4H(L blokuur)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Hoofdstuk 5 
  • Quizlet live
  • Grammatica-Passive
  • Quizzz Passive
  • Finish book H en J

1 / 34
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 34 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 100 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Hoofdstuk 5 
  • Quizlet live
  • Grammatica-Passive
  • Quizzz Passive
  • Finish book H en J

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Slide 2 - Lien

Slide 3 - Lien

Active and Passive 
What is it?
Active: We say WHO did it
The teacher graded the tests.
The result: Now the students know their grades.
Passive: When we do not say who did it
The tests were graded.
The result: Now the students know their grades.
Active: We say WHO did it

Passive: We do not say WHO did it
The result in both sentences is the same!

Slide 4 - Diapositive

What is a passive sentence?

Structure: Basic structure of a passive sentence: be (am, is, are, was, were) + past participle
Example: "The letter is written by the student."

Usage:When the doer of the action is unknown, irrelevant, or less important.
To emphasize the action or result rather than who or what performs the action.

Active: "The student writes the letter."
Passive: "The letter is written by the student."

Active: "The chef prepares the dinner."
Passive: "The dinner is prepared by the chef."

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Present Simple Passive

Structuur: am/is/are + past participle (voltooid deelwoord)
Gebruik: Wanneer de actie belangrijker is dan wie of wat deze uitvoert.
Voorbeeld: The book is read by the teacher. (Het boek wordt door de leraar gelezen.)
The doors are locked every night. (De deuren worden elke nacht op slot gedaan.)
English is spoken all over the world. (Engels wordt over de hele wereld gesproken.)

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Present Simple Passive
Zet de volgende zinnen om naar de passieve vorm.
1. People speak Spanish in Mexico.

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

2. Chefs use these ingredients in many dishes.

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

3. Manufacturers produce millions of plastic bottles every year.

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

Present Continuous Passive

Structuur: am/is/are being + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die nu aan de gang zijn.

Voorbeeld: The house is being painted. (Het huis wordt geschilderd.)
The car is being repaired right now. (De auto wordt nu gerepareerd.)
A new school is being built in our town. (Er wordt een nieuwe school gebouwd in onze stad.)

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Present Continuous Passive
1. The company is launching a new product.

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

2. The team is preparing a presentation for the meeting.

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

3. Someone is painting the community center this week.

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

Past Simple Passive

Structuur: was/were + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die in het verleden zijn afgerond en waarbij het niet belangrijk is wie ze heeft uitgevoerd.
The cake was made by my sister. (De taart werd door mijn zus gemaakt.)
The windows were cleaned last week. (De ramen werden vorige week schoongemaakt.)
A letter was sent to you yesterday. (Er werd gisteren een brief naar jou verstuurd.)

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Past Simple Passive
1. Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

2. The chef cooked a delicious meal last night.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

3. A famous artist painted this mural in 1985.

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

Past Continuous Passive

Structuur: was/were being + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die in het verleden aan de gang waren.
The song was being sung by her. (Het lied werd door haar gezongen.)
The house was being painted when it started to rain. (Het huis werd geschilderd toen het begon te regenen.)
Dinner was being made when I arrived. (Het diner werd gemaakt toen ik aankw

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Past Continuous Passive
1. The employees were giving a presentation when the fire alarm sounded.

Slide 19 - Question ouverte

2. The mechanics were repairing the car all morning.

Slide 20 - Question ouverte

3. People were discussing the issue when I left the room.

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

Present Perfect Passive

Structuur: have/has been + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die in het verleden zijn begonnen en invloed hebben op het heden.

The homework has been completed. (Het huiswerk is voltooid.)
The report has been finished by the student. (Het rapport is door de student voltooid.)
The trees have been planted by the community. (De bomen zijn door de gemeenschap geplant.)

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Passive
1. Researchers have discovered a new planet.

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

2. The company has released a new software update.

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

3. The team has completed the project successfully.

Slide 25 - Question ouverte

Past Perfect Passive

Structuur: had been + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die voor een bepaald moment in het verleden zijn afgerond.

The book had been read by the time the class started. (Het boek was gelezen tegen de tijd dat de les begon.)
The songs had been sung by many before she tried. (De liedjes waren door velen gezongen voordat zij het probeerde.)
The documents had been sent before the meeting began. (De documenten waren verstuurd voordat de vergadering begon.)

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Past Perfect Passive
1. The authorities had announced the decision before the protest started.

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

2. The chef had prepared the feast before the guests arrived.

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

3. They had finished the construction by the end of the year.

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

Future Simple Passive (Future Will)

Structuur: will be + past participle
Gebruik: Voor acties die in de toekomst zullen plaatsvinden.

The cake will be baked by my mother. (De taart zal door mijn moeder gebakken worden.)
The results will be announced next week. (De resultaten zullen volgende week bekendgemaakt worden.)
A new president will be elected tomorrow. (Er zal morgen een nieuwe president gekozen worden.)

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Future Simple Passive (Future Will)
1. Scientists will discover a cure for the disease.

Slide 31 - Question ouverte

2. The company will launch the new product next month.

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

3. They will announce the winners at the end of the ceremony.

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

H(Grammar)blz. 93
Opdracht 41(A,B,C) 42

Opdracht 47(A,B) 48(B en C)

Finished? Please go to ONLINE SLIM STAMP.

Slide 34 - Diapositive