V4 Grammar Unit 4 - all tenses, continuous tenses, word order, genitive, some/any, auxiliaries

Grammar Unit 4
  • All the tenses (present/past/present perfect/past perfect/future -> will/shall/going to/present simple/present continuous)

  • All the continuous tenses (present cont./past cont./present perf. cont./past perf. cont./future cont.)

  • (Direct/Indirect speech)

  • Some/any/either (or)/neither (nor)/both/no/none


  • The Genitive ('s; s'; of)

  • Auxiliaries 
    can/could/be able to/may/might/be allowed to/must/have to/should/want/make/would like/mind/willing to/would rather
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 42 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Grammar Unit 4
  • All the tenses (present/past/present perfect/past perfect/future -> will/shall/going to/present simple/present continuous)

  • All the continuous tenses (present cont./past cont./present perf. cont./past perf. cont./future cont.)

  • (Direct/Indirect speech)

  • Some/any/either (or)/neither (nor)/both/no/none


  • The Genitive ('s; s'; of)

  • Auxiliaries 
    can/could/be able to/may/might/be allowed to/must/have to/should/want/make/would like/mind/willing to/would rather

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Simple past vs Present Perfect
Did + hele ww.
Didn't + hele ww

Have/has + 3rd form
Haven't/hasn't + 3rd form

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Indirect Speech - backshift

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Direct Speech

"It is a very moving speech"

"I think it has nothing to do with peace"

"Can you help me tomorrow?"

"I have never smoked in my life!"

"I saw Tim yesterday".
Indirect speech

He said it was a very moving speech.

She said she thought it had nothing to do with peace.

He asked if she could help him tomorrow.

She said she had never smoked in her life.

She said she had seen Tim the day before.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Slide 13 - Diapositive

No backshift when...
There is NO BACKSHIFT in reported/indirect speech when:

  • the main verb in the reported speech is in the present tense, the verb in the reported phrase does not change. This is true no matter what tense is used in the quoted speech. “He is leaving.” 
     Example: Direct: "She is helping out" -> Indirect/reported: He says she is helping out.

  • Scientific facts/general truths
      Example: Direct: "The ice cap is melting" -> The professor said the ice cap is melting.
      Example: Direct: "My sister is left-handed" -> He told me that his sister is left-handed.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Gebruikt voor:
  1. Feiten in de toekomst
  2. Spontane beslissingen/aanbieding hulp etc. aan iemand (op het moment van spreken bedacht)
  3. Meningen/persoonlijke opvattingen (vaak met think, promise, believe etc.)
  4. Voorspellingen die niet gebaseerd zijn op bewijs (I think Ajax will win the World Championship.)
  5. Verzoeken (Will you help me with that?)
  6. Suggesties (Shall we go to the movies? -> shall voor I/we)

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Will (addition)

For questions with I/we -> Shall I/shall we....(go to the cinema?)
Future facts
Weather forecasts

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Going to 
Gebruikt voor:

  • Plannen voor de toekomst (je bent van plan om iets te doen)
  • Voorspellingen op basis van bewijs (Look at him standing at the edge of the cliff! He is going to fall over!)

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Present Simple (Future)
Gebruikt voor:

School starts at 9 am tomorrow.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Present Continuous
Gebruikt voor:
  • Dingen dit op dit moment gebeuren
  • Irritatie
  • Voorspellingen gebaseerd op bewijs
  • Afspraken die in je agenda kunnen staan (je weet zeker dat je dit gaat doen)

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Slide 22 - Diapositive

The Continuous tenses

 am/is/are + verb + ing 
was/were + verb + ing
 has/have + been + verb + ing 
had been + verb + ing
will be + verb + ing

Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous
Has/Have + been + verb + ing

  • Om de (lange) tijdsduur te benadrukken (I have been working all night)
  • Om irritatie aan te geven (He has been nagging me non-stop.)
  • Om aan te geven dat iets net is afgelopen (Her eyes are completely wet: she has been crying for hours)

Gebruik je net als de Present Perfect, maar met nadruk op lange tijdsduur

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Present Continuous  - am/is/are + verb + ing
1) action going on right now; 
2) can signal irritation; 
3) appointment in your agenda

1 ) Look at her! She is dancing on her bare feet!

2) Why are you always picking fights!

