Lesson 6 Animals

Lección 6 Animales
Lesson 6 Animals
1 / 21
Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 21 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Lección 6 Animales
Lesson 6 Animals

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Preparation - Checklist telling
  • Chairs are arranged in a circle and everyone is seated. Outside the circle there may be tables for writing or clip-boards are used.
  • You prepare a story about a time you experienced something with an animal. You make a list of the various experiences. Then you choose one carefully, keeping in mind the narrative form you can use to moderate the impact. Keep it simple, not too big in terms of emotions; an average experience colored by details is usually most effective. The form in which you narrate models the participants. Tell precisely and clearly.
  • You prepare the invite -connection question-. In this lesson on animals, "Which of you wants to tell about a time you experienced something with an animal?
  • You will bring different pieces of fabric, fur, feathers, etc.
  • Signs.
  • Cloths to put the feeling objects under.
  • Markers.
  • Bells or other instrument that makes sound.
  • A black pen for all participants.
  • A8 size paper.
  • A5 size paper. 
  • You prepare A4s (upright) with a frame at the top of about 12 by 12 cm.
  • A4 size cardboard to make covers and three rings to hold the covers and sheets together. Naturally, you can make your own contribution here, as long as the end result has the character of a booklet to which pages can still be added.
  • To get the participants to work in varied pairs, you can have them draw colored papers as they enter or prior to this activity, after which those with the same color form a team together. Another way is to have participants work together with consecutive birthdays. And so on...
  • If you want to create a triptych: come up with some perspectives appropriate to the topic in advance, which the participants then work with. There may also be themes in used teaching modules that can fit into this.
Checklist telling

Your experience serves as an example for the participants. You can use your own experience to introduce the topic and influence what and how others will tell. Therefore, please pay attention to the following aspects when telling about that experience:
  • Start telling directly, without too much introduction;
  • Tell precisely and clearly;
  • Provide variation in sentence length and word usage;
  • Keep an eye on the beginning-middle-end structure;
  • Deliberately choose which adjectives you can use to give additional color (information) to the participants;
  • If dialogues occur in the experience, you can also include them in your narration;
  • Include details in your narrative that will make your experience more imaginative;
  • Include one or more sensory observations in the description of your experience;
  • Be as complete as possible. For example, tell who and where you were with, what exactly happened, how it happened, how you felt and how others reacted;
  • Ask yourself questions such as: What happened? What was I doing? What was I thinking? What did I feel? How did I react? How did others react? What was said;
  • Tell only about an experience that actually happened. Do not set the experience back longer than three months to a year. You can make an exception for a topic such as family, where the experiences may be clearly set in the past;
  • Keep an eye on how long you spend narrating;
  • Avoid summarizing the story and do not give a conclusion;
  • Practice telling your own experience and asking the connection question with a colleague or friend, for example;
  • When sharing your own experience, be sure to focus only on disengaging the participants' stories. It is not your intention to impart knowledge at such a time, because it is purely about something you have experienced and about which you talk open-mindedly. You also want the participants to be open-minded about their experiences so that they do not feel judged. It is about equality between the narrators and not about checking their level of knowledge;
  • Sometimes - especially if this form of work is still unfamiliar - no one wants to tell. This is not a problem and can be solved by proceeding directly to list. But it is preferable that participants eventually start to feel invited and overcome their diffidence. Participants' confidence grows with the safety thus experienced;
  • When the storytelling session stops for a while, it is usually not because of the topic. New stories come naturally. After one or two stories, go into the circle with the next step.
Reading each time a lesson ends and having your own book means that reflection develops naturally.

The page layout on which the final version is written can vary based on the content of the lesson.

In the Express with Clarity series, a booklet in A4 format was chosen. In the second instance, these lessons can also be expanded to include more knowledge, research and practice, which is why there is a triptych (see examples on the Grunberg Academy).

