Formative Test (H4/A4) - English Tenses

Formative Test
Formative Test - Grammar
H4 and A4

Past Simple - Present Perfect - Past Continuous - Present Simple - Present Continuous - Future Tenses 
1 / 34
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 34 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 30 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Formative Test
Formative Test - Grammar
H4 and A4

Past Simple - Present Perfect - Past Continuous - Present Simple - Present Continuous - Future Tenses 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Formative Test - Grammar
This is a formative test about "English tenses".
That means this test is only meant to gauge to what degree you have understood the different tenses in English. 
You will not be graded; however, your level of success on this test will determine how much work you have left to reach the level you need to reach.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

  • For each of the following sentences, write down the form of the verb that is required. Don't use any capital letters, punctuation, extra spacing or abbreviations [afkortingen]. 
  • Example:
    Last week, the girl (to leave) to visit America.

    Your answer: left

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Two years ago, my father (to buy) an expensive car.

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

While I (to tidy) my room, my mother suddenly called for me.

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

"When's the last time he (to visit) your grandparents?"

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

I'm sorry, but Fione cannot dance now. She (to break) one of her legs.

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

Anne Frank (to be) a Jewish girl who lived during WWII.

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

Currently, I (to work) on a fascinating project.

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

What (to think, you)? You could've gotten yourself injured!

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Every time my teacher (to give) me that speech, I just stop listening.

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

I (to feed, not) the animals yet. I've completely forgotten to!

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

She applied for the job, but unfortunately she (to make) the cut.

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

In all my life, I (to feel, never) so happy.

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

Next year, we (to go) on vacation to Thailand.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Right now, the man (to sing) that he "can move mountains".

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

I (to want, always) to have a place of my own, but I cannot afford to buy one now.

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

(to dance, you, ever) the tango?

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

I (to study) for my exam all night, officer. That's why I didn't hear the noise.

Slide 19 - Question ouverte

The little boy (to fall) off his bike when he tried to swerve away.

Slide 20 - Question ouverte

Approximately one century ago, it (to be) forbidden to sell alcohol in America.

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

Roxanne (to be) a fan of Lady Gaga since 2016.

Slide 22 - Question ouverte

The bus (to leave) at 2 o'clock sharp. So make sure you're not late.

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

I (to see, not) the accident that happened yesterday.

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

The gardener (to cut down) the tree branch that had grown too big.

Slide 25 - Question ouverte

I (to hear, just) the craziest story about you!

Slide 26 - Question ouverte

His wife (to whip up) a delicious meal tonight.

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

I (to be) severely disappointed in you right now!

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

(to scare, I) you right now?

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

The boy (to get) a different meal each day.

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

I (to think, not) that you would get so upset about this.

Slide 31 - Question ouverte

You (to upset, really) me just now. I can't believe you'd do that...

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

So far, I (to find, not) anything that would seem to indicate that.

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

Let's see how you (to do) on this test!

Slide 34 - Question ouverte