Practise reading

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

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Learning goals
  • You'll know how to read an English text;
  • You'll know what to look for in a text;
  • You'll know 6 ways to become a better reader;
  • You can work together to achieve your goal; 

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Plans for todays lesson
  • What do you know about reading a text? What do you have to do first, second and last?
  • Tips on how to read a text;
  • Quiz;
  • Exercise in pairs: figure out HOW to read per text;
  • Exercise READ the texts and discuss with your classmate;
  • Discuss the exercises in class;
  • Feedback and learning goals;
  • Websites to help you practise 

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What do you know about reading a text? Write it down. You'll have 2 minutes.

Slide 4 - Carte mentale


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1. look at how many questions there are; 

2. You don't always have to read the entire text;

3. Don't answer questions based on your opinion;

4. True or false questions are only true if it's literally in the text;
5. Open questions are always in Dutch! Except if you have to write a quote;
6. Running out of time?

1.  If there aren't many questions you might not need to read the entire text.
2. Look per question what paragraph you have to read. 
3. Read what the writer asks or wants, don't guess what the answer might be based on your opinion.
4. If one or two things are missing or if it's your opinion it's false
5. Don't write the answer in English, it will be wrong!

6 ways to help you during the test
6. If you're running out of time look at the exercises with only 1 or 2 questions or look at exercises where you only have answer the conclusion or opinion.

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4. ways to be a better reader
1. Before reading: 
  • Look at the title;
  • Look at the pictures
  • Look at the sentences that are cursive, bold or bigger;
  • Look at the exercises/questions. Decide how to approach each text;
2. Ways to read:
  • Skimming -> quickly read over a text. Read every first and last sentence and highlighted parts.
  • Scanning -> Scan the part(s) you have to use for your questions.
  • Intensively -> Read the entire text!
3. How to read:
  • A questions about the entire text -> skimming. You'll look for clues for the answer.
  • Questions about certain information -> scanning. 
  • If a question has numbers, you'll have to read the entire paragraph.
  • Multiple choice Q. are always in order. Try to answer the question first and than compare the options.
4. Unknown words:
  • Guess -> try to guess the words by reading the context.
  • Different language-> Does the word look similar as Dutch or another language?
  • Dictionary -> If you don't know a word, look it up. But only as a last option!

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Quiz to see if you've paid attention.
Write down your answers (Skimming, Scanning or Reading for detail). Not A, B, C.

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To read a text quickly to understand the general idea.
Reading for detail

Slide 9 - Quiz

To move your eyes over a text from left to right and top to bottom.
Reading for detail

Slide 10 - Quiz

To slowly read a text for the second time to find detailed information.
Reading for detail

Slide 11 - Quiz

To read a text quickly to find specific information.
Reading for detail

Slide 12 - Quiz

To read a text quickly starting at the top and finishing at the bottom.
Reading for detail

Slide 13 - Quiz

To quickly read the introduction to know what the text is about
Reading for detail

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To look for dates, numbers or names quickly in a text.
Reading for detail

Slide 15 - Quiz

To read parts of a text again and more carefully.
Reading for detail

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Exercise 1. What is the best way to read this text?
  • In pairs you'll get a couple of different texts with different questions;
  • Both of you will write down how you would read the text and how you would answer the questions (don't answer them yet!)
  • Would you skim the text, scan the text or read the entire text?
  • Write down how you would start each question;
  • You'll discuss the answers and you will write down the best way on how to go over the text;
  • We'll discuss the answers together in class;

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Answers ex 1.
Text 1: SCIMMING + SCANNING (first read the title + questions. See if answer A, B, or C is in the text.

Text 2: SCIMMING + SCANNING (first read the title + look at the pictures and paragraphs. Read the question.They have already given you part of the answer, what is the second part. You just need to scan the text to figure out the answer)

Text 3: Scanning + Reading in detail (Each question says where you have to look for the answer. Look at your potential answers. Can you find one of them in the text? You have to read each paragraph carefully to figure out the answer).

Text 4: Reading in detail (You have to answer one question, but you have to be sure that you get the entire answer. That is why you have to read the text word for word. Give the answer in Dutch, because it is an open question!)

*Would you do this differently and why? 
*What helps you with reading the text and answering the questions?

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Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
  • You've decided on what was the best way to go over each text;
  • On your own go over the text and answer the questions;
  • After you've written down the answers, discuss them with your classmate. 
  • Discuss how you've found your answer;
  • Discuss why you think the answer is right;
  • We'll discuss the answers in class;

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Answers ex 2.
1. B -> 1pt
2.  om (de stichting) Trees for Life (Fund)/een goed doel te steunen / om (extra) bomen te laten planten -> 1pt
3. C -> 1pt
4. A - > 1pt
5. D - > 1pt
6. C -> 1pt
7. A -> 1pt
8. B -> 1pt
9.    • (Het eten mag) niet over de datum zijn -> 1
        • (Het eten moet) goed verpakt zijn 1 - >
 10. • (voordeel:) Klanten verspillen geen eten meer/laten geen eten meer op het bord liggen -> 1pt
        • (nadeel:) Er komt geen geld meer binnen voor Oxfam/de liefdadigheidsinstelling -> 1pt
11.    (Ze moest weg) omdat (tijdens de film) haar bevalling begon/ze een tweeling kreeg/haar vliezen braken. / Brian en zijn broer         werden toen geboren.

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What have you learned from today's lesson?
  • Think of two things;
  • You'll have a minute to think about it;
  • I'll choose randomly;

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Do you think you've gotten a better handle on reading the texts and answering the questions?
Raise your hand when I go over the answers.
A little bit
This even made it more difficult!

Slide 22 - Sondage

Practise websites for your reading test;
Reading texts: - A2 and B1 level

  • Watch movies/series with English subtitles
  • Read a English book or news story to help you with your vocabulary
  • Read instagram posts (in English)

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