What will we do?
  1. Playing
  2. Telling&Writing&Drawing
  3. Making
  4. Presenting
  5. Exchanging

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Prior - the room
Time: ± 2 minutes
Explanation: The chairs are arranged in a circle. Everyone is seated. On the board/ flip chart is the structure of the lesson.
You can also discuss this briefly.

Express with Clarity - Be(come) Yourself:

Start: Starting dynamics I&II (ochre yellow)
  1.     Own experience (blue)
  2.     Knowledge (dark pink)
  3.     Doing - Presenting (red)
Evaluate - Reflect (dark blue)


Slide 3 - Diapositive

I. Losening
Time: ± 5 minutes
Energetic Exercise or Game
Explanation: Participants stand in a circle. You do movements and voice exercises to alert/wake up the body. Participants join you.

1: Rotate shoulders, forward (5x) and backward (5x).
2: Rotate shoulders forward and backward one at a time (total 10x). 
3: Shoulders up, shoulders down (4x).
4: Whole body tightening, whole body relaxing (4x).
5: Shake everything loose. 
6: Turn head, to right and left (each side 2x).
7: Rotating the pelvis (2x).
8: Rotating upper legs (2x) (on one leg).
9: Making sounds to warm up the vocal cords. 
10: Tapping the chest and making the voice resonate (2x). Smack sounds, pssssst, mmmmmmmm, oooooo, aaaaaa, nggg. When pronouncing the o and a, the mouth is relaxed.

Effect: dare, challenge and empower & acceptance, relaxation and fun.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

II.A. Transform into animals
Physical activity appropriate to the subject
Time: ±15 minutes/Whole group
Explanation II.A.: You slowly transform into an animal and the participants imitate this. Then you call out the name of different animals and the participants transform into the named animal. The participants think about how they can portray the animal; their creativity, empathy and motor skills are trained.

Effect: expression through body language, courage, acceptance, fun, attention, experiencing leadership and teamwork.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

II.B  Transform into animals
Physical activity appropriate to the subject
Time: ±15 minutes/Whole group
Explanation II.B.: Now each participant takes turns thinking of an animal (for example clockwise). The participant slowly transforms into the said animal and everyone else joins in. Continue this until everyone has had a turn (peacock, bird, chicken, monkey, elephant, cat, dog, mouse and cow). This is more exciting and challenging.

Effect: expression through body language, courage, acceptance, fun, attention, experiencing leadership and teamwork.
  • The person speaking will not be interrupted.

  • Questions can be asked after the telling. Questions are asked based on curiosity and about something that is still unclear. 

  • No comments on each other.   

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Time: ± 2 minutes/ Whole group
Explanation: The participants sit in a circle. You discuss manners if necessary. A first time, it is good to agree on the basic rules of exchange together with the participants based on these three/four suggested ground rules.
Everyone knows the manners:
  • When someone speaks, the others listen without interrupting. 
  • Never ask questions aimed at knowledge at this moment. It is about the experience.
  • No commenting on each other.
Depending on the participants, a fourth rule can be added: you stay in your own place.

It is helpful to keep the rules visible to all participants. If you think the use of icons would be helpful to your participants, do so. This makes it easier to indicate what behavior is expected without using words and avoids interrupting the flow of the lesson. Clarity promotes safety.

To tell my story

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Share personal experiences
Time: ±3+4 minutes - all participants. You may decide on ±2+5 if that seems better to you.
Explication: You tell about a time you experienced something with an animal;  then questions* can be asked.

If you want to spend time sharing in the circle ask the connection question-invitation here: Which of you would like to tell about a time you experienced something with an animal?
You do not ask the invitation question until participants have asked enough questions after you have shared your experience story. You can also include this invitation in the assignment to the slide "The Invitation-List-Choice".

