Maple - Scratch Variables

Scratch Variables
1 / 41
Slide 1: Diapositive
ComputingUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)GCSE

Cette leçon contient 41 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Scratch Variables

Slide 1 - Diapositive

My expectations
It's ok to be wrong

Listen when others are speaking

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Repeating steps in programming is technically called iteration. 

But you know it is as a different term?

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Loops or looping

Iteration means?

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Loops or looping

Iteration means?

Slide 5 - Diapositive

What is the difference between these two blocks?

Slide 6 - Diapositive

What is the difference between these two blocks?
One repeats code inside the block 10 times while the other repeats it forever.

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This Half term

Introduction to scratch
Games Design

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Learning objectives

Know what a variable is

Know how to use variables in Scratch

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What the Dictionary says:

"a named memory location in a program that stores a value that can change"

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What would the new value of score be after running these three blocks of code?

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What would the new value of score be after running these three blocks of code?


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Orange* blocks of code in Scratch are called Variables.

*we will see later that some variables are set in different colours.

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Variables are places in a program to store data that you might need later on.

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Variables can change as the program runs.

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You could use the variable, score, to keep track of the score of a game.

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What other variables could you think of that might be useful for a game?

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What other variables could you think of that might be useful for a game?

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

What other variables could you think of that might be useful for a game?


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Using your Whiteboards Predict what you think will happen.

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Predict what you think will happen.
Write down your predictions.

Slide 22 - Question ouverte

Click this link or visit  to run the program

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Were your predictions correct?
Did anything surprise you?
Did your predictions miss anything out?

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

Were your predictions correct?
Did anything surprise you?
Did your predictions miss anything out?

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How do the following two blocks of code relate to each other?

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How do 'ask_name' and 'define ask_name' relate to each other?

Slide 27 - Question ouverte

When your program reaches the ask_name block, it runs the subroutine ‘define ask_name’.

'ask_name’ is a sub program
or a function.

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What happens if you remove 'ask 'what is your name' 

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How do 'ask_name' and 'define ask_name' relate to each other?

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

Big Ed will now only say “Hello”.
As the question has not been asked, there is no ‘answer’.

The line ‘set name to answer’ will now give name an empty value.

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Below 'define ask_name'. There are two variables being used. Answer on your whiteboards

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Below 'define ask_name'. There are two variables being used. What are their names?

Slide 33 - Question ouverte

Below 'define ask_name'. There are two variables being used

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Why do you think this code only says “Hello” and not “Hello” and the name you entered?

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Why do you think it only says “Hello” and not “Hello” and the name you entered?

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It is because ‘name’ is being linked to ‘answer’ before the question is asked.

You must always set the value of a variable before using it.

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Let's Modify the code that’s already in the program.

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Use the code blocks to add a new question to be asked about your favourite sport or hobby.

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Question: What is a variable in Scratch?

A) A way to store a value that can change, like a score or a name. 

B) A way to hold a value that doesn’t change during the game. 

C) A way to keep track of how many times something happens in 

D) A tool to change the appearance of a sprite on the screen. 

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Question: What is a variable in Scratch?

A) A way to store a value that can change, like a score or a name. 

B) A way to hold a value that doesn’t change during the game. 

C) A way to keep track of how many times something happens in the game

D) A tool to change the appearance of a sprite on the screen. 

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