Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.
La durée de la leçon est: 45 min
Lesson 5 – Can we help by - repair, rehome, repurpose and recycle?
This lesson covers:
• Thinking about what happens to items that are broken, or which we no longer use.
• How can we rehome and recycle what is no longer needed?
Learning activities:
• How they can use what has been learned at home and at school.
• Understanding the impacts they can have.
• Drawing, writing and discussion exercises on what they have learned.
This lesson is provided by Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd is a marine conservation organisation with a mission to protect the ocean and marine wildlife. Sea Shepherd works globally on a range of issues impacting the ocean, running numerous direct action campaigns each year. Ocean pollution is one issue Sea Shepherd is working on.
What you already know...
You are going to learn...
Action required!
Evaluate your knowledge
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Watch the video
Slide 2 - Diapositive
During the lesson we will use these icons to identify the learning actions.
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
What do we do with items we already have?
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Last lesson we talked about how we can help protect marine wildlife by refusing single use plastic items, reducing our use of plastic items and replacing them with reusable items. Ask students; “What do we do with items we already have?” “We have an item that we no longer use or is broken. What can we do with it?”
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
Repair things that are broken.
Slide 4 - Diapositive
What happens to things that are broken? Do we throw them away, or could they be repaired? First try to repair – why buy new when you can simply learn how to repair things. Sometimes broken items just need to be fixed up. Ask students “Do you know of any item you have broken and thrown away that could have been repaired?”
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
How else can we use it?
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Sometimes items can’t be fixed but we might be able to repurpose them. New ways you can use them. Old sheets and clothes for example can be used to make bedding for orphaned and injured wildlife or by animal shelters. Ask students “What item have you broken and thrown away that could have been used to make something else?”
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
Can we rehome it?
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What can we do with items that aren’t broken, but we no longer need? Rehome - if an item is in good condition but you don’t need or want it anymore, like toys you have outgrown. Then they could be donated to a charity for someone who has very little, they can be sold/swapped at swap markets, or you can have your own swaps with family and friends. Ask students “Have you ever rehomed items?” “What items have you put in the bin that could have been rehomed?”
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
Can we recycle it?
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So, if we can’t repurpose, repair it, or rehome it then we should recycle as much as we can. Make sure you separate out your rubbish between what can go into the compost bin (food waste), recycling bin and normal waste. The less you send to be dump the better, especially plastics. Some plastics can be returned for recycling at stores, like ink cartridges, others can be donated to special programs where they can be converted for 3D printing. Such as programs to make items that help communities, like making artificial limbs for children in need. It is estimated only 9% (1 out of 10 items) of the plastic ever produced has been recycled. Teacher’s note: Use local examples of recycling programs that the children can use.
Introduction to IUU fishing and the impact of overfishing.
What can we recycle?
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Using some examples show them how to separate out plastics to recycle
Slide 9 - Vidéo
To end lesson a fun video of dolphins, to show the children who they can help protect. https://youtu.be/Ak2p8O-szBY