You will share your experience with participants, keeping in mind the following:
  • Start telling directly, without too much introduction;
  • Tell precisely and clearly;
  • Keep an eye on how long you are telling;
  • Avoid summarizing the story and do not give a conclusion;
  • When sharing your own experience, make sure you focus only on disengaging the participants' stories. It is not your intention to impart knowledge at such a time, as it is purely about something you have experienced and about which you talk open-mindedly. You also want the participants to talk open-mindedly about their experiences and not feel judged. It is about equality between the storytellers and not checking their level of knowledge;
  • Sometimes - especially if this form of work is unfamiliar - none of the participants wants to narrate. This is not a problem and can be solved by continuing directly with list-making. But it is better that participants eventually start to feel invited and overcome their diffidence. Participants' confidence grows with perceived safety;
  • If the storytelling session stops for a while, it is usually not because of the topic. New stories come naturally.
  • After one or two stories in the circle, move on to the next step. Or if you have less time you can continue right away with the invitation and list experiences and choose. This lesson is about experiences participants have had with fruit....
  • When someone narrates, the others listen until the narrator finishes and then may ask questions about the shared experience.
Provide space for questions about the experience, not questions about knowledge.
You invite participants to ask questions about the related experience about curiosities they have or something that remains unclear.

Listening and asking questions

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Listening and asking questions
Time: depending on the choice you make ±4 or 5 minutes
Explanation: Once you have shared your experience, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about something they are still unclear about or something they would like to know more about. It is important to indicate that the questions can only be about what you have shared. so not about the basement of shoes or something else like that. If there is opportunity, one of the participants can share an experience of their own that comes up naturally. Even then the others will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Effect: exchanging improves listening and facilitates questioning. 
Participants experience what it is like when others listen attentively to them, what it is like to be asked questions and what they can do with them. This process happens naturally. 
Each time, a storyteller gets better at telling and listeners get sharper at listening.
Passing around materials

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Passing around materials
Time: ±2 minutes
Explanation: You are given a stack of papers, take one off for yourself and pass the rest to your neighbor.
You get pens, take one off for yourself and pass the rest on.

The invite - List - Choose



Slide 10 - Diapositive

The invite - List - Choose
Time: ±3 minutes
  • Write on your piece of paper 1.-2.-3.  See the example on the board.
  • Consider for yourself what experiences you have had with an animal. Choose three and write down each experience in one word. It is only meant so that you yourself with that word immediately remember what you experienced. This is for yourself and remains private. If you don't have three experiences no problem. If you have more experiences you can expand the list.
  • Choose the experience you can and want with to share with the group.
  • Circle this choice.
  • Put the pen away.

Sharing in pairs

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Sharing in pairs
Time: ±6-10 minutes
Explanation: Divide the participants into pairs (different ways possible) by giving them a number 1 or number 2. Clearly indicate that the pair will sit so that they can see each other. Then they are instructed to tell their chosen experience, number 1 starts. Number 2 listens and waits until the end to ask questions about things that are unclear or interesting. Then switch roles. Make a sound as an indication that the roles are switching.

Participants experience what it is like when others listen intently to them, what it is like to be asked questions and what they can do with them. This process happens naturally. Each time, a storyteller gets better at telling and listeners get sharper at listening.

Effect: Participants practice attentive listening with the methods of Be(come) Yourself. They experience pleasure when their own experiences get the attention they deserve and in turn can give others this pleasure as well. By listening attentively, participants practice focus and concentration at the same time.
Passing around materials

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Passing around materials
Time: ±2 minutes
Explanation: You are given a stack of papers, take one off for yourself and pass the rest to your neighbor.

The pen you put away earlier can now be taken out and used again.

Write your story - 1st version 

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

Write your story - 1st version
Time: ±5-10 minuten - Individual
Explanation: Now write your story on the A6 paper (use it vertically) as you told it to your teammate. Write it as you told it, not abbreviated or summarized.
You check if you can include in your story the things you told in response to your interlocutor's questions.
If you told at length, you can choose a section to write down.
You are going to write down the first version of your text. If you have any questions, please let me know by raising your hand or coming to me.

