Slide 9 - Quiz

Uitleg (HH)

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Let's give it a try!
Choose the correct form of the verb (not whole sentence!) in brackets. If there's more than one, separate them with a comma, like this:
have been, worked

Slide 13 - Diapositive

I usually ..... (take) the 5.03 train from platform 3 but today it ..... (leave) from platform 9.
take - leaves
take-is leaving
is taking- is leaving
is taking - leaves

Slide 14 - Quiz

His brother .... (lose) his keys when he ... ( ski).
lost - was skiing
had lost - skied
was losing - had skied
lost - skied

Slide 15 - Quiz

They _________ (build) a summer house there at the moment.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

My car _____ (break) down when I _____ (drive) home from work.

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

He ____ (already write) his first computer programme six years earlier.

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

Practise on your own
cover the basics
then go for yellow (challenge) or purple (repeat)

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Slide 20 - Lien

Slide 21 - Lien

Slide 22 - Lien

Slide 23 - Lien

How did that go? 
Easy? Try the yellow route for a challenge with all the tenses.

Difficult? Follow the link in the purple route and choose exercises about the tense you thought was too difficult.

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Slide 25 - Lien

Slide 26 - Lien

Check Qs

Slide 27 - Diapositive

The stranded tourists ... (stay) in hotels.
are staying

Slide 28 - Quiz

The flight to New York..... (leave) from gate 4D.
is leaving

Slide 29 - Quiz

My friend ... (buy) a new house and he ...(move) in on Thursday.
has bought - moves
is buying - has moved
buys - is moving
has bought - is moving

Slide 30 - Quiz

... you ever ... (see) a cuter doll than this one?
do see
have seen
are seeing

Slide 31 - Quiz

They _________(buy) some land in southern France recently.

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

Jonathon ____ (watch) the news on TV every day and it ____ (help) him with his English.

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

When he ___ (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old.

Slide 34 - Question ouverte


Slide 35 - Diapositive

Slide 36 - Vidéo

Slide 37 - Vidéo

Slide 38 - Vidéo

Slide 39 - Vidéo

Slide 40 - Vidéo

Present simple 
Form: hele ww (mind shitrule)
Shitrule: she/he/it krijgt extra s na ww in present simple
Use: feiten, gewoonten, hoort bij karakter

Water boils at a 100 degrees celcius.
I go to school every day.
Dave is very kind.

Slide 41 - Diapositive

Present continuous
Form: TT to be (=am/is/are) + ww + ing

Use: op of rond het moment van spreken + irritatie

I am teaching English now.
She is constantly talking.

Slide 42 - Diapositive

Future p1
General: will/shall, going to, pres cont, pres simple: hoe zekerder het is, hoe verder in deze lijst het staat.

Will = spontaan, voorspelling zonder bewijs, beloftes/aanbod
I'll help you! (spontaan of aanbod)
You'll see: it'll rain again on my birthday.

Going to = intenties, eerder gemaakte afspraken, voorspelingen met bewijs.
I'm going to read that English book this weekend.
We're going to get married next year, we just don't have a date yet.
Look at those dark clouds! I think it's going to rain.

Slide 43 - Diapositive

Future p2
Present continuous = to be (am/is/are) + ww +ing
Afspraken (agenda) of iets waarvoor al dingen geregeld zijn.
They're flying to America tomorrow.
I'm meeting my friend for lunch tomorrow.

Present simple = infinitief (shitrule)
Tijdschema's, vaste, herhaalde events
The bus leaves at 6.15.
Christmas is next week.
I have an English class next week. (rooster) 

Slide 44 - Diapositive

Past simple
Form: tweede rijtje onrww of: 
ww+ed (mind spelling> like+ed= liked)

Use: iets uit het verleden dat afgelopen is

Dave walked to the classroom.
I went to school that day. (go, went, gone)

Slide 45 - Diapositive

Past continuous
Form: VT to be (was/were) + ww + ing

Use: verleden en duurde een tijdje / irritatie in het verleden

They were studying for their English test.
He was making funny noises constantly.

Slide 46 - Diapositive

Present perfect
Form: have/has + volt deelw
Volt deelw (past participle) = 3e rijte onrww / ww+ed
Use: begon in verleden en gaat nu nog door of resultaat is nog zichtbaar

I have lived in Leeuwarden since 2006.
Careful! I have just painted the door.

Slide 47 - Diapositive

Slide 48 - Lien

Simple present              altijd, nooit of regelmatig                  I often watch TV                               H1 ch1&2
Present continuous    nu bezig of aan de gang /irri             He’s watching TV                            H1 ch5
Simple past                     een moment in het verleden            We got home at ten                        H2 ch1
Past continuous           toen aan de gang/irr verl                     She was reading when I saw her  H2 ch3
Present perfect            toen tot en met nu /resultaat             They have lived here for six years H2ch4

Future          will/shall                       spontaan plan/aanbod/ voorsp        I'll do that for you.  H2ch4
Future          to be + going to         plan/voorspelling met bewijs           It's going to rain.     H2ch4
Future          pres. cont                    afspr waar plaats en/of tijd vaststaan                                    H2ch5
                       (to be+ww+ing)                                          She's having her birthday party tomorrow
Future          pres simple (hele ww/inf+s)   rooster/schema                     The train leaves at 6.15.

Slide 49 - Diapositive

Slide 50 - Diapositive