3) We are meeting our friends at the pub this evening.
Past Continuous  - was/were + verb + ing
1) longer action interrupted by shorter one = past simple 
2) Two longer actions going on simultaneously 

1) I was/you were doing homework when you called.

2) I was listening to the news while you were sleeping.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous
has/have been + verb + ing

1) To emphasize duration (i.e. all day long, all night, for hours etc.)
2) Started in the past and is still going on 
3) Started in the past and has just finished/you can see the result
4) Can signal irritation

1) We have been working for hours to get this finished
2) She has been crying all day since he broke up with her at breakfast.
3) You have been running really hard out there for you are all sweaty.
4) You have been going on about this for ages: let it go now.
Past Perfect Continuous 
had been + verb + ing

1) To emphasize a longer action in the earlier past 

1) Before you called, I had been working very hard on my final. project.

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Future Continuous
will be + verb + ing

1) Signals a longer action in the future/emphasizes duration in the future

 Kevin Hart is performing tonight: I'm sure we will be laughing our heads off!

Slide 28 - Diapositive

Some -> 
  • bevestigende zinnen
  • wanneer je verwacht dat het antwoord "ja" is (bijv. drinken vragen/aanbieden)
  • ongeveer (some hundred people showed up)
  • een of andere (some guy asked me to dance)

Any -> 
  • vragen/ontkennende zinnen (met "not" erin)
  • wie dan ook (anybody can do that type of job)
  • hardly + any (hardly anyone, anything etc.)

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Both/either/neither/no one/none
  • Both ...and -> benadrukt: beide(n)
  • Either -> de een en/of de ander; een van beide(n) (Houses will be built on either side of the road -> ... aan beide kanten van de weg; Which one of these books do you like? You can choose either of these -> welke van deze ...; je kan er een van kiezen)
  • Neither -> geen van beide(n) (Well, neither of them appeals to me! -> Ik vind geen van beide leuk.)
  • Either ... or -> of .... of (It is either tea or coffee, we don't sell soft drinks.)
  • Neither ... nor -> noch....noch (Neither Jim nor Julia was going to the prom.)
  • Each -> benadrukt mensen & dingen afzonderlijk;  per stuk (These cost twenty pounds each)
  • Every -> wanneer je spreekt over mensen & dingen gezamenlijk/in een group (Every patient received a leaflet.)
  • No -> geen (bijvoegelijk nmw/adjective) (There are no peaches)
  • None -> geen (zelfst. nmw./noun) (There are none) 
  • None -> geen een (none +OF) (None of them knew about it.)

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Word order
SVOPT -> subject verb object place time -> Onderwerp  / werkwoord  / lijd. vw en-of meew. vw / plaats / tijd

Plaats/tijd mag ook vooraan in de zin (effect!)

Alle werkwoorden bij elkaar

1 ww -> voor het ww. (She often cooks Italian food.)
2 of meer ww -> na eerste ww (He will regularly go out of his way to help)
to be -> bijwoord na vorm van "to be" (She is really smart.)

Lange bijwoorden:
vooraan of achteraan in de zin (As a matter of fact, they do care.)

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Word order
So = mee eens zijn met bevestigende zinnen

Neither = mee eens zijn met ontkennende zinnen (zinnen met "not")

  • So + hww of do/does/did + ondw
  • Neither + hww of do/does/did + ondw.  (

Tracy can dance really well. So can Fred
Tracy dances really well. So does Fred.
Tracy danced beautifully. So did Fred

Tracy doesn't dance well. Neither does Fred.
Tracy can't dance well. Neither can Fred

Slide 32 - Diapositive

The Genitive

Indicates possession

Singular -> 's  (Tom's bike)
Plural ->  '  (My parents' car)

-> 's
James's bike
Alice's car
Dickens's novels

Names from antiquity (uit de oudheid):
' -> Socrates' ideas

Slide 33 - Diapositive

The Genitive

Indicates possession

singular -> 's
plural -> '

An hour's walk
A three hours' drive

At my parents'
At Bob's
At the baker's
At my friend's

Slide 34 - Diapositive


Indicates possession

Zaken / hoeveelheden / aardrijkskundige namen

The brakes of the bike
The legs of the chair

One cup of tea
Two pounds of sugar

The city of Amsterdam
The capital of Russia

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Can/could/be able to
  • Can = kunnen, mogelijk zijn
  • Could = zou kunnen/zou mogelijk zijn; past simple of "can"; beleefde vorm van "can"
  • Be able to = kunnen, in staat zijn om; present perfect/past perfect/future of "can" -> has/have been able; had been able; will be able to 
  • Achteraf gesproken over mogelijkheid die niet benut is (in hindsight); was mogelijk geweest in het verleden maar is niet gebeurd
      Could have + 3rd form

You could have phoned me that you were in trouble! Now it's too late.

