Cette leçon contient 45 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 3 vidéos.
La durée de la leçon est: 90 min
Éléments de cette leçon
Paragraph 5.4 The menstrual cycle
Slide 1 - Diapositive
Welcome to this lesson!
Today, we will be discussing the menstrual cycle of women
This is an important part of understanding how reproduction in humans work
It can be quite difficult, so please note any questions that come up so we can discuss them later via Zoom!
Slide 2 - Diapositive
Lesson goals
Introduction to the paragraph
Videos and explanation + inbetween questions in Lessonup
For some of you: time to already make the homework
Time to ask questions to the teacher
End of class + homework for next week
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Lesson goals
You can explain when menstruation happens in a female life and what the function is of menstruation
You can explain what happens during the different phases of menstruation
You can explain how hormones influence the menstruation and the female body
You can explain the role of oestrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH in the menstruation
Slide 4 - Diapositive
Let's start!
Take notes during the lesson in your notebook, this will help you get an overview. Do it at your own speed!
And again: write down any questions that come up so you can ask them at the end of this class via Zoom
Slide 5 - Diapositive
Each month, the female body prepares an egg cell to be fertilised
When that egg is not fertilised, the body will get rid of it. That is done through menstruation.
Fertilisation = bevruchting
Slide 6 - Diapositive
Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is the process that the female sex organs go through each month again; preparing an egg for fertilisation, and getting rid of it when it is not fertilised.
This whole process is regulated by hormones
This cycle generally lasts somewhere between 21 to 35 days, on average it is 28 days (that is why we normally count in months)
28 days = 4 weeks
Slide 7 - Diapositive
What regulates the menstrual cycle?
Blood flow
Slide 8 - Quiz
What develops every month in the female body?
Egg cell
Sperm cell
Slide 9 - Quiz
How many times a year does a women menstruate?
4 times
8 times
12 times
16 times
Slide 10 - Quiz
When do women menstruate?
When girls are born, all their egg cells are already formed in the ovaries
During puberty (between age of 12 and 15), most girls begin to menstruate the first time. Some start even earlier than 12, others only start at 18, which is completely normal.
A woman stops menstruating during the menopause, mostly between the age of 45 and 55 (but again, earlier or later is possible)
The age at which menstruation starts and ends depends on many things, including genetics, health, and diet.
Slide 11 - Diapositive
Where are all the premature eggs stored?
Slide 12 - Quiz
How many years does the average female menstruate?
Their whole life
Slide 13 - Quiz
In the next slide you will find a short video that gives a good introduction on the menstrual cycle.
Slide 14 - Diapositive
Slide 15 - Vidéo
How long do the most menstruations last?
1 day
2-7 days
7-14 days
28 days
Slide 16 - Quiz
In the next slides there will be some questions. If you don't know them yet, don't stress out. Write down questions and notes. You can always rewatch the video and after the questions, there will be more explaination about the menstrual cycle.
Slide 17 - Diapositive
Which hormones are involved in the menstrual cycle?
FSH and LH
Estrogen and Progesteron
FSH and estrogen
FSH, LH, Estrogen and Progesteron
Slide 18 - Quiz
What happens during ovulation?
Slide 19 - Question ouverte
Within how many hours does the egg have to be fertilized?
Within 1 hour
Within 2 hours
Within 12 hours
Within 24 hours
Slide 20 - Quiz
Which hormone prepares the uturus wall for implantation of the ferilized egg?
Slide 21 - Quiz
What happens during a menstruation?
Slide 22 - Question ouverte
The menstrual cycle
Again: the whole cycle generally repeats every 28 days
Menstruation itself is part of this cycle
During the rest of this lesson we will discuss the phases of the cycle, the hormones of the cycle, and the effects of the cycle
Slide 23 - Diapositive
Phases of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle contains 3 phases. During these phases changes are happening in three different places:
The ovaries (where the egg cells are)
The uterus (where the fertilised egg cell would grow)
The rest of the body (mainly side effects of the hormones)
Slide 24 - Diapositive
Phases of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle contains 3 phases:
The menstruation (also called period) - 4 to 6 days
Development of egg cell and making the uterus ready - about 8 days
Release of the egg cell and finishing the uterus - about 14 days
Slide 25 - Diapositive
In this image, the menstrual cycle is shown. Try to find the different phases!
