Unit 4: Iedereen is mooi

Unit 1: Iedereen is mooi
1 / 24
Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 24 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 1: Iedereen is mooi

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 17 May
1. Getting started with the unit
- Unit about appearance and beauty standards
- 2 summatives: speaking and reading (test week) 
- Quizlet list 
- PDF from book 

2. Vocabulary exercise: Describe a classmate 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Getting started with the unit...
Before we start with the unit...
1. Make a new folder in your Dutch B folder with the name : Unit 4 - Everyone is beautiful

2. Make sure there is already 1 Google Document in the folder: 
-  'Classwork' --> Document for little tasks we do in the lesson 

3. Quizlet: New vocabulary list

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Vocabulary exercise
1. Make a quick drawing of one of your classmates and label the body parts and clothes in Dutch. Name as many as you can!
2. Write 10 short sentences about the appearance of your classmate
3. Write 5 short sentences about the character of your classmate (only for phase 2 + phase 3/3+)

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 19 May
1. Vocabulary exercise: Present your classmate

2. Speaking exercise: Wie ben ik?

3. Reading exercise 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: Wie ben ik?
1. Work in groups with 3 or 4 students
2. Write a name on a post-it of a famous person or animal 
3. Give the post-it to your neighbour. Your neighbour is not allowed to read the post-it and sticks it on his/her forehead. 
4. Ask questions about your person. You can only ask questions that your group members can answer with 'ja' or 'nee'. Take turns until everyone has guessed the name on the post-it
Ben ik een mens?                               Ben ik ouder dan ... jaar?
Ben ik een dier?                                   Ben ik bekend?
Ben ik een vrouw?                              Ben ik een zanger?
Ben ik echt of fictief? 

Leef ik in Nederland?
Praat ik Engels?

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 26 May
1. Correction reading exercise 

2. Exercises from PDF book 
- Phase 1: exercise 1 + 2 
+ study the vocabulary 'kleding' and 'uiterlijk'

- Phase 2 + 3: exercise 6 + 7  + 8 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 27 May
1. Correction exercises 

2. Exercises from PDF book 
- Phase 1: exercise 4 + 5
+ study the vocabulary

- Phase 2 + 3: exercise 9 + 10 
(Exercise 10: minimum 15 sentences)

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 31 May
- Phase 1: exercise 6 + 7 + 8 
Done? Add vocabulary to Quizlet + Practise!

- Phase 2 + 3: exercise 9 + 10 (Exercise 10: minimum 15 sentences) --> Finish + correction 

Done? Watch 1 video on https://jeugdjournaal.nl/ + summarise the video in 5 sentences (in Dutch!) + explain why you chose the topic.

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 2 June
1. Speaking exercise: the news 

2. Phase 2 + 3: Listening exercise - Pokémon

Phase 1: Exercise 9 + 10 + 11

Done? Quizlet
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 7 June
Phase 1:
- Correction exercise 10 
- Exercise 11 + 12

Phase 2+3
- Correction writing exercise (Pokémon)
- Speaking exercise + writing exercise 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Spreken: Wat vind jij belangrijk en mooi?
Je gaat raden wat een andere leerling belangrijk en mooi vindt.
--> Beantwoord de vragen over een andere leerling, de andere leerling zegt of de antwoorden juist zijn
1. Welke kleuren draagt hij/zij graag?
2. Vindt hij/zij kleren belangrijk?
3. Vindt hij/zij merkkleding belangrijk?
4. Waaraan geeft hij/zij het meeste geld uit? (broeken, t-shirts, schoenen, make-up, sieraden,...)
5. Gaat hij/zij vaak naar de kapper?
6. In welke winkels koopt hij/zij graag? 
7. In welke winkel zou hij/zij nooit iets kopen? Waarom niet? 

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Schrijfoefening: 10.000 euro
Schrijf op wat je met 10.000 euro zou doen. 
Je hebt een cheque van 10.000 euro gewonnen. Die mag je gebruiken om jezelf mooier te maken. Je kunt kleding kopen, naar de kapper gaan, sieraden kopen, een tattoo laten zetten, of wat je maar wil. Er is één voorwaarde: je moet het geld op één dag uitgeven. De winkels gaan om 09.00 uur open en om 18.00 uur dicht. Schrijf op wat je met het geld op één dag gaat doen:
- In welke winkel begin je om negen uur? Hoe lang blijf je daar?
- Wat ga je daar kopen?
- Wat ga je daarna naartoe? Hoe laat is het dan? etc..
- Is al het geld op aan het eind van de dag? 
- Heb je genoeg geld of heb je meer geld nodig? Leg je antwoord uit. 

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9 June
Phase 1:
- Finish exercise 12 + 13
- Add words to Quizlet (Het weer, kleuren, exercise 11
+ Practise on Quizlet

Phase 2+3: Character traits
- Listening exercise
- Vocabulary + speaking exercise: character traits 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 10 June
Phase 1:
Vocabulary: Kleding

Phase 2+3: 
- Vocabulary + speaking exercise: character traits 
Done? Grammar: Past and perfect tense (rehearsal) 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 16 June
Phase 1:
Vocabulary: Kleding
+ Grammar: Heel/Veel

Phase 2+3: 
Correction: Verbs
+ Reading exercise 11 (Pg 12 of the PDF)
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 17 June
Phase 1:
Writing exercises

Phase 2+3: 
Correction Reading exercise 11 (Pg 12 of the PDF)
+ Listening and speaking exercise 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 21 June
Phase 1:
- Correction writing exercises
- Continue in the vocabulary booklet

Phase 2+3: 
- Speaking exercise: Interview
--> Exercise 12 A+B
- Grammar exercise: Reflexive verbs 
--> Exercise 13 - 14 - 15
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Reflexive pronouns: English - Dutch
He hit himself with a tennis racket                                       Zij wast zich in de douche 
She cut herself with a knife                                                      Ik voel me niet goed


myself – me(zelf), mij(zelf)
yourself – je(zelf)
herself – zich(zelf)
himself – zich(zelf)
itself – zich(zelf)

ourselves – ons(zelf)
yourselves – je(zelf)
themselves – zich(zelf)

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 23 June
Phase 1:
- Correction writing exercises
- Continue in the vocabulary booklet

Phase 2+3: 
- Grammar exercise: Reflexive verbs 
--> Exercise 13 - 14 - 15 pg 17 + 18

- Speaking exercise 16 pg 19 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 24 June
1. Correction grammar exercises: Reflexive verbs

2. Exercise 19: Listening + Speaking

3. Writing exercise 20 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Listening exercise: Snoep
1. Why are people eating more candy since Corona?
2. Which candy was sold less since Corona? And why?
3. What tricks do candy makers use to make us eat more candy?
4. Why is a lot of candy red? 
5. What candy is typical Dutch? 
6. Give 3 examples of other things you can do with candy. 
7. What is your favourite candy? Explain why.
8. Do you like drop? Explain why.

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 30 June
1. Listening exercise 21 

2. Reading exercise 23 

3. Speaking and writing exercise 24 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: When is a person beautiful? 

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Tekst - extra vragen
1. Wat is het schoonheidsideaal in Nederland? 
2. Waarom is dit schoonheidsideaal niet altijd goed? 
3. In welk land is er een omgekeerd schoonheidsideaal (van het ideaal in Nederland)? 
4. Waarom zijn de gouden ringen van de vrouwen in Birma gevaarlijk?
5. Waarom doen mensen veel aan hun uiterlijk? 
6. Wat is je eigen smaak? 

Slide 24 - Diapositive