28 march present simple vs present continuous

Present simple vs. present continuous
  • Gelijk zitten op je plek.
  • Na 2 minuten start de les dus dan is het stil.
  • Boek B, schrift en pen nodig.
  • open boek b: blz 90

We have a positive attitude to learn!

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 12 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Present simple vs. present continuous
  • Gelijk zitten op je plek.
  • Na 2 minuten start de les dus dan is het stil.
  • Boek B, schrift en pen nodig.
  • open boek b: blz 90

We have a positive attitude to learn!


Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Learning goals
By the end of this class:
  • I know the when to use present simple and present continuous.
  • I can use present simple and present continuous correctly.
Today's plan
  1. Figure out the rule/hw check 
  2. Interactive ps vs pc explanation
  3. Practice
  4. Correct exercise (nakijken)
  5. Blooket: ps vs pc

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Present simple vs present continuous
What is present simple & present continuous?
  • Tegenwoordige tijden
  • PS: Ik fiets elke ochtend.
  • PC: Ik ben aan het fietsen.
What is the difference (verschil)?
  • Let us look at the differences

Slide 3 - Diapositive

geef voorbeelden in het Nederlands.
Find out the rule/
Look at the words in colours.

- Is it a fact or habit (gewoonte)? 
- Is it happening at the moment?
1. The blue words are:  __________
2. The orange words: ___________
3. The underlined words: ________
4. The words in italic: ___________

  1.  happening at the moment.
  2.  a fact or habit (regelmatige gebeurtenissen)
  3. is happening at the moment
  4. is a fact ir habit.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

opgave 57 pg 90
Present simple
Wanneer gebruik je present simple?
  • Je gebruikt de present simple voor feiten en gewoontes, dingen die je regelmatig doet.

Hoe maak je een zin present simple?
  • bij he, she , it: s toevoegen acther werkwoord.
Example: She ________ the dog everyday. (walk)      I walk the dog everyday.
                Jim ________     tv everynight.  (watch)      We watch the everynight.
  • walks 
  • watches  

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Present continuous
Wanneer gebruik je present continuous?
  • Je gebruikt de present continuous als iets nu aan de gang is.

Hoe maak je een zin present simple?
  • am/ is/ are + werkwoord+ing
Example: She _____________ the dog at the moment. (walk)
              Jim and his friend _____________   tv everynight right now.  (watch)
              I ______________ right now. (talk)
  • is  walking 
  • are watching
  • am  talking 

Slide 6 - Diapositive

opgave 57 pg 90
Present simple and present continuous 
Present simple
Present continuous: 
Feiten, gewoonte, regelmatige gebeurtenissen.
Gebeurtenissen die nu bezig zijn of nu aan de gang zijn.
vorm: (hoe maak je present simple)
He/ she/ it --> werkwoord +s
anders hele werkwoord (stam)
am/is/are + hele werkwoord + ing 
Signaalwoorden: always, sometimes, often, never, usually, on Mondays, every.... 
Signaalwoorden: right now, at the moment, look!, listen! 
Jack rides his bicycle every monday
I usually ride my bicycle to school.
Jack is riding his bicycle right now.
Look! The dogs are playing.
Differences (verschil)

Slide 7 - Diapositive

aantekening blad
Get it?
Exercise 58
1. My rabbits are eating vegetables at the moment
Fact/habit or happening now?      dus ps of pc?
2. Ravi feeds his horse every morning
Fact/habit or happening now?   dus ps of pc?

  • happening now 
  • pres. continuous
  • habit 
  • pres. simple
Exercise 59 a & b
1. The cat usually _____________ (sleep) on the chair. (ps)
2. Look at that squirrel. It ________________ (climb) that tree.  (pc)
  • sleeps 
  • is climbing 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

What: ch. 5 I exercise 58, 59a, b  & 60a,b & c
Howfirst 5 minutes alone and quiet (no help) 
         after 5 minutes discuss answers with person next to you.
Time: 15 minutes
Help: raise your hand (after 5 minutes).
Finish?: make exercise 60d
Results: controleren en nakijken

Slide 9 - Diapositive

opg. 60 read note grammar
Nakijken: corrigeer je antwoorden.
Exercise 58
Exercise 59a
  1. sleeps
  2. go
  3. loves
  4. swim
Exercise 59b
  1. is climbing
  2. are barking
  3. is talking
  4. is playing
Exercise 60a &b
Exercise 60c
  1. They sleep on the beach.
  2. The sea lions are playing in the sea.
  3. The zookeeper is feeding the sea lion.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

  • Enter Game ID

  • Tijdens het spelen is niet toegestaan te schreeuwen.
  • Na afloop is iedereen weer stil en aandacht richten naar de bord.
  • Go to play.blooket.com

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

The end of class
  • Class recap (herhaling)
  • What did you learn today? (learning goals)
- present simple
- present continuous
  • Class evaluation: (listening to teacher, following instructions)




Slide 12 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions