week 47 Lesson 1

Welcome to today's class
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Welcome to today's class

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Today's lesson:

  • 20 minutes of reading time
  • Check exercise 4 
  • Future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous
  • do exercise 5

  • Understands how nouns and prepositions work together. 
  • Knows when to use which future tense. 
  • Can correctly form a future tense. 
  • Can use the correct future tense in context. 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Reading time
Quitely read your book. 
If you prefer, you can do some with some music on. 

You have 20 minutes. 

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Future tenses 
This aim of this lesson is to help you understand and use the future tenses.
There are 6 ways of making sentences that speak of the future:
  • simple future
  • present continous
  • present simple
  • future continuous
  • future perfect
  • future perfect continuous

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Simple future
will + verb / to be going to + verb:   I will call you laterIt's is going to snow tonight.

2) to be going to + verb:

  • toekomstplannen die binnenkort gebeuren - I'm going to help Dad in the garden this afternoon.
  • voornemens - James says he is going to work harder
  • voorspellingen gebaseerd op feiten of gebeurtenissen in het heden - It's going to snow tonight
1) will + verb:
  • toekomstige plannen - I will call you later
  • vaststaande gebeurtenissen in de toekomst - Dad will meet you at the airport.
  • voorspellingen gebaseerd op algemene overtuigingen - Touristic space travel will soon become possible.
  • aanbod of belofte - I will do my homework tonight Mum.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Future continuous
will + be + verb & -ing: Tom will be sharing an office with Francesca in the future.

  • een actie die in de toekomst afspeelt en een bepaalde tijdsduur heeft: This time next week I will be skiing in Austria.
  • om zekerheid aan te geven wanneer we vooruitdenken naar een bepaald moment in de toekomst: Tom will be sharing an office with Francesca in the future.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

I haven't made up my mind yet. I think I .... ...(find) something nice in my mum's wardrobe.
will be finding
will find

Slide 7 - Quiz

This time in 3 weeks I ........... (enjoy) the Christmas holidays.
will be enjoying
am going to enjoy

Slide 8 - Quiz

At 11 p.m. I .......... (sleep).
will be sleeping
will sleep

Slide 9 - Quiz

You should recognise her easily. She .........(wear) a red skirt.
will be wearing
is going to wear

Slide 10 - Quiz

Future perfect
will + have + past participle (worked/given): I will have worked in England by this time next year.

Deze tijd verwijst naar een moment in de toekomst waar iets met zekerheid gebeurd zal zijn, maar op dit moment is dat nog niet zo. 
Oftewel, het gaat hier om een actie/handeling die in de toekomst afgerond is (maar nu dus nog niet). Er staat meestal een tijdsaanduiding bij.

  • The teachers will have marked the exams by next week.
  • I will have finished this book by the end of the day.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

By the time you arrive, she ...... (go) home.
will be going
will go
will have gone

Slide 12 - Quiz

Don't phone me between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. I ..........(work).
will be working
will work
will have worked

Slide 13 - Quiz

I ........(tell) you everything when I come back.
will be telling
will tell
will have told

Slide 14 - Quiz

Next month we ...... (be married) for 25 years.
will be married
will have been married

Slide 15 - Quiz

Future perfect continuous
will + have + been + verb & -ingNext year September, I will have been working at this school for 3 years

Deze tijd gebruik je om aan te geven dat een actie/handeling tot een specifiek tijdstip in de toekomst zal duren (en daarna afgerond is). Hierbij leg je de nadruk op lengte van de handeling.

- By the end of this school year you will have studying English for 4 years.
- They will have been screaming for hours when Harry Styles starts singing.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Future perfect continuous
Het belangrijkste is om te weten dat net als bij andere continuous tijden, de duur van de actie/handeling belangrijk is. Er zal dus ook een tijdsbepaling bij staan die dit aangeeft. 
Zie hiernaast voor het verschil met de future perfect. 
De onderstaande zin is handig om te onthouden:

- I will have been studying for my English test for 4 hours when I take a break.

Slide 17 - Diapositive

This summer, I ...... (live) in Brighton for four years.
will be living
will live
will have lived
will have been living

Slide 18 - Quiz

According to the forecast, it ..... (snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
will be snowing
will snow
will have snowed
will have been snowing

Slide 19 - Quiz

By the time we get home, they ...... (play) football for 30 minutes.
will be playing
will play
will have played
will have been playing

Slide 20 - Quiz

Do you think the teacher ..... (mark) our homework by Monday morning?
will be marking
will mark
will have marked
will have been marking

Slide 21 - Quiz

Extra info:
Future Perfect Simple - nadruk op het resultaat/einde:
Next Friday I will have finished building the house.

Future Perfect Continuous - nadruk op de actie/handeling:
By this time next Friday I will have been building for three weeks!

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Work on exercise 5 alone. 

Slide 23 - Diapositive