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International mobility preparation online training session 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
Pedagogisch werkMBOStudiejaar 4

Cette leçon contient 48 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

International mobility preparation online training session 

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In this preparation training you will prepare for your internship abroad. 
You do this by completing 6 assignments:

  • Who am I? --> intercultural competences
  • My host country; cultural preparation 1  
  • host country; culture preparation 2 --> culture in host country
  • My host country; cultural preparation 3 --> culture internship
  • My host country; cultural preparation 4 --> rules & regulations
  • Logistic preparation
  • Final presentation

Time to complete assignments: approx. 10 hours

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You will soon be doing  an internship abroad. A wonderful step to get to know new people and cultures. Before you take this journey, it is important that you know yourself. Who are you really? And how well do you know yourself? You will find out during this first assignment!

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Professional and pedagogical preparation (learning goals)

After finishing this assigment:
I know :
  • what international competences are
  •  what my international competences are 
  • what others think that my challenges will be challenge during my internship abroad?
  • which competencies I want to work on during the preparation and implementation of my internship abroad 

I can:
  • Tell why I want to go abroad
  • Tell what my expectations are
  • Tell what I expect to learn

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Who am I???

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Which parts of the world do you feel connected to?
View the map and write down for yourself which parts of the world you feel connected to....

Slide 6 - Diapositive

I feel connected
with the following continents

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

In the assignments you will develop your own working method to answer the questions below. This can be done with a Mindmap, Vlog, Prezi, a poster or your own idea. Be creative! 😊 it is important that you process all of the questions below:

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  1.  Why do you want to do an internship abroad? 
  2. What are your expectations? 
  3. What do you expect to learn?

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Upload your creative answers

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

International competences
International competences help you to learn, live and work in an intercultural classroom, society and an internationally oriented labor market. There are 3 categories of competences:

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There are 3 categories of competences:

  • International orientation: how can you function well in the internationally oriented labor market?
  • Intercultural competences: how can you work, live and learn well in an intercultural environment?
  • Personal qualities: how do you increase your self-knowledge, self-reliance, interests and curiosity?

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View the international competency model at the previous slide.  

Visualize in a self-chosen way what your international competences are (think of tree of life, photo report, poster, mind map, video, etc.); which competences could help you abroad?

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Upload your creative answers

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

Discuss these characteristics with two people in your area.  (Think of your parent(s), grandpa/grandma, uncle/aunt or a good friend). 

How do the people around you see you?
What do you think will be a challenge during your internship abroad?
Is there anything that you don't like?

Which competencies do you want to work on during the preparation and implementation of your internship abroad (at least 3).

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Upload your (creative) answers

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

Checklist.....after making the assignments:
I can.....

I have to learn
I know
I know what international competences are
I know which competencies I want to work on during the preparation and implementation of my internship abroad 
I can tell:
Why I want to go abroad
What my expectations are
What I expect to learn
I know what my international competences are 
I know what others think that my challenges will be challenge during my internship abroad?

Slide 18 - Question de remorquage

My host country

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Cultural preparation 1
You have now gained insight into your own qualities and motives. Now we go to the next step. You are going to another country. You can find a lot of information on the internet. But how reliable is this information? It is important to delve into this.

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Cultural preparation (learning goals)

After finishing this assigment:

I know :
  • What (legal) rules apply in my internship country
  • What are the similarities and differences in laws and regulations between my country and my host country
  • a lot about the host country. customs, habits, holidays, etc

I can:
  • information about the host country through my interview
  • which laws and regulations are important to me

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Explore the following questions and work through the answers creatively:
  1. What do you already know about your internship country?
  2. Describe the history of the country. What are important events?
  3. What holidays, rituals and customs does the country have?
  4. Are there specific holidays and important moments in the city during the period in which you will be doing an internship? If yes which one?
  5. What are the country's demographics? (how many inhabitants/location/important cities). Also look at whether and how you have to travel to get to your internship and accommodation.
  6. Is it a poor or rich country? Are there many contradictions? What do people live on? What about tourism in the country? Explain to what extent the country is dependent on tourism.
  7. You make your own glossary of at least 25 words that are handy to know when you are in your internship country, including the translation (tip: don't just look this up, but learn the words too!).

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Upload your (creative) answers

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

The culture in your internship country

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Cultural preparation 2
Now that you have gotten to know yourself and the country better, it is also important to examine the culture, norms and values ​​and customs. In Dutch culture, for example, giving direct feedback is very common. But they sometimes look at it very differently in other countries. So realize that in the country where you are a guest, different customs and (behavioral) rules may apply than in the Netherlands.
You will answer the questions below by making a collage/flyer or your own designed idea. Do not only use text, but also photos/videos and/or other visual material.

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The assignment:

  • Describe the important customs and customs of the stage country.
  • What are important forms of address? In some countries, we often address someone as "you" when we don't know them. "You" we say when we do know him. What about your internship country?
  • Which movements and gestures are used and which are absolutely not tolerated? In Thailand, for example, it is an insult to point the finger at someone. Are there differences with your own country? If so, please describe.
  • Describe what habits there are in eye contact, facial expressions, touch, distance, time management (e.g. when are the eating moments, what about the work schedule).

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Upload your (creative) answers

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

You are now interviewing someone who also lives in that country or has completed an internship there. In doing so, you include the questions that you have already answered yourself above. Has the interviewee also experienced something special with regard to cultural differences? You make a video based on this interview.

