5.3 Powerful lords, semi-free farmers

5.3 Powerful lords, semi-free farmers

Time of monks and knights, 500 - 1000
1 / 48
Slide 1: Diapositive
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 48 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

5.3 Powerful lords, semi-free farmers

Time of monks and knights, 500 - 1000

Slide 1 - Diapositive

In which two ways was Christianity spread in the Middle Ages?

Slide 2 - Question ouverte

What does this image have to do with the spread of Christianity?

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

Success criteria
You can explain:
  • Why farmers in the agricultural society were semi-free
  • How agriculture was organised
  • What the social relationships were
  • What kind of trade there was

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Clip: Serfs (horigen)

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Slide 6 - Vidéo

What? Do assignment 1 to 9 from section 5.3

How? Alone, in your workbook

Time? See the timer

Done? Do assignment 1 to 5 from 
page 142 - 144 WB

Slide 7 - Diapositive

5.3 Powerful lords, semi-free farmers

Time of monks and knights, 500 - 1000

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Success criteria
You can explain:
  • Why farmers in the agricultural society were semi-free
  • How agriculture was organised
  • What the social relationships were
  • What kind of trade there was

Slide 9 - Diapositive

The Domain
A domain: village with agricultural land that is farmed according to the manorial system.

The area belongs to a nobleman or a monastery

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Important building on the domain, in which lived the nobleman or the steward who managed the domain for the nobleman.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

The manorial system
  • The land on the estate was divided into 2 parts
  • One part; fields of the lord (feudal lord) 
  • The other part; 'own' fields of serf farmers.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Manorial system

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Manorial system

Slide 14 - Diapositive

(The lord)

Slide 15 - Diapositive

(The lord)
The lord gives:
  • Protection
  • Farmland
In exchange the farmer gives:
  • Part of the harvest
  • Did corvée (do work for the lord)

Slide 16 - Diapositive

De edelen
Eignaars van de grond, bestuurden het land, zorgden voor rechtspraak en voerden oorlog
House of the Lord
Often no more than a slightly larger wooden house with a wall. The farmers could take shelter here in case of an attack.
Can be closed in the event of an attack
Additional defence during an attack
Simple houses
Inside the walls for the most important people
Food was also grown within the walls. All proceeds here were for the lord
Outside the walls

There were two types of farmers:
  1. free farmers: possessed their own land
  2. Serfs::had no property and had to work for the lord
Serfs were protected and fed by the lord, but the lord wanted something in return
The lord could ask for lordly services
  • grain milling
  • pressing grapes
  • fighting for the lord
  • pay grain
  • maintain roads
  • dig a ditch
People also worked the land outside the walls. This was done by the serfs.
Outside the walls were pastures for the animals

Slide 17 - Diapositive

A serf:
Belongs to the domain, is bound to the land of the lord. If the lord sells the land or gives it away, the serfs is as well.

A serf is not allowed to:
-Leave the domain without permission.
-Marry without approval of the lord.

Slide 18 - Diapositive

How did you become a serf?
  • Descendants of slaves from Roman times who had been given their own piece of land to cultivate.
  • Descendants of free farmers who had given their land to a monastery or nobleman in exchange for food after failed harvests or in exchange for protection.

Slide 19 - Diapositive

What? Do assignment 1 to 9 from section 5.3

How? Alone, in your workbook

Time? See the timer

Done? Do assignment 1 to 5 from 
page 142 - 144 WB

Slide 20 - Diapositive

5.3 Powerful lords, semi-free farmers

Time of monks and knights, 500 - 1000

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Recieves protection
Free farmer

Slide 22 - Quiz

Gives protection
Free farmer

Slide 23 - Quiz

Has to give part of his harvest away
Free farmer

Slide 24 - Quiz

Forced to do corvée
Free farmer

Slide 25 - Quiz

Gives a piece of farm-land
Free farmer

Slide 26 - Quiz

Doesn't need to ask permission to leave his farm
Free farmer

Slide 27 - Quiz

Success criteria
You can explain:
  • Why farmers in the agricultural society were semi-free
  • How agriculture was organised
  • What the social relationships were
  • What kind of trade there was

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Differences between manorial system and feudal system
Feudal system
Manorial system
Agreement between important noblemen (kings/dukes)
Appointment between less important people (knight/cleric/farmer)
Covers a large area (provinces of countries)
Covers a small area (a village and its surroundings)
Determines how an area is governed (politics)
Determines how people support themselves and interact with each other (economy/social)

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Three social groups
Three social groups developed in the Middle Ages.
  • Clergy: Those who pray.
  • Nobility: Those who fight.
  • The rest: Those who work.
  • The clergy and nobility had certain privileges.

Slide 30 - Diapositive

What? Do assignment 1 to 9 from section 5.3

How? Alone, in your workbook

Time? See the timer

Done? Do assignment 1 to 5 from 
page 142 - 144 WB

Slide 31 - Diapositive

4.3 Machtige heren, halfvrije boeren

Tijd van monniken en ridders

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Je kunt uitleggen:
  • Waardoor boeren in de landbouwsamenleving halfvrij waren
  • Hoe de landbouw was georganiseerd
  • Welke sociale verhoudingen er waren
  • Welke handel er was

Slide 33 - Diapositive

het hofstelsel

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Het mysterie van het gestolen graan....
Deel 1: Oplossen van de diefstal.  
1. Wie heeft het graan gestolen? 
Welke kaartjes uit quizlet bewijzen je mening?  
  • Wat was de reden voor het stelen van de graan?  
  • Welke kaartjes in quizlet bewijzen je antwoord?

  • Je maakt deze opdrachten in LessonUp  
  • Slide 35 - Diapositive

    Slide 36 - Lien

    Waarom zou Vrije boer Dirk het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 37 - Question ouverte

    Waarom zou Graaf Egibald het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 38 - Question ouverte

    Waarom zou Horige boer Frederik het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 39 - Question ouverte

    Waarom zou Rentmeester Frans het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 40 - Question ouverte

    Waarom zou Boerin Elisa het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 41 - Question ouverte

    Waarom zou Boerin Hetty het graan hebben gestolen? Wat is zijn motief?

    Slide 42 - Question ouverte

    Conclusie: Wie heeft volgens jou het graan gestolen? Wat is het motief voor de diefstal? Welke bewijzen heb je gevonden?

    Slide 43 - Question ouverte

    Het mysterie van het gestolen graan....
    Deel 2: Kennis over het hofstelsel
    1. geef in je eigen woorden de betekenis van de begrippen
    2. vul de schema's in en beantwoord de rest van de vragen.

    Slide 44 - Diapositive

    Wat zijn de verschillen tussen een vrije boer en een horige boer?

    Slide 45 - Question ouverte

    Wat zijn de overeenkomsten tussen een horige boer en een vrije boer.

    Slide 46 - Question ouverte

    Wat is een voordeel van het zijn van horige boer ten opzichte van het zijn van vrije boer?

    Slide 47 - Question ouverte

    Wat is een nadeel van het zijn van horige boer ten opzichte van het zijn van vrije boer?

    Slide 48 - Question ouverte