Cette leçon contient 17 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 45 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Creative writing 1 : The start of a story
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Project overview
Every lesson we will look at a new aspect of writing a story.
The lesson consists of 2 things:
1) Theory and practice
2) Writing your own short story (and hand in via SOM)
Slide 2 - Diapositive
How often do you read for fun?
Slide 3 - Sondage
What makes you interested in reading?
Slide 4 - Question ouverte
An interesting start
The start of a story determines if you want to keep reading or put down the book again.
You will learn what a good start to a story is and write your own captivating story introduction.
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Assignment 1
The next slides have different examples of the start of a story. Read the story and type your feedback:
- Is it a good start? Why (not)?
- Would this motivate you to continue? Why?
Slide 6 - Diapositive
"Grandma was laying out the cups for the funeral tea when I remembered I had left the safe open"
Slide 7 - Question ouverte
"It was a dark night."
Slide 8 - Question ouverte
"Emma had yellow hair and blue eyes and was madly in love with her boyfriend Greg?"
Slide 9 - Question ouverte
"I'm watching the cars crash again. I got here just in time."
Slide 10 - Question ouverte
What kinds of elements did you notice that make you want to continue reading?
Slide 11 - Question ouverte
Your turn!
The next slides have a prompt.
Write an interesting story introduction in 4 sentences about the prompt.
Slide 12 - Diapositive
Write a story intro in 4 sentences: A boy finds something hidden in the grass.
Slide 13 - Question ouverte
Write a story intro in 4 sentences: Your mom finds your bad report card
Slide 14 - Question ouverte
Create your own character
The characters in a story may not be real, but should definitely feel real to create depth and emotion in the story. They are our viewpoint into the story.
But, designing a character is not easy. Like yourself, characters are complex and have many layers.
Slide 15 - Diapositive
Write your own story
Every lesson we will continue working on a story in which we will get to know your character better via diary entrees.
You will write your story in a word doc and hand in at the end of each lesson.
What happens, how it happens and what effect this has on your character is completely up to you.
Slide 16 - Diapositive
Time to create your character
We'll start small, with their appearance.
What does your character look like? Make a list and include the following: hair, eyes, skin, height, weight, build, etc.
Choose one aspect of their appearance (a detail) and elaborate: bitten nails, frizzy hair, a scar, etc.
Write a short story in which your character is looking in the mirror or write a short scene in which another person first sees your character.