  • Preferably interview someone from the same city or near the same city where you will do your internship.

  • Tip: do you know anyone? Ask the internationalization contact person in your school, the International Office, or make an appeal on social media.

Be curious and ask what you want to know!

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Slide 29 - Question ouverte

Cultural preparation 3
Now that you have gotten to know yourself better and the country, culture, norms and values ​​and customs, we will move on to the next step. In this assignment you will investigate the culture at your internship company. You will investigate which tasks, authorities and responsibilities belong to your position. It is important that you keep information from your motivation/application letter, contracts, rules of conduct and other information that you have received with this assignment. Is not all information known? Be proactive and look up this information, or contact your internship company. You describe the points below in a report of approximately 2 pages.

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Culture at your internship company
  1. What tasks, activities, responsibilities and authorities do you have during your internship?
  2. What does your workplace look like?
  3. What are the working hours?
  4. What leadership style is used? Is there an organizational culture/structure in place? If so, add it.
  5. What does the internship company expect from you?
  6. Is there also a dress code?
  7. What do you expect from the internship company?
  8. Do you already foresee points where you could get stuck? Can you already anticipate this in your preparations / come up with a possible solution?
  9.  Your internship organization will hold you accountable for something that they believe you have not done correctly. You have a chance that you will be spoken to more severely than it would be in your own country. What are you doing? And how do you ensure that you remain professional?

Slide 31 - Diapositive

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Slide 32 - Question ouverte

Cultural preparation 4
Now that you have gotten to know yourself better and the country, culture, norms and values, habits, your internship company and practical situations, we will move on to the next step. 
Which (legal) rules apply in your internship country? You will have to deal with a different political and economic situation in another country. Different laws and regulations often apply here.

You may have heard it in the news. There have been situations with Dutch interns who do not always respect the culture or have caused cross-border situations, such as the intern who pulled the plug from an amplifier in Myanmar. This earned him 3 months in prison!

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Rules and regulations
The same rules, standards and values ​​often apply within the EU. Yet there are also differences. It is important to immerse yourself in this. For example, be very careful with narcotics!


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Slide 35 - Question ouverte

Checklist.....after making the assignments:
I can.....

I have to learn
I know
What (legal) rules apply in my internship country
I can tell:
which laws and regulations are important to me
What are the similarities and differences in laws and regulations between my country and my host country
I can tell:
a lot about the host country. customs, habits, holidays, etc
I can tell:
information about the host country through my interview with a local.

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Logistic preparation 

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Logistic preparation 
What to take with you on an internship abroad: The ultimate checklist!
Preparing for your internship abroad can sometimes be overwhelming because there are so many things that you need to get in order. That is why we have made a checklist of internships abroad for you so that you know exactly what you still have to do. 

 Good luck!With this checklist you will be well prepared for the adventure.

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Internship arranged. N.B. For NL: must be SBB accredited
Housing arranged (possibly via internship, social media, websites, etc.) → N.B. For NL: request grants and public transport allowances for non-residents (via DUO)
Travel documents are valid (passport/ID card)
Driver's license is valid (if you want to rent a car or scooter)
Visa is arranged (Depending on internship country obligations)
Insurance checked and arranged. Is there insurance from school? Are your health, travel, liability and cancellation insurance covered?
Checklist 1A

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Erasmus+ grant applied for
List of important phone numbers (hospital, insurance, police, bank)

Make a list for those who stay at home: with accommodation address, where you can be reached and with important information with flight numbers, copy of travel documents (passport)
Put contact person with ICE in your phone who can be called in case of emergency
Cash from the destination country and/or credit card and debit card. Is the debit card activated for debit cards abroad?
Check costs of mobile calls and data usage
Checklist 1B

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What are the entry conditions and corona rules of the destination country?
Are separate vaccinations required?
When you use medication: do you have a medication statement and possibly extra medication?
Check Foreign Affairs travel advice for your internship country
Check which documents you need for the outward and return journey (corona!)
What rules apply at the airport and on the plane or train? (mask, PCR test, statement)
Checklist 1C

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Ticket or ticket booked, how many hours in advance are there?
How do you get from the airport or the station to your accommodation? How do you travel safely?
How to travel from your accommodation to your internship address
Checklist 1D

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Workshop/final presentation 

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Workshop/final presentation
You have arrived at the last assignment of the preparation module. Well done!
Now it is important that you transfer all information to others. You will give a workshop and presentation to your fellow students during SLB. You can shape this in your own way. Think of a PowerPoint, Prezi, Collage, Vlog, Mentimeter, Nearpod or other creative tool. 

Be creative!

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In this assignment you will show your fellow students what preparations you have made for your internship. You make a presentation of approximately 15 minutes. You have at least come back:

  1.  Your qualities/motives and how others see you. Also use the input of your fellow students!
  2. Culture, history, religion, holidays and customs of your internship country. What are the differences and similarities with the Netherlands?
  3. Information about your internship. What did you look up?
  4. Rules of conduct in your internship country. What did you not know, what did you know and what should you pay extra attention to?
  5. Laws and regulations in your internship country
  6. Your ecological footprint. Replenish???
  7. Show where you will do your internship
  8. Own input

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Upload your creative answers

Slide 46 - Question ouverte


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