4rth of March V4 Gerund

4rth of March
1 / 19
Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 5 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

4rth of March

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Today's planning
  • Xtreme sports
  • Reading exercise + discussion
  • (Home)work
  • Check your answers

Teams master! 1 Student will keep an eye on the chat :)

Slide 2 - Diapositive

But first: Gerund
quick revision

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Which one is correct?
I absolutely despise to run every weekend.
They decided they were going home.
Let's go dancing at the club tonight.
Holly decided that to fly wasn't a good idea.

Slide 4 - Quiz

Make a sentence with a gerund yourself!

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

What's a gerund again?

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

I remember what a gerund is and how to use it
I do now
Yes, I already did!
A little

Slide 7 - Quiz

Extreme sports
Student book page 39
Workbook page 58

let's watch a video first

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Slide 9 - Vidéo

Slide 10 - Vidéo

Rank them in order of danger + which sports were named?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

Exercise 3 & 4 p 58
Together & alone 

15 min

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Slide 13 - Vidéo

What's this called? Would you ever do something like this?

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

  • People in class: will discuss in groups 
  • People at home: answer the questions in the lesson up :)

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Which sport do you think is the most dangerous and why?
Would you ever consider doing exreme sports and if so, which and why? 
Are you an adrenaline junkie? Exlplain! What do you think of the comparison made with drugs?
If you couldn't die, what extreme sports would you choose to do?

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Slide 17 - Vidéo

Slide 18 - Vidéo

Work on:
  • Read the Literature booklet p. 1,2,3
  • (Up until the Celts) (Teams)

  • Do ex. Workbook 4 & 6 & 14 
  • Done early? Ex. 12 & 13 (words)

Slide 19 - Diapositive

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