Unit 1: Typisch Nederland

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NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1-6

Cette leçon contient 31 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

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Lesson plan: 23 August
1. Dutch B @ the ISB

2. Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

3. Vocabulary exercises

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Dutch B @ ISB
  • 4 periods in a year -> 4 units in a year 
  • 3 lessons a week: Unitlesson, language skills and grammar
  • Assesment is based on 4 criteria (language skills)
- Listening skill
- Reading skill
- Writing skill
- Speaking skill 
--> Every period 2 criteria will be tested in a summative. Before every summative you will get a formative to get an idea about your level. 

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Unit 1: How to be Dutch?
  • Unit about Dutch culture:
- What is a culture?
- Typical Dutch habits and customs
- Culture and language 

  • 2 summatives
- Criterion B: Reading test
- Criterion D: Writing test

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Before we start with the unit...
  • Create a new folder in your Google Drive with the name 'Your name - Dutch B - MYP...'
  • Share this folder with me (sjansen@isbreda.com)
  • Create a new folder in your Dutch B folder with the name 'Unit 1 - Typisch Nederlands. You don't need to share this folder again! 
  • Make sure there is already a Google Document in the folder: 
'Classwork' --> Document for little tasks we do in the lesson 

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Wat is typisch voor Nederland?

Slide 6 - Carte mentale

Lesson plan: 28 augustus
1. Vocabulaire oefeningen: School en vriendschap 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 30 augustus
1. Vocabulaire oefeningen: School en vriendschap  - Correctie

2. Grammatica - Hebben en zijn

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 4 september
1. Grammatica - Hebben en zijn

2. Luisteroefening: Wat doen toeristen in Nederland? 
(Google Drive) 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Questions: Een dagje uit
1. Waarom is Laura moe? 
2. Wat gaan Laura en Rob op Texel doen?
3. Hoe lang zijn Li en Zhou in in Europa? 
4. Welke plaatsen bezoeken Li en Zhou in Europa? 
5. Wat vinden Li en Zhou van Nederland? Noem 3 dingen. 
6. Waarom heet Giethoorn het 'Venetië van Nederland'?
7. Wat kun je in Giethoorn doen? 
8. Hoe kennen Farida en Eva elkaar?
9. Hoe lang duurde de treinreis van Farida en Eva?
10. Wat hebben de vriendinnen in Rotterdam gedaan? 
11. Ben jij in Texel, Giethoorn of Rotterdam geweest? Wat vond je de leukste plaats en waarom?

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Lesson plan: 11 September
1. Leesoefening: De Efteling (Google Drive

2. Vocabulaire oefeningen: School en vriendschap

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 18 September
1. Nakijken oefeningen 'School en Vriendschap' 

2. Spreekformative: Nederlandse gewoonten 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Task: present a Dutch habit or custom
1. Put together a little presentation (use Slides/Canva) about a Dutch habit or custom. You can choose which Dutch habit or custom you want to learn more about! Examples: https://accidentallydutch.com/guides-to-holland/19-strange-dutch-habits
(Do not choose traditions or celebrations!)
2. Make sure to explain to your classmates what your Dutch habit or custom is about, provide information (why do Dutch people do this) and why you chose it.
3. Present your Dutch habit or custom in Dutch. (You may use keywords)

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Lesson plan: 19 September
1. Spreekformative: Nederlandse gewoonten: Preparation time

2. Leesoefening boekje 'Op reis door Nederland'. 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Questions: Een dagje uit
1. Waarom is Laura moe? 
2. Wat gaan Laura en Rob op Texel doen?
3. Hoe lang zijn Li en Zhou in in Europa? 
4. Welke plaatsen bezoeken Li en Zhou in Europa? 
5. Wat vinden Li en Zhou van Nederland? Noem 3 dingen. 
6. Waarom heet Giethoorn het 'Venetië van Nederland'?
7. Wat kun je in Giethoorn doen? 
8. Hoe kennen Farida en Eva elkaar?
9. Hoe lang duurde de treinreis van Farida en Eva?
10. Wat hebben de vriendinnen in Rotterdam gedaan? 
11. Ben jij in Texel, Giethoorn of Rotterdam geweest? Wat vond je de leukste plaats en waarom?

