4m Talendorp Police station

  Today: To do:

1.Teams - Police/The pub

2. It's learning - Talendorp -voorbereiding - 3 gesprekken uitschrijven! Police - Hotel - Pub
3. Digitaal boek - Exam preparation - Speaking - do your speaking cards!

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 15 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

  Today: To do:

1.Teams - Police/The pub

2. It's learning - Talendorp -voorbereiding - 3 gesprekken uitschrijven! Police - Hotel - Pub
3. Digitaal boek - Exam preparation - Speaking - do your speaking cards!

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson goals:

Aan het eind van deze les:

- kan jij passend reageren op de vragen van de politieagent;
- kan jij kort vertellen wat er gebeurd is.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Slide 3 - Diapositive

I'd like to report a robbery = Ik wil een overval melden
I have just been mugged = Ik ben net beroofd!
Somebody stole my purse = Iemand heeft mijn portemonnee gestolen
I saw a man attack a women = Ik heb een man een vrouw zien aanvallen
I witnessed a car theft = Ik ben getuige geweest van een autodiefstal
Could you help me. please = Kunt u me alstublieft helpen
Can you help me get my rucksack back = Kunt u me helpen mijn rugzak terug te krijgen
What can I do = Wat kan ik doen
I was walking down the street = Ik liep over de straat
They were looking at my purse = Zij waren naar mij portemonnee aan het kijken
Someone grabbed me from behind = Iemand greep me van achteren
I think my bag got stolen in the subway = Ik denk dat mijn tas in de metro is gestolen
He tried to break the car window = Hij probeerde het autoraam stuk te slaan
He was rather tall and wore sunglasses = Hij was redelijk lang en droeg een zonnebril
She had a normal build and blond hair = Ze had een normaal postuur en blond haar
He had striking blue eyes = Hij had opvallend blauwe ogen
She had a black jacket on and carried a big bag = Ze had een zwarte jas aan en had een grote tas bij zich
It was a brown leather purse = Het was een bruine leren portemonnee
It was about this big = Het was ongeveer zo groot
It was a small bag with a flower pattern = Het was een kleine tas met een bloemmotief
It was an ordinary rucksack = Het was een gewone rugzak
I am astonished = Ik ben stomverbaasd
It all went surprisingly fast = Het ging allemaal verrassend snel
It's very strange = Het is erg vreemd
It was a frightening experience = Het was een angstaanjagende ervaring
I'm still very confused = Ik ben nog steeds erg in de war
I was shaking all over = Ik beefde over mijn hele lichaam
We are sad, we lost all our souvenirs = We zijn verdrietig, we hebben al onze souvenirs verloren
I am very upset = Ik ben erg van streek

Slide 4 - Diapositive

1. Listen to the conversations at the police station. Can you explain to the police officer what happened in English?

Luister naar de gesprekken die in het politiebureau gevoerd worden. Kun jij in het Engels aan de politieagent uitleggen wat er aan de hand is?

1. Calling the police about a burglary
2. Filing a Complaint at the Police Station

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Police station: welke woorden ken jij over dit onderwerp?

Slide 6 - Carte mentale

What would you answer?

Hello, how can I help you?
My mane is Tom Blake. My address is Green Street 52, London.
I want to report about robbery.
It was a tall boy of 16-18 years old.

Slide 7 - Quiz

What would you answer?

What's happened?
My mobile phone is stolen!
All the details are correct.
You can call her on this number: ……

Slide 8 - Quiz

What would you answer?

When and where did you find out that the mobile phone was missing?
I stay with my aunt at the moment.
I want to report about robbery.
Yes, it was a black Samsung Galaxy 7 with a pink cover on it.
I was waiting for the bus yesterday. I took my phone to look if someone has called me but it was gone!

Slide 9 - Quiz

What would you answer?

Did you notice anything or anybody suspicious?
I stay with my aunt at the moment.
Yes, someone pushed me. It was a tall boy of 16-18 years old.
Yes, it was a black Samsung Galaxy 7 with a pink cover on it.

Slide 10 - Quiz

What would you answer?

Can you also describe your mobile phone?
My mobile phone is stolen.
Yes, someone pushed me. It was a tall boy of 16-18 years old.
Yes, it was a black Samsung Galaxy 7 with a pink cover on it.

Slide 11 - Quiz

What would you answer?

Ok. Can you tell me your name and address?
I stay with my aunt at the moment.
My mane is Tom Blake. My address is Green Street 52, London.
It was a tall boy of 16-18 years old. He had a black jacket and blue jeans on.

Slide 12 - Quiz

What's happened? Make 2-3 sentences. Use the words:
- on my way to school
- fell off my bike
- was gone/was missing

Slide 13 - Question ouverte

Slide 14 - Lien

Slide 15 - Lien