Depending on the independence of the group, you can walk around or choose a fixed seat.
If you sit in a fixed spot let the participants join one by one. 

Instruction: If you have questions you can come to me but only if no one else is standing. Don't worry everyone will get their turn.

Writing is done first in the draft. You can choose different ways to edit the draft. You can decide whether the participants write the story in LessonUp or on their sheet.
In the direct form, the participant writes version 1 - draft, checks it, corrects it, and finally writes the final version 2 on the "neat" page for his/her book.

Discussing and editing texts can be done in several ways. In the Better Wording series, the shortest way is usually used, ' Fast in the Net - version 2'. If you want to work in teams you can choose 'Longer in the net - version 2'.
Passing around materials
Final page version

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Passing around materials
Time: 2 minuten
Explanation: You get a stack of final version sheets, take one off for yourself and pass the rest on to your neighbor.

You can now take the pen you put away earlier and use it again.

  •  You prepare A4 sheets (portrait) with a frame at the top of about 10 by 10 cm. Below the frame will be two columns. One for the experience and the other for the eleven words poem of their choice.

Fast edit- 2nd version

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

1. Fast edit- version 2
Zelfstandig bewerken - versie in het net
Time: ±10 minutes
instruction: Gently proofread your text for spelling errors. Correct in your draft version 1.
When in doubt, raise your finger and ask a question.

You write the answer on the board for other participants to see, a temporary public dictionary.
General instructions you can prepare on the digi/board or large sheet of paper:
  • Check if you started sentences with a capital letter and if you used a period at the end of a sentence.
  • When rereading, check that you have considered the structure of your story: a beginning - middle - end. If they wish, participants can add sentences to add this structure to their story.
  • We have already discussed these rules, please re-read your text and check if you have used them. You will provide an overview of the rules for grammar, sentence structure or spelling that are currently known to participants so that participants can check their text accordingly. An overview of these can be provided by you on posters/digiboard. The participants can also have a notebook with rules.
You may decide to include a more extensive form of editing. This can be done in several ways:
  • Editing in pairs - light                     Time: ± 10 minutes (See slide Longer edit in this lesson plan)
  • Editing in pairs - more intense                                                Time: ± 20 minutes
  • Classroom editing                              Time: ± 50 minutes
  • Editorial office                                   Time: ± 55 minutes
Editing in pairs - light
  1. You will make pairs and indicate that the participants in their pairs will exchange their texts.
  2. Number one reads the text of number two and vice versa.
  3. Take your time, prepare the reading aloud and let your teammate hear his text. Reading aloud makes a text sound and brings it to life. It gives the writer an opportunity to hear back his own words and to listen and experience whether his text is correct in terms of rhythm, sentence structure and content. It stimulates awareness of the effect of the written text and how it is understood by the other person.
  4. Participants can now edit their own text based on what they have heard and the instructions of the independent editors. It involves tightening up wording and possibly adding additional information that will make your story clearer.
Editing in pairs - more intense
  1. You will make pairs and indicate that the participants in their pairs will exchange their texts.
  2. The participants each read the text of the other person from their team and underline the words about which they have doubts. Sometimes the reader doubts something but is correct, that is not a problem. All underlined doubts (spelling, grammar and style) should be formulated as questions as much as possible.
  3. The idea is for the participants to go through the texts in conversation. The writer gets their own text back with the underlined words. As a team, participants go through all the questions and try to solve them (dictionaries, Ipads/phones and books for support).
All pairs work independently and can ask you questions if they need an expert.
You write answers about spelling on the board, creating a classroom dictionary.
After the texts are discussed, each owner begins rewriting their own text, final version.

Classroom editing 
Classroom work on texts is done by looking together at a text by one of the participants, called the learning text.
This form of work comes from Language Formation.

