Cette leçon contient 31 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.
Éléments de cette leçon
Chapter 4 Jointed skeletons
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In this chapter you will learn
4.1 Different types of skeletons
4.2 Your skeleton and your posture
4.3 Material of the skeleton
4.4 Joints that make you move
4.5 Muscles
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4.1 Different types of skeletons
Open your workbook on page 86
What type of skeletons are described is this section?
Hydrostatic skeleton
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An endoskeleton is also called a .................................
Internal skeleton
Which animals have an endoskeleton?
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
What are the characteristics of an endoskeleton?
it's made of bone. It can repair itself. It grows with the rest of the body
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the bones of the forearms and lower legs of a frog are fused into one bone. This makes the bones strong enough in order to make powerful jumps and landings possible.
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the cheetah's shoulder blades are not fixed to the collarbone so that the shoulders can move freely. These and other changes give the cheetah a stride of 8 meters!
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starfish and sea urchins have a
endoskeleton. The hard skin and spikes serve as protection
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The exoskeleton or ............................. covers the body like your skin.
external skeleton
Which animals have an exoskeleton?
insects, crabs, lobsters and spiders
What are two disadvantages of an exoskeleton?
can not grow and can not repair itself.
What happens when an animal with a exoskeleton has to grow?
it has to moult (vervellen)
Where is an exoskeleton made off?
it is made of chintin. which looks like cellulose like a cellwall
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animals with an external skeleton are never very large, because the skeleton is very heavy. The titan beatle is the biggest animal with an external skeleton.
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What about shells, are they still an exoskeleton?
Shells like a Clam are made of chalk.
It grows by adding more chalk to it's shell.
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Hydrostatic skeleton
What kind of animals have an hydrostatic skeleton?
Cold blooded and soft bodied animals, such as worms and water slugs.
What are the benefits of this type of skeletons?
It can move very flexible, because of the fluid shape of the skeleton.
Protection of the internal organs by bumps and shocks
Perfect in water, useless on land.
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Yellyfish has an hydroskeleton
Perfect in water but useless on land.
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What to do..
Make the exercises of 4.1
Practice flashcards
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4.2 Your skeleton and your posture
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Skeletal system = all 206 bones together
body shape and support
to move
protect internal organs
Parts of the human skeleton
rib cage
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Skull. schedel
upperjaw/maxilla. bovenkaak
lowerjaw/mandible onderkaak
collar bone/clavicle sleutelbeen
shoulder blade/ scapula. schouderblad
ulna ellepijp
radius spaakbeen
humerus. opperarmbeen
breastbone/sternum borstbeen
vertebra werfels
carpals handwortelbeentjes
metacarpels. middenhandsbeentjes
phalanges vingerkootjes
hip bone heupbeen
sacrum heiligbeen
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15. Tailbone/ coccyx. staartbeen
16. Femur. dijbeen
17 knee cap/ patella. knieschijf
18. shinbone/tibia scheenbeen
19. calfbone/fibula. kuitbeen
heelbone. hiel
tarsals. voetwortelbeentjes
metatarsels. middenvoetsbeentjes
phalanges. teenkootjes
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spine or backbone
the characteristics of your spine:
main support structure
keeping you upright
carries the weight of your head, torso and arms
move your body in many directions
connection for other bones and muscles
bones in the spine are called vertebrae
protects the spinal cord = important part of the nervous system.
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intervertebral discs
made of sort flexible material called cartilage
posture = the position in which you hold your body.
Good posture:
double s shape
stabel and flexible
shock absorber
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Do the exercises of 4.2 and 4.3
learn the bones of page 91 -> English names test friday after the break
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Joints that make you move!
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hand in your summary of..
4.4 joints that make you move!
make a sharp picture of pictures of your summary
go to teams: opdrachten
upload it in the map: 'Summary 4.4 1hv-t'
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What are the 3 types of joint?
fibrous joints ( naadverbinding)
cartilaginous joints ( kraakbeenverbinding)
synovial joints (gewrichten)
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fibrous joints
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cartilaginous joints
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synovial joints
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Types of synovial joints
pivot joint: allow the joint to roll (pivot) around eachother.
ball and socket joint: can move in almost every possible direction