Technical theater

Lesson aim
Moodboard assignment
Technical plan and practice
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DramaMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 38 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Technical theater

Lesson aim
Moodboard assignment
Technical plan and practice

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Subject: I understand how to use technical theatre to create our chosen natural disaster

Language: I can create stories with a clear start middle and end

Personal: I can work effectively as a group member

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This lesson: moodboard assignment/script+technical plan

 Next week: moodboard presentation/perform for feedback

25th June: test!

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Assignment 1 Mood board plan
You will be creating your moodboard

The moodboard needs to be split into: Your inspiration photo, lights, sound, set and costume
If you need online images you must print them and stick them on
Use: felt pens (stiften), scissors, glue and any other decoration you want to add.

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Moodboard example

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How to start your presentation  - start-middle-end

Discuss each part: Light, sound, costume, set

Atmosphere, colours, emotions

Explain why!!!!!!!

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Assignment 2: give the victims a voice!

Create a  performance in which you give the victims of a natural disaster a voice
  • How did they cope during the ND?
  • Show the effects of the ND on them
  • Think about the format of the performance: vlog,
     news item, interview, etc.
  • Make a technical plan to support your performance!
  • 4 people/performance should last 3 - 5 minutes

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Medieval comic

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Step 1
Each group member + drama book
Decide on the start middle and end of your story

Now write your script
Remember the w's and backstory!
How will you make sure everyone has the same amount to say?

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Step 2 technical plan
Get the technical plan worksheet from the teacher

Fill in what you need on your worksheet

Decide who you would like to do your lights and sound 
(we will practise this next week)


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Group acting B1H
Group technicians B1H
Emma Sophie Melissa Mahita
Adeline, Zuzanna Izzah Latifa
Adeline, Zuzanna Izzah Latifa
Emma Sophie Melissa Mahita
Raid Kenta Phillip Quin
Jelle Jay Rhean Zephaan Dexter
Jelle Jay Rhean Zephaan Dexter
Levy Franek Matthieu Jonah Trevor
Levy Franek Matthieu Jonah Trevor
Raid Kenta Phillip Quin

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Step 3 rehearse!
Remember acting skills!!!
Body language, facial expressions, voice, energy, concentration

Extra tip: remember to react to what is said or is happening

Groups tip: give each other feedback on this!!!


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Aim check
Subject: I understand how to use technical theatre to create our chosen natural disaster

Language: I can create stories with a clear start middle and end

Personal: I can work effectively as a group member

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Each group practises lights/sound and performs

Feedback on: performance

Fill in feedback form - how will you adapt your performance based on your feedback?

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Get ready!!
10 minute try out - sound and lights people for your group

Sound clips sent to Mevrouw van Pelt via teams chat

Feedback forms filled in

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Get the feedback worksheet from the teacher

Discuss what you need to change and how

Write down any notes for the technicians

Discuss it with your technicians too

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Time to shine!

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How have you learned to adapt?

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That's all folks

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B1i    Acting
B1i   Technical
Nikola, Ray, Zain, Rafael
Davey, Lina, Aedan, Noah
Joris, Sebastian, Varun, Bram
Gina, Kayne, Wesley, Jennah
Davey, Lina, Aedan, Noah
Nikola, Ray, Zain, Rafael
Soraya, Noor, Megan, Shevaun
Alysia, Zunairah, Eline, Emily
Alysia, Zunairah, Eline, Emily
Soraya, Noor, Megan, Shevaun
Gina, Kayne, Wesley, Jennah
Joris, Sebastian, Varun, Bram

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How to...

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Start assignment

Practise your script with your group to help you start memorising the words!


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Subject: I understand how to use technical theatre to create our chosen natural disaster

Language: I can create stories with a clear start middle and end

Personal: I can work effectively as a group member

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Rehearsal 1: rehearse your performance with your group
Rehearsal 2  - rehearse your technical with your technical group
Watch the performance
You grade your performance

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Test next week

Not in the class?

Come back with your own and your tech group during test week!

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Group acting B1H
Group technicians B1H
Emma Sophie Melissa Mahita
Adeline, Zuzanna Izzah Latifa
Adeline, Zuzanna Izzah Latifa
Emma Sophie Melissa Mahita
Raid Kenta Phillip Quin
Jelle Jay Rhean Zephaan Dexter
Jelle Jay Rhean Zephaan Dexter
Levy Franek Matthieu Jonah Trevor
Levy Franek Matthieu Jonah Trevor
Raid Kenta Phillip Quin

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Assignment 2: give the victims a voice!

Create a  performance in which you give the victims of a natural disaster a voice
  • How did they cope during the ND?
  • Show the effects of the ND on them
  • Think about the format of the performance: vlog,
     news item, interview, etc.
  • Make a technical plan to support your performance!
  • 4 people/performance should last 3 - 5 minutes

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Medieval comic

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Step 3 rehearse!
Remember acting skills!!!
Body language, facial expressions, voice, energy, concentration

Extra tip: remember to react to what is said or is happening

Groups tip: give each other feedback on this!!!


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Get ready!!
10 minute try out - sound and lights people for your group

5 minutes per group!

Sound clips sent to Mevrouw van Pelt via teams chat

Not doing your technical - rehearse, discuss costumes/set etc

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Time to shine!

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Get the feedback worksheet from the teacher

Discuss what you need to change and how

Write down any notes for the technicians

Discuss it with your technicians too

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Aim check
Subject: I understand how to use technical theatre to create our chosen natural disaster

Language: I can create stories with a clear start middle and end

Personal: I can work effectively as a group member

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That's all folks

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