international relations

'International Relations'
Main theories: Realism versus liberalism
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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 20 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 40 min

Éléments de cette leçon

'International Relations'
Main theories: Realism versus liberalism

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

  • I know four main theories about the behaviour of national states 
  • I can can explain these theories by looking at their key concepts. 
  • I can link the theories to different statements

Slide 2 - Diapositive

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Staten streven naar eigenbelang door de macht van de eigen staat te
vergroten met behulp van militaire macht, hulpbronnen en informatie.
States strive for self-interest by increasing the power of their own state using military power, resources, and information.

Slide 3 - Quiz

Je antwoord hangt af van de theorie die je hebt.
Realist theories
  • Every state fights for a struggle for survival
  • Conflict threat is the standard situation of international relations.
  • States strive for self-interest by increasing the power of their own state using military power, resources, and information.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 101 in het lesboek van Seneca
Security dilemma of nation states:
In the absence of a great power or supranational organization (UN), security must be enhanced by military power. But if all states will participate, there will be an arms race.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 101 in het lesboek van Seneca
According to realists, peace shall come if...
  1. ..... enough states trust each other... 
  2. ...or one state is dominant (hegemony of one superpower)...
  3. ....there is some form of power balance (a stand-off)
  4. But peace is just an interval between periods of war (von Clauswitz)

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 101 in het lesboek van Seneca
Liberal theories
  • Emphasis on the common interests of states.
  • common interests in trade: interdependence.
  • The national interest does not exist, but there are partial interests.
  • The interests of actors other than states are (or should be) more central. 

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 102 in het lesboek van Seneca
Supranational agreements
Agreements between States whereby states limit their autonomy to certain rules and agreements or to a High(er) Authority

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Denk bij een Hoge Autoriteit aan bijvoorbeeld de Europese Commissie. 

Zie pagina 102 in het lesboek van Seneca

George F. Kennan formuleerde de containment policy, een strategie om de Sovjet-Unie te omringen met bondgenoten van de VS. Hoort dit bij de realistische of liberale theorieën?
George F. Kennan formulated the containment policy, a strategy to surround the Soviet Union with allies of the US. Is this part of the realistic or liberal theories?
Realistische theories
Liberal theories

Slide 9 - Quiz

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  social constructivistic theories
  • Emphasis on people's perceptions in explaining the behavior of states.

  • The image of reality determines action in the physical world.
  • Politicians make decisions based on what "seems like the right thing to do" rather than what works well.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 103 in het lesboek van Seneca
Marxist theories
  • Emphasis on inequality between rich and poor states.
  • Rich countries export culture, weapons and expensive technology and import cheap resources.
  • Conflicts between states are explained by conflicts over resources
  • The main explanation for understanding international relations is the global economy

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Zie pagina 102 in het lesboek van Seneca

Singer en Prebisch hebben beide de Dependencia-theorie ontwikkeld. Deze theorie voorspelt dat ontwikkelingslanden afhankelijk zijn van ontwikkelde landen. Ze zijn steeds minder in staat om goederen uit ontwikkelde landen te importeren, omdat de prijzen voor ruwe grondstoffen zullen dalen. Hoort dit bij de marxistische of sociaal-constructivistische theorieën?
Singer and Prebisch developed the Dependencia theory. This theory predicts that developing countries are dependent on more developed countries. They are less and less able to import goods from developed countries, because the prices for raw materials will fall. Is this part of Marxist or social constructivist theories?
Marxist theories
Social-Construct theories

Slide 12 - Quiz

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In zijn boek Social Theory of International Politics heeft de wetenschappen Wendt gesteld dat 'anarchie is wat staten ervan maken', waarmee hij bedoelde dat de anarchistische staat van de internationale betrekkingen niets meer is dan een sociaal idee dat door staten wordt gereproduceerd. Bij welke theorie hoort deze uitspraak?
In his book Social Theory of International Politics, the sciences Wendt has argued that 'anarchy is what states make of it', by which he meant that the anarchist state of international relations is nothing more than a social idea reproduced by states. To which theory does this statement belong?
Marxist theories
Social-Construct theories
Realist theories

Slide 13 - Quiz

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Joseph S. Nye schreef diversie boeken waarin hij schreef dat de wereld een complexe interdependentie kent. In The Paradox of American Power maakt hij een onderscheid tussen 'hard' en 'soft' power. Het eerste verwijst naar militaire capaciteiten en het tweede onder andere naar economische en diplomatieke middelen. Een lnad heeft beide nodig, aldus Nye.
Joseph S. Nye wrote several books in which he wrote that the world has a complex interdependence. In The Paradox of American Power he makes a distinction between 'hard' and 'soft' power. The first refers to military capabilities and the second, among other things, to economic and diplomatic means. A country needs both, Nye says.
Realist theories
Marxist theories
Liberal theories
Social-Construct theories

Slide 14 - Quiz

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Kenneth N. Waltz schreef in Theory of International Politics dat er niet een anarchistische toestand in de wereld is die staten tot een veiligheidsdilemma brengt. Waltz beargumenteert dat er binnen staten juist orde is door de overheid, die geweld tussen burgers beteugelt. Alleen tussen staten bestaat geen hogere autoriteit zoals de overheid. Dit verklaart waarom er oorlog plaats kan vinden.
Kenneth N. Waltz wrote in Theory of International Politics that there is no anarchist condition in the world that leads states to a security dilemma. Waltz argues that there is order within states by the government, which curbs violence between citizens. Only between states there is no higher authority such as the government. This explains why war can take place.
Realist theories
Marxist theories
Social-Construct theories
Liberal Therories

Slide 15 - Quiz

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Sleep het begrip naar de juiste theorie.
Realistische theorieën
Liberale theorieën
Marxistische theorieën
Sociaal-constructivistische theorieën
Politiek-psychologische theorieën
Verwevenheid van staten
frame of reference

Slide 16 - Question de remorquage

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Wat heb je geleerd deze les?
What did you learn this lesson?

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

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Wat heb ik geleerd deze les?
  • I know about four theories that have been developed about the behavior of nation states.
  • I know the most important concepts in the various theories
  • I can link the theories to different statements

Slide 18 - Diapositive

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Slide 19 - Lien

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Slide 20 - Lien

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