  1. U en een deelnemer spreken af de tekst voor de klas te bewerken.
  2. De andere deelnemers worden verdeeld in groepjes van drie tot vijf. 
  3. In elke groep wijst u een secretaris aan door een van de deelnemers in die groep pen en een strook papier te geven. De secretaris schrijft de vragen van zijn groepje op.
  4. De deelnemer die zijn tekst openbaar laat bewerken, leertekst, kiest een groep deelnemers die zijn googelaars en/of woordenboekspecialisten worden.
  5. De deelnemer met de leertekst schrijft zijn tekst op het (digi)bord.
  6. De andere deelnemers lezen de tekst en bereiden per groepje één tot drie vragen voor over de tekst: over spelling, grammatica, stijl en formulering. De opmerkingen die ze hebben moeten in vragende vorm zijn. De secretaris schrijft ze op.
  7. Als de groep klaar is met de vragen, komt een van hen, niet de secretaris, naar voren om de woorden waaraan de vragen zijn gekoppeld in de leertekst te onderstrepen. Verschillende groepen kunnen een vraag stellen over dezelfde delen van de tekst (elke groep heeft zijn eigen kleur). Nu hebben alle groepen de vragen die in de leertekst staan aangegeven.
  8. U kunt ook drie vragen stellen en daarmee richting geven aan de kennis die ze wil overbrengen. Zij voegt haar vragen als laatste toe.
  9. De eigenaar van de leertekst begint zijn tekst te lezen, wanneer hij een vraag tegenkomt, zichtbaar door een teken of onderstreping, stopt hij en vraagt de groep die de vraag heeft onderstreept de vraag hardop voor te lezen. Het antwoord op de vraag mag de lerende tekstdeelnemer zelf geven met de leraar en zijn googelaars/woordenboekspecialisten als ondersteuners.
Als de deelnemer van de leertekst te verlegen is, neemt u een grotere rol op zich. Het proces is gericht op het samen leren van de tekst. Niet om iemand op zijn fouten te wijzen. De vragen worden dus één voor één behandeld. Zo komen verschillende regels van grammatica, spelling en stijl aan bod. De facilitator kan naar behoefte en niveau extra uitleg geven. De deelnemers maken aantekeningen. U kunt belangrijke regels die nog niet algemeen bekend zijn extra ondersteunen door ze langere tijd zichtbaar te houden in de klas. 

De keuze van de vorm waarin kennis wordt aangeboden hangt af van het niveau van de deelnemers en de fysieke mogelijkheden in de leeromgeving. Na de behandeling van de leertekst zijn allerlei punten besproken waarmee anderen nu ook hun eigen teksten kunnen gaan bewerken/verbeteren. Dit kan in tweetallen en individueel (zie Zelf bewerken of Bewerken in tweetallen). De punten kunnen op het digibord staan, op een poster aan de muur of in het notitieboekje/ schrift van elke deelnemer.

Als de groep gevorderd is, kan de begeleider een "redactiebureau" opzetten. Een groep deelnemers controleert de verhalen op spelfouten, interpunctie en zinsbouw. Ze corrigeren de tekst niet, maar onderstrepen wel woorden waarover een vraag bestaat. Ze kunnen ook schriftelijk een inhoudelijke vraag stellen aan de schrijver van de tekst. De deelnemers rouleren zodat iedereen de kans krijgt om te experimenteren met de rol van redacteur.

Longer edit - 2nd version

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

2. Editing - Longer approach-
Time: 2x10 minutes
Text pre-final version - A. ntermediate reading aloud
Time: ± 1x10 minutes
Explanation: In pairs, participants read each other's text. 
The writer can listen attentively and experience whether his text is correct in terms of rhythm, sentence structure and content. 
The reader practices his reading (pronunciation, comprehension and rhythm). 
Then the roles are reversed. In this way, everyone has heard their text, a preparation for editing.

B. Text pre-final version - version 2
Time: ± 10 minutes/ Individual
Instruction: Now that you know how to adjust your text so that it can be better understood by a reader write your text again. You write on the answer sheet or on the paper specially distributed.* Now write your text exactly below the box. Include any suggestions for improvements. This is the final version of your text. If you have any questions, please let us know.**

When editing, participants can discuss in their teams. They can also approach you with questions. You will write answers about spelling on the board, creating a classroom dictionary.