Slide 36 - Diapositive

May/might/be allowed to
  • May = mogen
  • Might = misschien mogen; past simple of "may"; beleefde vorm van "may"
  • Be allowed to = mogen, toegestaan zijn om; present perfect/past perfect/future of "may" -> has/have been allowed to; had been allowed to; will be allowed to 
  • Achteraf gesproken over mogelijkheid die niet benut is (in hindsight); was mogelijk geweest in het verleden maar is niet gebeurd
      Might have + 3rd form

You might have phoned me that you were in trouble! Now it's too late.

Slide 37 - Diapositive

May/might/be allowed to
  • May = mogen; misschien (May I be excused?This may be true.)
  • Might = misschien mogen (Might I interrupt though?); heel misschien (There might be a possibility.); Beleefde vorm van "may"; meer twijfel dan "may"
  • Be allowed to = mogen, toegestaan zijn om; present perfect/past perfect/future of "may" -> has/have been allowed to; had been allowed to; will be allowed to 
  • Achteraf gesproken over mogelijkheid die niet benut is (in hindsight); was mogelijk geweest in het verleden maar is niet gebeurd
      Might have + 3rd form
  • May = present simple; Might = past simple; Might have + 3rd form = talking about sth in the past that cannot be changed anymore (it could have been possible in the past, but it didn't happen)

You might have phoned me that you were in trouble! Now it's too late.

Slide 38 - Diapositive

Have to/must/should
  • have to = 1) moeten van een ander; 2) regels (Mom says you have to do your homework now.;You have to wear a seatbelt.)

  • must  = 1) moeten van jezelf (I must tell her straight away.); 2) het kan niet anders dan (It must have been quite expensive! You must be kidding me!); 3) bevel o.a. officiele borden ("Helmets must be worn at all times"

  • must not = verbod (You mustn't overtake here.)

  • don't/doesn't/didn't have to / needn't= niet hoeven; niet verplicht (You needn't worry; You don't have to come along if you don't want to.)

  • should = zou moeten, advies (You should go to the dentist for that tootache.)

Let op!: Must = present simple; Have to = all tenses (present, past simple, present perf., past perf, future)

Slide 39 - Diapositive

Should have + 3rd form
  •  Should have + 3rd form = talking about sth in the past that cannot be changed anymore (it could have been possible in the past, but it didn't happen)

You should have phoned me that you were in trouble! Now it's too late.  
You should have gone to the dentist with that toothache! Now you need a root canal treatment.

Slide 40 - Diapositive

want someone to/make someone /
would like/mind/willing/would rather
  • To want someone to + hele ww = opdracht, bevel: willen dat
I want you to do the dishes.

  • To make someone + hele ww = opdracht, bevel: dwingen
He made me do all the chores at home! My brother can be such a bully!

  • Would like to + hele ww = vriendelijk verzoek, (zou) graag willen
I'd like you to join us! (Ik zou het fijn vinden als je met ons mee doet/erbij komt).
We would like to sign up as volunteers (We zouden ons graag willen inschrijven als vrijwilligers.)

Slide 41 - Diapositive

want someone to/make someone /
would like/not mind/willing/would rather
  • don't/doesn't/didn't mind; haven't/hadn't minded + gerund (ww+ ing)= niet erg vinden om, bereid zijn/best willen
      He doesn't mind helping out now and then. 

  • willing to + hele ww = bereid zijn, best willen
Jim is willing to help us, if we need a pair of extra hands. (Jim wil ons best helpen, ...)
Are they willing to pay for the damages? (Zijn zij bereid om voor de schade te betalen?)

  • would rather + hele ww = liever willen
I'd rather die on the spot, than asking him out on a date! I too shy! (Ik ga nog liever .....)

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