Unit 1: Is het lekker?

MYP 2 Unit 1: Is het lekker? 
1 / 38
Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 38 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

MYP 2 Unit 1: Is het lekker? 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 5 September
1. Getting started with the unit
- Unit about food and drinks
- Vocabulary: Eten en drinken

2. Woordweb: Eten en drinken

3. Lezen: Samen een hapje eten

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Getting started with the unit...
Before we start with the unit...
1. Create a new folder in your Dutch B folder with the name : Unit 1 - Is het lekker?

2. Make sure there is already 1 Google Document in the folder: 
-  'Classwork' --> Document for little tasks we do in the lesson 

3. Task: form a new vocabulary list: Eten en drinken of your own

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Eten en Drinken

Slide 4 - Carte mentale

Nederlands eten en drinken

Slide 5 - Carte mentale

Eten en drinken uit jouw cultuur

Slide 6 - Carte mentale

Lesson plan: 10 September
1. BKLIs het lekker?, blz 167 tot 170

2. Done? Vocabulary booklet
Finish Day 1 - NAKIJKEN

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 13 September
1. Vocabulary exercises: Samen een hapje eten, blz 166 -170
- Exercise 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

2. Done? Vocabulary booklet

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 13 September
1. Speaking exercise: Favourite food 
- Prepare your presentation

2. Done? Vocabulary booklet day 1

HW (+ lesson Friday): Finish your presentation + vocabulary booklet day 1

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 9 - Diapositive

One World Picnic
ISB one world picnic

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Werkbladen (working sheets)
Maak een goede zin:
write short sentences, DO NOT WRITE ON THE EXERCISE
Les 21 Smakelijk eten
Tweetallen (couples)
Write your answers in short sentences, NOT write on the exercise
FINISHED? : WORK ONLINE learn Dutch.org

Slide 11 - Diapositive

MYP 2 Vandaag 17-09-2024

Vocabulary booklet/ boekje woordenschat
Hoe ver zijn we allemaal?
Grammar: zinnen maken
Speaking exercise
www.learndutch.org on your laptop

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: Favourite food
Create a short presentation about your favourite food in Google Slides: 
1. Choose a favourite snack or dish from your culture + choose a favourite snack or dish from the Dutch culture
2. Create 2 slides: one for the food from your culture, one for the food from the Dutch culture. Add pictures!
3. Present the food in your slides in Dutch: 
- What is the food? Ingredients (rice, dough, potatoes,...), type of dish (breakfast, snack,...), how do you prepare it (fried, baked,..)
- What does the food taste like? (savoury, sweet, salty,...)
- Why is it your favourite food?
- Fun facts (2 in total)

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Cuberdon (neuzen)

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 12 September
1. Speaking exercise: Taalpingpong 

2. Reading exercise: Nationaal Schoolontbijt

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 19 September
1. Grammar: The imperative
- Exercise 6 + 7

3. Vocabulary: Food 
- Exercise 8 + 9 + 10

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 23 September
1. Exercise: 8 - 9 - 10

2. Vocabulary booklet: Eten en drinken

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 25 September 
1. Grammar: De voltooide tijd (Perfect tense) 
- Exercise 11 + 12

Done? Vocabulary booklet? 

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 18 - Diapositive

De voltooide tijd: Perfect tense
When: A single action in the past 
How: Hebben/zijn + voltooide tijd of the verb

Example: Ik heb in de tuin gespeeld 
                    Ik ben in de winkel geweest

Hebben/zijn? Most of the time 'hebben' but you will have to study it!
Voltooide tijd? Regular verbs: Rule / Irregular verbs: Study!

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Voltooide tijd of regular verbs
3 Step rule!
Step 1: Ge 
Step 2: Ik-form of the verb (spelen - ik speel)
Step 3: t/d 
SoFTKeTCHuP --> whole verb without -en --> Last letter in softketchup? --> T

Example: Spelen --> Ge + speel + d = gespeeld (Ik heb in de tuin gespeeld)

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 26 September
1. Voltooide tijd (Perfect tense)
--> Correction exercise 11 + 12

2. Extra worksheet Voltooide Tijd 

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 29 September
1. Vocabulary booklet: Eten en drinken

2. Quizlet live 

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 2 October
1. Smaken (Flavours) 
- Exercise 13 - 14 - 15 - 16

Done? Vocabulary booklet 

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 3 October
1. Writing formative: TOF 2 and TOF 3
- TOF2: In pairs of 2
Choose 1 task
Minimum 150 words! 

- TOF3: In pairs of 2
Create in Canva or Google document

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 6 October
1. Finish the writing formative 
(=HW Monday)

2. Done? Vocabulary booklet! 

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Letter to Ms Jansen (Formative)
Start with: Beste mevrouw Jansen, 
- Name 
- Age
- Place where you live
- Place where you were born
- Languages you speak
- How long you are in The Netherlands / Belgium 
- Hobbies
Optional: Siblings, pets,... 

End with: Groetjes, 'your name'

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9 October
1. Finish vocabulary booklet
(=HW next lesson!)

2. Done? Practise on Quizlet! 

Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 10 October
1. Vocabulary booklet:
Verbs check

2. https://www.nedbox.be/teaser/smoothies-lekker-en-gezond


Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 30 September
1. Speaking exercise: Favourite food 
- Presentations

2. Listening exercise: 

3. Done? Vocabulary booklet

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 10 October
1. Speaking exercises: 
- Taalpingpong
- Dialogue: At the restaurant

2. Preparation: Speaking formative

3. Instruction: Cover lessons
- Speaking formative
- Vocabulary booklet
- TOF 3: De uitnodiging
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 17 October
1. Speaking formative: 
- Dialogue: At the restaurant

2. Vocabulary booklet: Correction

3.  TOF 3: De uitnodiging
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 19 October
1. Vocabulary booklet: Correction

2. Eten en drinken: Extra exercises
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 31 October
1. Halloween Kahoot

2. Eten en drinken: Extra exercises
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 2 November
1. Eten en drinken: Extra exercises
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 6 November
1. Eten en drinken: Extra exercises
Unit 1: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 14 December
1. Speaking formative: TOF 2 
--> Prepare your dialogue 
(Minimal 10 lines) 

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 36 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 15 December
1. Speaking formative

Done? Study for the vocabulary booklet! 

Unit 2: Is het lekker?

Inquiry question: What does food say about your culture?  

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Summative: Speaking test
  • Prepare for your speaking summative with the same partner as in the formative.

  • You will get 2 lessons to prepare the dialogue. 

  • Next week, you will present the dialogue in the lesson. 

Slide 38 - Diapositive