Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 60 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Learning goals
At the end of this lesson you can compare a religious ritual with a normal ritual.
Practice speaking & reading English.
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Match pictures to words
Holding hands
Slide 2 - Diapositive
1. Draw something you always do at home at the same time of day.
2. Add English words to your drawing.
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Religious rituals
Rite of passage
Slide 4 - Diapositive
Normal ritual
Something you do at a fixed time or at special events.
brushing your teeth every morning
celebrating a birthday
lighting fireworks for New Year's Eve
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Religious ritual
Ritual with words, actions and symbols with a deeper meaning.
With a connection to something higher (God/gods) and other people.
Slide 6 - Diapositive
Religious ritual
words: "I baptise you..."
actions: water on the head
symbol: water
deeper meaning: water = being clean from bad things
connection: belonging to God and Christians
Slide 7 - Diapositive
Normal ritual
Religious ritual
Shopping every last wednesday of the month.
Going to church every Sunday.
Fasting in Ramadan.
Doing your hair every morning.
Making a cross before playing football.
Slide 8 - Question de remorquage
Slide 9 - Lien
Think - Pair - Share
1. Alone - Think of 3 actions from the clip: what did people do?
2. Alone - Write down what each action means: why did people do it?
3. In pairs - Discuss your answers, see if you think of new ideas/answers.
4. We share our answers in class.
Slide 10 - Diapositive
Rite of passage
Ritual for the change from one part of life to another.
Example1 : from child to adult.
Example 2: from single to married.
Slide 11 - Diapositive
What other changes from one part of life to another can you think of?
Slide 12 - Question ouverte
Which of these are rites of passage?
Baptism (=doop)
Going to school
Slide 13 - Quiz
Which of these is a rite of passage?
Graduation ceremony (diploma uitreiking)
Starting a job
Celebrating Christmas
Winning a World Cup
Slide 14 - Quiz
NL: Opdracht op papier
Bedenk een ritueel bij één van de volgende gelegenheden: a) volwassen worden, b) lid worden van een vereniging.
Beschrijf voor je ritueel alle onderdelen: words,actions,symbols,deeper meaningand connection.
Gebruik minimaal 50 woorden (in totaal).
Slide 15 - Diapositive
NL: Schrijf 3 dingen op die je deze les hebt geleerd
Slide 16 - Question ouverte
NL: Stel 1 vraag over iets dat je deze les nog niet zo goed hebt begrepen
Slide 17 - Question ouverte
Important words
special event = speciale gebeurtenis normal ritual = normaal ritueel religious ritual = godsdienstig ritueel rite of passage = overgangsritueel connection = band meaning = betekenis