General instructions you can prepare on the digi/board or large sheet of paper:
Check that you started sentences with a capital letter and that you used a period at the end of a sentence.
When rereading, check that you have taken into account the structure of your story: a beginning - middle - end. Participants can add sentences if they wish to add this structure to their story.
We have already discussed these rules, reread your text and see if you have used them. You will provide an overview of the rules for grammar, sentence structure or spelling that are currently known to participants so that participants can check their text accordingly. An overview of these can be provided by you on posters/digiboard. Participants can also have a notebook with rules.

Writing a final version is a training in precision: reflecting on the draft, improving words and sentence structure and practicing fine motor skills. It requires concentration on many levels. In this way, writers' stories get the attention they deserve.

After writing their final version, participants proceed to create a picture. You can also choose to postpone this task until a time when the energy of the group calls for rest or relaxation.

* The paper on which the text is written in the net may vary depending on the form of presentation. In the Better Words series, an A4-sized booklet has been chosen. In a second instance, these lessons can also be expanded to include more knowledge, research and practice, for this there is a triptych sheet as a form of presentation (see the examples).

**Depending on the independence of the group, the teacher can walk around or choose a fixed place.

  On a large scale

12 by 12

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Image - Large
Time: ± 10 minutes - individual
Explanation: The participants draw the animal from their experience as large as possible on the appropriate page in their booklet.

When the page is finished, participants put it in their booklet.

To prepare
  • One black pen per participant.
  • Colored pencils and/or markers.
  • A4 sheets (portrait) with a frame of approximately 12 by 12 cm at the top.
Feeling and expressing

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Feeling and expressing
Time: ± 10 minutes - teams 3/4 participants
Senses: Observing, guessing and feeling
Explanation: The participants are divided into groups of three or four. Each group is assigned its own tactile object (fur/fabric/feathers, etc.); this is under a cloth and is numbered. Someone from the group takes turns standing next to the tactile object. The participants go to each group and keep a list of what they think they felt.

At the end, everyone has felt the unknown tactile objects and written down what they think it is and/or what kind of animal it comes from. Then all participants sit in a circle and all tactile objects are placed uncovered in the middle with the numbers next to them. The teacher has the participants read out what they have written for each tactile object/number.

Effect: working together, associating, relaxing and having fun.

As an extra exercise, you can choose to have participants take a quiz with sound clips (there are plenty of apps available). Participants can listen to it on their mobile phone and indicate which animal they think they have heard.

To prepare
Boards and markers.
A5 size
Cloths to place the tactile objects under.
  • You take different pieces of fabric, for example fur, feathers, etc. with you.
  • Boards and markers.
  • A5 size cards
  • Cloths to place the tactile objects under.
Looking back
How do you feel?
- in one word or one sentence -

Slide 19 - Carte mentale

Reflection - Looking back
Time: ± 5-10 minutes
Explanation: You invite all participants to say in one word how they felt during the presentation.

In addition, you ask each participant:
"What from this lesson can you use in your daily life?"
Reading in the circle

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Reading in the circle
Time: ± 15 minutes
Explanation: The participants read their text one by one and show their drawing to the group. In this way, little by little, they develop a sense of presentation.

You can give instructions so that they read a little louder or clearer while at the same time taking their place and looking at the others. But this must be decided calmly and always with respect for the feeling of security.

At the end you can ask how the participants feel and say this in one word.

Reading every time a lesson ends and having your own book means that reflection develops naturally.

I take with me
What of this lesson can you
use in your daily life?

Slide 21 - Carte mentale

Reflection - I take with me ...
Time: ± 5-10 minutes
Explanation: You ask each participant:
"What from this lesson can you use in your daily life?"

You also have invited all participants to say in one word how they felt during the presentation.