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Lesson plan: 25 September
1. Exercises in 'Op reis door Nederland' 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 20 September 
1. Quiz: Facts about The Netherlands

2. Listening exercise: Wat doen toeristen in Nederland? 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 25 September 
1. Grammar writing exercises 
--> Google Drive

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 29 September 
1. Exercises in the booklet 
- Verkeer en Nederland

2. Preparation speaking exercise (=Homework Wednesday): Interview

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Lesson plan: 2 October
1. Preparation speaking exercise (=Homework Wednesday): Interview

2. Done? 
Exercise 16 (read the text on page 190 - 191) + exercise 18 (you may use the internet) 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: What is The Netherlands famous for?  

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Speaking exercise: interview
1. You are going to interview another student/teacher/parent about The Netherlands in Dutch with a little group of 2 students. (in Dutch!)
2. You are going to ask them 3 things they like about the Netherlands or Dutch people in general and 3 things they dislike. Ask them why!
3. Choose someone who can answer you in Dutch. 
4. Prepare the interview: Think of introducing yourself, explaining why you will ask the questions and how you will ask the questions.
5. Record the video  and write a short summary (in Dutch) of the interview: questions and answers. 

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Present your interview
Your presentation is in Dutch!
1. Explain who you interviewed and how the interview went. 
2. Summarise the answers: what were the 3 things he/she liked about the Netherlands and the 3 things he/she disliked.
3. Explain why the person you interviewed liked and disliked these Dutch things. 

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Lesson plan: 4 October
1. Speaking exercise: Interviews

2. Preparation speaking summative: A presentation about The Netherlands

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: How is the Dutch culture different from your own culture? 

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Lesson plan: 25 October
1. Exercises in the red booklet (Op reis door Nederland)

2. New students: Reading exercises 

Friday: Reading summative! 

Unit 1: How to be Dutch?

Inquiry question: How is the Dutch culture different from your own culture? 

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How is the Dutch culture different from your own culture?
Tell about your country (where you lived before you came to The Netherlands) to another student. Tell them about:
- Het weer
- De mensen
- De natuur
- De stad of dorp waar je woonde
- De school 
Phase 1: English
Phase 2+3: Dutch

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Writing exercise: de vergrotende trap (the comparative) 
Een appel is rond 
--> Een appel is ronder dan een banaan
Een stuk chocolade is lekker
--> Een stuk chocolade is lekkerder dan spruitjes 
Nederlanders zijn lang 
--> Nederlanders zijn langer dan Italianen 
In Nederland regent het even vaak als in Engeland. 

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Writing exercise: de vergrotende trap (the comparative) 
You are going to write a short text about the differences and similarities between The Netherlands and your country of choice . 

--> Write 15 short sentences. Keep it simple and use the comparative.

--> Write your text in your 'classwork' document. Use the subtitle 'Writing exercise the comparative'

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What should be in a tourist brochure? (content and lay-out)

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Writing exercise: make a tourist brochure for The Netherlands
Imagine you work at a travel agency. They gave you the task to make a tourist brochure about the Netherlands. You need to give tourists information about The Netherlands and ideas for places they can visit. 
  • You are going to make the tourist brochure in Dutch. 
  • You can use a Google Document (or other template) and include pictures. 
  • You can use your laptop to look up words and you can ask help from your classmates.
  • This tourist brochure will be graded as a formal formative. 
  • You will get time in class to finish the brochure. 
Phase 1: 100 words
Phase 2: 150 words
Phase 3: 250 words 

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Things to Include in a Travel Flyer

• Brief summary of the setting, with highlights of important places
• Location, including a map
• Geography
• Major cities, Well-known places
• Historic Sites and Landmarks
• Recreation and Outdoor Activities—parks, sports, water
• Entertainment
• Climate and overall weather conditions

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Things to Include in a Travel Flyer

• Arts and Culture, including museums, theaters, places to visit
• Languages and Local Dialect
• Food that the area is known for
• Pictures/Graphics

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