week 3.1 New year's resolutions

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

Cette leçon contient 39 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

blok 3
week 3.1 start writing
week 3.2 writing
week 3.3 practice exam writing
week 3.4 writing/ speaking
week 3.5 writing/speaking
carnaval holiday
week 3.6 final class: make schedule, last explanation
Blokweek 3 : writing exam!
week 4.1 start oral exams

Slide 2 - Diapositive

What do you remember of 2023?
(most important events)

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

Other options
  • There was a massive earthquake in Turkey 
  • PVV became the biggest political party in the Netherlands
  •  Max Verstappen won his 3rd Formula 1 championship
  • Barbie was the best watched movie of 2023
  • Feyenoord became Dutch Football champion
  • you started at CIOS! 

Slide 4 - Diapositive

New year's resolutions!

Slide 5 - Diapositive

discuss with your neighbour: What are some of your new year's resolutions?
(in English)

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

Slide 7 - Vidéo

Slide 8 - Vidéo

What do you think are the most popular new year's resolutions?

Slide 9 - Carte mentale

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Welk van deze zinnen staat in de future tense?
I will go to the supermarket in 5 minutes
I am going to have lunch in half an hour
I am flying to Lisbon tomorrow
The train leaves at 12.45

Slide 12 - Quiz

Hoe zat het ook alweer?
De future tense is in het Nederlands de toekomende tijd.

Deze tijd wordt gebruikt om zaken aan te duiden die nog plaats moeten gaan vinden.

In het Engels kun je de future op 4 manieren vormen; will/shall, to be going to, present continuous, present simple

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Future: 'Will / shall'
Zal of zullen in het Nederlands wordt vertaald met will/shall
Shall is formeler dan will en kan alleen bij vragen met I of WE

Je gebruikt dit voor: aannames, bedreigingen, voorspellingen, 
besluiten, vragen om advies, beloftes en spontane acties
vorm: will / shall + hele ww
Voorbeeld: I swear I will hit him the next time I see him!

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Wat is de correcte vertaling van:
Mijn broer zal morgen z'n huiswerk maken.
My brother will does his homework tomorrow.
My brother shall do his homework tomorrow.
My brother shall makes his homework tomorrow.
My brother will do his homework tomorrow.

Slide 16 - Quiz

Future: 'To be going to'
Als we het hebben over voorspellingen 'met bewijs' of geplande acties of zaken dan gebruiken we 'to be going to'

Vorm: 'to be' + going to + ww

Voorbeeld: I am going to visit my grandmother

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Wat is de correcte vertaling van:
Mijn moeder en ik gaan morgen winkelen.
My mother and I are shopping tomorrow
My mother and I are going to shop tomorrow
My mother and I am going to shop tomorrow
My mother and I will shop tomorrow

Slide 18 - Quiz

Future: Present continuous
Je kunt de present continuous, die je normaal gebruikt voor iets dat nú bezig is, ook gebruiken voor de toekomende tijd. Dit gebeurt bij geplande acties of zaken waar je een 'bewijs' van hebt, zoals een ticket, een agenda verzoek, etc.

Vorm: 'to be' + ww + ing
Voorbeeld: I am going to that concert next month

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Wat is de correcte vertaling van:
Hij vertrekt dinsdag naar Londen
He is leaving for London on Tuesday
He is going to leave for London on Tuesday
He will leave for London on Tuesday
He leaves for London on Tuesday

Slide 20 - Quiz

Future: Present Simple
Tot slot kun je nog over de toekomst spreken door middel van de present simple, maar alleen bij:
schema's, planningen, roosters.

Vorm: hele ww (+s bij he/she/it)

Voorbeeld: The train leaves at 17.03

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Wat is de correcte vertaling van:
De film begint om 20.00
The film will start at 20.00
The film is going to start at 20.00
The film starts at 20.00
The film is starting at 20.00

Slide 22 - Quiz

Future: present simple
Future: will/shall
Future: to be going to
Future: present continuous
Voorspelling met bewijs
Vraag om advies
Geplande actie
Geplande actie (met bewijs)
Vertrektijden OV
Eindtijd film

Slide 23 - Question de remorquage

Juist of onjuist?
The concert is on 15 August.

Slide 24 - Quiz

Juist of onjuist?
My father will drive me to school tomorrow.

Slide 25 - Quiz

Juist of onjuist?
If you don't stop now I will beat you!

Slide 26 - Quiz

Juist of onjuist?
Look at the size of the moon, it is not going to be very dark tonight.

Slide 27 - Quiz

Juist of onjuist?
I am going to visit my best friend this evening.

Slide 28 - Quiz

Juist of onjuist?
We are going to the new Bond film

Slide 29 - Quiz


Slide 30 - Diapositive

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Slide 34 - Diapositive

  1. Our train _____ (leave) at 4:10.
  2. What _____ (wear / you) at the party tonight?
  3. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I _____ (find) something nice in my mum's wardrobe.
  4. This is my last day here. I _____ (go) back to England tomorrow.
  5. Hurry up! The conference _____ (begin) in 20 minutes.
  6. My horoscope says that I _____ (meet) an old friend this week.
  7. Look at these big black clouds! It _____ (rain) .
  8. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow _____ (be) dry and sunny.
  9. What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her? - Oh dear! I _____ (slip) !

Slide 35 - Diapositive

  1. Leaves
  2. Are you wearing
  3. Will find
  4. Am going
  5. Begins
  6. Will meet
  7. Is going to
  8. Will be
  9. Am going to slip

Slide 36 - Diapositive

Letter to future self
Dear me, 
1. Tell yourself how old you are right now, where you live and with who.
2. What did you think of 2023?
3. What are your new year's resolutions and why?
4. What would you like to have accomplished by the end of 2024?
5. What are your plans for the upcoming year?
6. What do you wish for your future self?
7. End the letter appropriately 
150 woorden

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Write your letter 
  •  Remaining time:
  • Type your letter in a Word document
  •  Hand it in in Teams.
  •  Next time, we will look at some of them and give each other feedback.

Slide 38 - Diapositive

no Taalblokken homework for now, just the letter.
make sure to turn it in before Friday January 12th. 2024

Slide 39 - Diapositive