This image gives the phases names, we will not use them (just phase 1, 2 and 3)
Slide 26 - Diapositive
Phase 1: menstruation
The menstrual cycle starts with the menstruation itself. This means that the uterus empties itself completely to prepare for the rest of the month
Menstrual flow: blood and other substances will flow out of the uterus, towards the vagina
This can cause cramps, bloating and other discomfort (generally not pleasant, but necessary)
Slide 27 - Diapositive
Phase 2: preparing the egg and uterus
In order for fertilisation to happen, we need an egg cell to be ready, and we need the uterus to be ready.
The egg cell develops (grows) under influence of FSH
The uterus starts building a lining on the inside where a fertilised egg cell could nestle under the influence of oestrogen
At the end of phase 2, the egg cell is ready and will come out
You could compare it to making a bed comfortable, because only a mattress is not enough. Add blankets, a pillow, ...
Slide 28 - Diapositive
The egg cell is ready, and will come out of the ovary to be fertilised (release is caused by LH)
This is what we call ovulation, which happens somewhere around day 15 of the cycle
The ovulation marks the end of phase 2 and starts phase 3
Slide 29 - Diapositive
Phase 3: release of egg cell and finishing the uterus
The egg cell has come out of the ovary, and is in the oviduct where it waits to be fertilised
This has to happen within 24 hours, otherwise the egg cell will die
The uterus keeps preparing for a fertilisation, so will grow the lining a bit more (caused by progesterone)
Slide 30 - Diapositive
Phase 3: release of egg cell and finishing the uterus
When the egg is fertilised: pregnancy will happen (paragraph 5.6)
When the egg is not fertilized: the uterus lining will start to break down again, and after a few days we will arrive back to the beginning of the cyle - the menstruation
(Phase 1 again): the uterus lining will flow out of the uterus together with blood and be disposed out of the body
Slide 31 - Diapositive
Time to check
There will be some questions on the next 4 slides. Check if you understand the menstrual cycle and take notes!
Slide 32 - Diapositive
Name the three phases of the menstrual cycle + explain in 1 sentence what happens in that phase
Tip: use your textbook to help you (pages 93+94)
Slide 33 - Question ouverte
What is excreted during menstruation?
Blood and tissue
Slide 34 - Quiz
Where will an egg (when it is fertilized) implant?
Slide 35 - Quiz
Link the hormone to the function! (and take notes of it when you don't know them)
Finishing the uterus lining
Developing the egg
Development of uterus lining
Causing ovulation
Slide 36 - Question de remorquage
The next video...
This is quite a complicated process, and is actually even more complicated than what we explained now.
You saw that I also included a bit about the hormones already. In the next slide, I have included a video that explains very well what the different hormones do. Please take notes!
You can ignore the part about hormones promoting and stopping each other, that's where it gets a bit difficult
Slide 37 - Diapositive
Slide 38 - Vidéo
Again the same question to see if you still know it! Link the hormone to the function.
Finishing the uterus lining
Developing the egg
Development of uterus lining
Causing ovulation
Slide 39 - Question de remorquage
Match the hormone with the correct graph
This is a really hard question so use your notes and your textbook (pages 93+94) to know when the peak is of the hormones
Slide 40 - Question de remorquage
Effects on the rest of the body
The menstrual cycle can have some effects on the rest of the body as well
Of course, during menstruation, it can cause cramps, back pain and bloating
It also has influence on: mood, behavior, eating, attraction,...
It depends on the cycle and on the person how much these things are affected (changes every month)
Slide 41 - Diapositive
The next video...
Is a short summary of the menstrual cycle
Watch it 2 times
The first time: watch and take notes if you didn't know something yet
The second time: watch and pause at several points to check if you know which hormones are involved at that specific point of the menstrual cycle
Hormones: FSH, LH, Oestrogen and Progesterone
Slide 42 - Diapositive
Slide 43 - Vidéo
Time left till Zoom meeting?
This was a very short overview of the menstrual cycle. I can understand that this is quite a difficult topic. So write down any questions you might have in the next slide of this lessonup