LJ 2 - Inspection and flying the airplane

Lesson 12 – Inspection and flying the airplane 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 52 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 90 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Lesson 12 – Inspection and flying the airplane 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson goals
  • You can watch a video and answer questions. (Comprehension practice)
  • You can find a set of missing paragraphs of text. (Reading)
  • You'll learn about personal and demonstrative pronouns

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Exercise 3 - Questions
1. Whose invention and solution to technical problems in flight led to a quick development in military and civil aviation?
2. What are the three problems which needed a solution before people could fly?
3. What type of wings did they first develop for an aircraft, which weren’t effective?
4. Did people already understand which forces had to be overcome to fly a plane, before a working airplane was developed?
5. Who was the first person to experiment with fixed wings on an aircraft?
6. Was the first person who flew the first recorded manned flight happy about this?
7. Which invention would have a profound effect on the study of wings and the development of improved airfoils?
8. What kind of plane did Otto Lilienthal build?
9. Why did the Wright brothers not focus on wing design at first?
10. Name two kinds of propulsion systems that people used or came up with for sustained powered flights in the 19th century.
11. Explain what proves that Karl Woelfert’s open-flame ignition system was dangerous.

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Exercise 3 - Questions
12. The engine developed by Langley was far superior over the engine the Wright brothers designed. Why did it not matter that the Wright brother’s engine wasn’t as powerful?
13. Which of the three elements of control (pitch, yaw or roll) was the most difficult to achieve? 
14. What is the hang-gliding technique?
15. Why did other developers of plane rejected the idea that the pilot would have complete control over the aircraft?
16. What is the following technique called ‘the pilot could induce a twist across the upper and lower wings in either direction, thus increasing the lift on one side and decreasing it on the other’.

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Homework: Exercise 3 
1. Whose invention and solution to technical problems in flight led to a quick development in military and civil aviation?
The Wright brothers fixed the problems of flight and build the first working aircraft. After that, things went fast.
2. What are the three problems which needed a solution before people could fly?
Those which relate to the construction of the sustaining wings. Those which relate to the generation and application of the power required to drive the machine through the air. Those relating to the balancing and steering of the machine after it is actually in flight.
3. What type of wings did they first develop for an aircraft, which weren’t effective?
Wings designed to simulate the wings of a bird. The aircraft was a machine in which flapping wings generated both lift and propulsion.

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4. Did people already understand which forces had to be overcome to fly a plane, before a working airplane was developed?
Yes, Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei in Italy, Christiaan Huygens in the Netherlands, and Isaac Newton in England all contributed to an understanding of the relationship between resistance (drag) and such factors as the surface area of an object exposed to the stream and the density of a fluid.
5. Who was the first person to experiment with fixed wings on an aircraft?
George Cayley, an English baronet
6. Was the first person who flew the first recorded manned flight happy about this?
No, it was the servant of George Cayley, and he was very reluctant.
7. Which invention would have a profound effect on the study of wings and the development of improved airfoils?
The wind tunnel

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8. What kind of plane did Otto Lilienthal build?
A series of monoplane and biplane gliders
9. Why did the Wright brothers not focus on wing design at first?
Already a lot of research had been done on wing designs and people had built successful gliders in the past.
10. Name two kinds of propulsion systems that people used or came up with for sustained powered flights in the 19th century.
A steam-engine, an internal-combustion engine, a compressed-gas propulsion system and a lightweight high-speed gasoline engine.
11. Explain what proves that Karl Woelfert’s open-flame ignition system was dangerous.
He died himself when an internal-combustion engine set a much larger airship on fire in 1897.

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12. The engine developed by Langley was far superior over the engine the Wright brothers designed. Why did it not matter that the Wright brother’s engine wasn’t as powerful?
They had developed an engine that produced exactly the power required to propel their flyer of 1903.
13. Which of the three elements of control (pitch, yaw or roll) was the most difficult to achieve? Roll (balancing the wingtips or banking the aircraft).
14. What is the hang-gliding technique?
Here the pilot shifted his weight in order to alter the position of the center of gravity of the machine with regard to the center of pressure.

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15. Why did other developers of plane rejected the idea that the pilot would have complete control over the aircraft?
They feared that pilots would be overwhelmed by the difficulty of controlling a machine moving in three dimensions.
16. What is the following technique called ‘the pilot could induce a twist across the upper and lower wings in either direction, thus increasing the lift on one side and decreasing it on the other’.
Wing warping

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Exercise 4
1. By the end of 1969, the second prototype was ready for trials.
2. Until the 1970s, passenger airliners had always been considered like ocean liners.
3. The government decided that it no longer wished to invest in warplanes.
4. Finally, a specially re-formed team completed the project a year later.
5. After three years’ work and US$9 million in investment, the plug was pulled.
6. While trials continued, plans were being made for a third prototype.
7. Unfortunately, funding was then frozen for the next 12 months.
8. Initially, there was great support for the idea.
9. From that moment on, the problems multiplied.
10. They had been considered the biggest potential customer since the beginning.

