2.2 digestive system

start task
1. Fill in the worksheet on your desk. Try to do it from memory first.
2. Write down the topic and learning goal of this lesson in your
Learning goals: After this lesson you will be able to:
- describe the function of digestion, digestive juices and enzymes.
- describe what peristalsis is.
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Slide 1: Diapositive
BiologieMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, havoLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 13 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

start task
1. Fill in the worksheet on your desk. Try to do it from memory first.
2. Write down the topic and learning goal of this lesson in your
Learning goals: After this lesson you will be able to:
- describe the function of digestion, digestive juices and enzymes.
- describe what peristalsis is.

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  1. Starting task
  2. Reading together
  3. Taking notes
  4. Complete exercises: 1 to 5

Leerdoelen: Na deze les kun je:
- de werking van spieren beschrijven.

Leerdoelen: Na deze les kun je:
 - de functie van vertering, verteringssappen en enzymen beschrijven.
- beschrijven wat darmperistaltiek is.
Learning goals: After this lesson you will be able to:
- describe the function of digestion, digestive juices and enzymes.
- describe what peristalsis is.

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"Miss, what should I do to grow taller?"
🥦 Healthy Nutrition: building materials.
Proteins (meat, fish, eggs, legumes)
→ important for muscle and tissue growth.
Calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt, green vegetables)
→ needed for strong bones.
Vitamin D (sunlight, fatty fish, eggs)
→ helps your body absorb calcium into your bones.

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"Miss, what should I do to grow taller?"
😴 Enough Sleep
During sleep, your body produces most of its growth hormone. Make sure you get enough rest (8-10 hours each night).

🏃 Exercise and Sports
Being active and doing sports stimulates your bones and muscles to become stronger and healthier.

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learning objectives
  • You can describe the function of digestion, digestive juices, and enzymes.
  • You can name the parts of a set of teeth and their functions.
  • You can describe the function and working of intestinal peristalsis.

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  • Read 2.2 The digestive system on pages 97.
  • Underline difficult words.
  • Follow along when someone else reads aloud.
  • Prepare your zuidschrift and pen.

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digestive system
Digestion: the breakdown of large 
nutrients into smaller molecules: 
the digestion products.

--> through intestinal cells --> 
into your blood!

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Digestion is the breakdown of nutrients from food and their absorption from the intestine into the blood.

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Mechanical digestion

Chemical digestion

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Mechanical digestion: chewing

Chemical digestion: digestive juices break down food into smaller molecules through a chemical reaction.

Enzymes: substances that speed up chemical reactions.

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The alternating contraction and relaxation of the circular and longitudinal muscles in the intestinal wall.

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Complete the knowledge assignments 1 to 5 (pages 108-110).


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What is mechanical digestion?
What is chemical digestion?
Name two digestive glands.

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