Listen to english videos at least 15 minutes a day. You can do this in the gym, on public transport, etc.
Make sure you practice with the British accent.
Slide 12 - Diapositive
watching strategies
underline the important words in the answers that indicate what the answer is really about.
If you doubt between two answers: ask yourself which answer was mostly present in the fragment? What is it really about and what is a detail?
look for synonyms. Sometimes a synonym of a word in the answers is used in the video.
Slide 13 - Diapositive
watching strategies
vertaal de vraag voor jezelf naar het Engels dus bijvoorbeeld: "Wat vragen archeologen zich af....?" -> dan kan er een woorden komen als "they question" / "they puzzle"
het woord "hoogte" is belangrijk in de vraag -> wat is de Engels vertaling dan?
Slide 14 - Diapositive
Let's practice!
Go to Woots on your laptop > inloggen met entree > skillevels
1 = makkelijk, 3 = moeilijkste. Kies je niveau
Klaar met oefenen in Woots? Holmwoods -> 2 passes listening, 2 passes reading
Slide 15 - Diapositive
Slide 16 - Diapositive
Tomorrow's class
We will practice with examenbundel, make sure to bring it with you.
Thursday: finish exam text + repeat the vocab
Friday: 2 passes reading, 2 passes listening in Holmwoods
Friday: SO listening, you do not need to study for this.