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Exercise 4 - answers
  1. By the end of 1969
  2. Until the 1970s
  3. No longer
  4. Finally / a year later
  5. After three years’ work
  6. While
  7. Then / for the next 12 months
  8. Initially
  9. From that moment on
  10. Since the beginning

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Exercise 4
A. It was the largest plane ever built in Britain and had a ________________________ of 70 meters.
B. It was designed to carry a maximum of just 100 ______________________________.
C. There was a lot of vibration, which made the ___________________________ noisy.
D. It could fly at very low __________________________ because of its unusual design.
E. The great __________________________ that was built for it is now used for the Airbus A380.
F. It never became a commercial aircraft, although several ________________________ were built.
G. It flew several times at air shows but never went into full ______________________.
H. Its eight powerful engines allowed it to lift and _____________________ quite easily.

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Exercise 5

  1. Wingspan
  2. Passengers
  3. Cabin
  4. Speeds
  5. Hangar
  6. Prototypes
  7. Production
  8. Take off
Exercise 6

  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B

Slide 14 - Diapositive

What is a preposition? 
Prepositions (voorzetsels) are words which link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. Prepositions usually describe the position of something, the time when something happens and the manner something is done.

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Prepositions of time:

When do we use 'on'
days and calender days
months, years, seasons and parts of the day
clock times

Slide 19 - Quiz

Prepositions of time
They won an award ... 2018.
i n

Slide 20 - Quiz

Prepositions of time
The movie starts ... 11 o'clock.

Slide 21 - Quiz

The title ... the book.


Slide 22 - Quiz

I am heading ... my colleague.

Slide 23 - Quiz

I also learned a lot .... the English language.

Slide 24 - Quiz

I learned a lot ... you.

Slide 25 - Quiz

Exercise 1 - Listening
Remember about the scanning strategy

Go to exercise 1 and read the questions

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Exercise 1 - Questions
1. At which airport does Caroline have to land?
2. What does DES stand for?
3. What kind of landing is Caroline going to make?
4. Name three important levers and switches.
5. How do you change the course of a plane?
6. In which direction does Caroline have to turn the aircraft?
7. Does she have to adjust the speed after the plane has turned?
8. How many settings does the auto brake system have?
9. Does she have to press the brakes?
10. Which position should she put the thrust levers in after landing?
11. What makes landing the plane as a passenger very difficult?

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Slide 28 - Vidéo

Exercise 1 - Questions
1. At which airport does Caroline have to land?
2. What does DES stand for?
3. What kind of landing is Caroline going to make?
4. Name three important levers and switches.
5. How do you change the course of a plane?
6. In which direction does Caroline have to turn the aircraft?
7. Does she have to adjust the speed after the plane has turned?
8. How many settings does the auto brake system have?
9. Does she have to press the brakes?
10. Which position should she put the thrust levers in after landing?
11. What makes landing the plane as a passenger very difficult?

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Exercise 1 - Listening
1. At which airport does Caroline have to land?
2. What does DES stand for?
Descend phase
3. What kind of landing is Caroline going to make?
Auto (automatic landing)
4. Name three important levers and switches.
Landing gear lever, thrust levers, reverse thrust, flaps, speedbrakes/GND spoilers, flight control computer

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Exercise 1 - Listening
5. How do you change the course of a plane?
By using the heading button
6. In which direction does Caroline have to turn the aircraft?
To the right-hand side
7. Does she have to adjust the speed after the plane has turned?
No, the speed is automated
8. How many settings does the auto brake system have?
3; low, medium, and max

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Exercise 1 - Listening
9. Does she have to press the brakes?
No, the airplane will come to an automatic stop
10. Which position should she put the thrust levers in after landing?
11. What makes landing the plane as a passenger very difficult?
It was very difficult to get contact between the passenger and the ATC tower. Caroline also thought that pressing all those buttons was very difficult, so in a stressful situation this might not have been possible.

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Exercise 2 - Reading
  •  Go to exercise 2  
  • Scan the text and fill in the missing paragraphs.


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Exercise 2 - answers

1. Has a non-pilot passenger ever managed to land an airplane
2. That the text focuses on the question if a non-pilot is able to fly an airplane. 
That it is difficult to fly an airplane for a non-pilot. 
3. Informative text 
  1. C
  2. A
  3. E
  4. G
  5. B
  6. D
  7. J
  8. H
  9. F
  10. I

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Personal pronouns

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Demonstrative pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun used to point to specific people or things

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Grammar practice
Demonstrative pronouns

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Demonstrative pronouns
_________ is my car right here.

Slide 40 - Quiz

Demonstrative pronouns
Do you know________ boys
over there?

Slide 41 - Quiz

Demonstrative pronouns
______ are not the droids
you're looking for.

Slide 42 - Quiz

Demonstrative pronouns:

I like ... jumper over here.

Slide 43 - Quiz

Demonstrative pronouns:

Look at ... shoes over there!

Slide 44 - Quiz

Which demonstrative pronouns are nearby?
this, these
that, those

Slide 45 - Quiz

Demonstrative pronouns:

........... jackets over there are blue.

Slide 46 - Quiz

What are demonstrative pronouns?
am, are, is
this, that, these, those

Slide 47 - Quiz

Slide 48 - Diapositive

Later on you will have to write an article, using the correct prepositions and which/who.
Exercise 3: Fill in the prepositions on, at, in, to or from
Exercise 4: Fill in the prepositions in, on or at
Exercise 5: Fill in which or who
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences

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Slide 50 - Lien

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