Lesson 5 4H Unit 5 Lesson 4 Grammar & Letter of Complaint + Drama

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 16 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 90 min

Éléments de cette leçon

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Lesson 5
17 March 2025 Agenda:

1. Fortunately/Unfortunately - Speaking - Oral LoC
2. Give feedback 
3. Homework check
4. Unit 5  - Lesson 4 exercises (grammar - indefinite pronouns)

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Lesson Goals
  • I can participate in a spontaneous conversation and express my opinion, respond creatively, and adapt my speech in real time.
  • I can use the indefinite pronoun correctly in sentences
  • I can give constructive feedback on a formal letter
  • I can write an effective letter of complaint, using both formal language and persuasive techniques

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Goals Fortunately / Unfortunately
I can express my opinion, agreement, and disagreement on concrete and abstract topics
I can take part in a speaking activity and describe events and my experiences and emotions
I can deal with most situations that arise while speaking spontaneously. 
I can participate enthusiastically and creatively

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An oral letter of complaint using Fortunately/Unfortunately
This practice activity will help you think quickly in English and is an oral  letter of complaint that can include one of these elements:
- An explanation of why you are complaining
-The reasons for your complaint
-Persuasive techniques
-An explanation of what you want to happen
- A summary of your feelings

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How to Play
Start the Story: The first student begins by saying a sentence that starts with "Unfortunately..." 

Respond: The next student responds with a sentence that starts with "Fortunately..." 

Continue the Story: Students take turns, alternating between "Fortunately" and "Unfortunately". Each student adds a new sentence to the story, building on the previous ideas.

Keep It Going: The story should keep developing as you go. Listen carefully and do not repeat something already said. Be creative and think of new twists and ideas to keep it interesting.

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Scenarios Fortunately Unfortunately
Defective Time Machine
Unfortunately, the machine is stuck in one historical period. 
Fortunately, I now get to meet famous historical figures! 
Disappointing Superpower Potion e.g. superspeed
Unfortunately, the superspeed wears off after five minutes. 
Fortunately, with superspeed I don’t have to worry about getting speeding tickets. 
Evil cloned twin mix up
Unfortunately, my evil cloned twin keeps taking my place in school. 
Fortunately, they’re getting better grades than me. 
Faulty Invisibility Cloak that only makes one body part at a time disappear eg. your feet
Unfortunately, I look ridiculous walking around like this. 
Fortunately, I still don’t have to pay for shoes! 
Haunted Smartphone
Unfortunately, the ghost keeps sending embarrassing messages from me.
Fortunately, the ghost gives great life advice. 

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Rate this activity

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Last week you were asked to write a practice letter as homework - get the letter out

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  1. Homework was to bring your complete letter of complaint to class
  2. Review another persons letter 
  3. Give constructive feedback using checklists
  4. 7-minutes

  • Letter follows formal structure? 
  • Tone is appropriate? (formal, polite but firm, no slang or overly emotional language)
  • Letter provides specific details about the complaint?
  • Dissatisfaction is clear and well-explained?
  • Writer give examples to strengthen arguments?
Grammar/Word choice:
  • No grammar mistakes 
  • Has formal, precise vocabulary 
  • Is not repetitive (words/sentences)
  • Clear paragraphing? 
  • Logical flow? 
  • Transition words connection ideas?

Giving Feedback

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Unit 5 - chapter / lesson 3
Let's check the other homework

Expressions - Ex. 12 on p. 258 - 259

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Expressions - Ex. 12 on p. 258 - 259

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Indefinite Pronouns (Onbepaald voornaamwoord)

E.g. both, either, neither, each, every, no and none

Both gebruik je om te benadrukken dat het voor elk van twee geldt. Let op: Both....and (= zowel...als)
Either = de een en/of de andere / een van de twee. Let op: Either ... or  (=of....of....)
Neither = geen van beide(n) Let op: Neither....nor (=noch...noch...)
Each/every = elk(e). Each legt de nadruk op elke persoon of elk ding afzonderlijk. Every gebruik je als je denkt aan mensen of dingen tezamen, in een groep. Let op: Each other = elkaar en each = per stuk
No en None = geen. No ze je voor een zelfstandig naamwoord,. None gebruik je als het alleen staat of gevolgd wordt door of....

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In-class work - Unit 5 - Lesson 4
Note down what you are doing in this lesson, in case you work faster:

Grammar ( indefinite pronouns) - Ex. 10 & 11 on p. 267-268


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Grammar ( indefinite pronouns) - Ex. 10 & 11 on p. 267-268

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  • Write another letter of complaint as practice and bring to class for feedback. Choice a subject from fortunately/unfortunately to write about
  • Study Grammar - Indefinite pronouns U5, L4 - on p. 73
  • Read your book 

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