2v Period 2 Overview

Period 2: Spider-Man
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 50 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 40 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Period 2: Spider-Man

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Today's Lesson - Task Kick-offoff
  • To learn my words and understand what they mean.
  • Play a game to practise writing Spider-Man's journal entry.
  • Look at an example of a Spider-Man journal entry and the video it is based on.
  • Learn how to compare things.
  • Learn how to write about things that happened in the past.
  • Learn how to connect your sentences.

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My Lesson Goals:
  • To learn my words and the translation of those words.
  • To learn more about Spider-Man's powers
  • To learn how to compare things.
  • To learn how to write about things that happened in the past.
  • To learn how to connect sentences.

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You know you’ve got it when: You go all see-through, obviously. 
Made famous by: Sue Storm ( Fantastic Four ), Sebastian Caine ( Hollow Man ), Violet Parr ( The Incredibles ), Harry Potter 
How would you use your power? Handy if you wanted to spy on your boss, or perhaps prank the school bully without them knowing (Harry Potter style). Or you could simply become hide-and-seek world champion. 
Disadvantages: Invisibility’s all very well but if you’re not quiet and agile as well, don’t bother. Plus if you practise it too much, you might just get stuck that way permanently. 
Verdict: Fun, but the novelty would soon wear off and you might end up giving someone a heart attack when you re-appear.

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Superhuman Strength
You know you’ve got it when: You can pick up a car or play catch with a television. 
Made famous by: Superman, Mr Incredible, Thor, Wolverine/ Colossus/ Juggernaut/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Bane ( Batman ), Hancock. 
How would you use your power? There'd be no need to call the AA if your car breaks down, you could help your neighbours move house (or just move their house), and the fear of being mugged would be a thing of the past. 
Disadvantages: Don’t lose your temper: You-break-it-you-buy-it! Plus people will be nagging you to come round and help shift furniture all the time. 
Verdict: You’re an all-round handy man.

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You know you’ve got it when: The ground is further away than it used to be. 
Made famous by: Storm ( X-Men ), G-Girl ( My Super-Ex Girlfriend ), Hancock, Blade, Superman and Supergirl. 
How would you use your power? Traffic jams will be a thing of the past for you. You can help save someone’s life or get a cat out of a tree. Just think of the money you’d save on plane tickets! 
Disadvantages: Make sure you check the flight path before travel – you don’t want to cause an air accident. Plus if you suffer from a fear of heights or travel sickness, then this might not be the superpower for you. 
Verdict: The commute would be a lot more fun (but you might need to employ your own personal air traffic controller).

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Super Speed
You know you’ve got it when: You can run a mile in seconds. 
Made famous by: Superman, Dash Parr ( The Incredibles ), vampires ( Twilight ) 
How would you use your power? Scoring that bucket list place in the Guinness Book of World Records! Getting all your chores done and dusted in the blink of an eye! Never missing that train again! 
Disadvantages: It’s well known that if you want to do something right you should take your time. Plus running at such speed creates a serious risk of accidents, and your gob's likely to become a bug trap. 
Verdict: Take a leaf out of Clark Kent’s book and become a journalist or a writer. Stick to speed-writing, it’s safer.

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Super Senses
You know you’ve got it when: You hear someone at the door before the dog does. 
Made famous by: Spiderman, Daredevil, Superman, Catwoman. 
How would you use your power? Stronger senses, better balance: you could take up acrobatics or join Cirque du Soleil. You could chuck your glasses straight in the bin, too. 
Disadvantages: Getting enough sleep would be a concern, what with your highly-attuned senses picking up all the creeks and bangs in your house. And let's not even think about rambunctious neighbours... 
Verdict: You’ll become more alert, observant and vigilant, but you’d probably trade it all in for a good night's kip.

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Telepathy/ Mind Control
You know you’ve got it when: You're the only one who responds to someone thinking out loud (literally). 
Made famous by: Professor Xavier/ Jean Grey ( X-Men ), Jedis, Edward Cullen ( Twilight ). 
How would you use your power? The possibilities are frankly endless. Probably the most useful when you want someone to forget something embarrassing you did or shift attention away from the fact that it's your turn to pay for the drinks down the pub. 
Disadvantages: There’s the moral dilemma that comes with raiding someone's private thoughts, and you could hear something you really didn't want to. Plus, we'd imagine it might give you awful migraines. 

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too....

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You know you’ve got it when: Passing the salt is a lot less effort. 
Made famous by: Jean Grey ( X-Men ), Sylar ( Heroes ), Dr Manhattan ( Watchmen ), Carrie, Matilda. 
How would you use your power? You’re snuggled very comfortably into the sofa, but the remote is at the other end of the room. A little brain activity and the object you desire flies smoothly through the air and into your hands. You don’t have to move a muscle. 
Disadvantages: Obesity is likely to be a common side effect. 
Verdict: Really cool power, but make sure you go to the gym and eat healthily. Nobody likes a slob. 

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too....

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You know you’ve got it when: When you think of Egypt and suddenly you're on top of a pyramid. 
Made famous by: Doctor Manhattan ( Watchmen ), Nightcrawler ( X-Men 2 ), Hiro Nakamura ( Heroes ), David Rice ( Jumper ) 
How would you use your power? You can go anywhere you want: stand on Lady Liberty’s torch, sit on top of the Eiffel tower, or watch the sunset from the Grand Canyon. If you’re feeling cheeky, you could teleport in and out of nightclubs, cinemas and gigs without paying. 
Disadvantages: Cover your tracks, the government are going to be extremely keen to tap your ability. 

Verdict: All the culture/richness of the world is at your fingertips, but try not to steal too much. Nobody likes a thief.

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too....

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Regenerative Power
You know you’ve got it when: Plasters? What are plasters? 
Made famous by: Wolverine/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Claire Bennet ( Heroes ), Deadpool 
How would you use your power? A future in extreme sports beckons. 
Disadvantage: You still feel pain, so don't go getting too carried away. 
Verdict: Use with caution, although it would be nice to live life with a permanent safety barrier.
Verdict: All the culture/richness of the world is at your fingertips, but try not to steal too much. Nobody likes a thief.

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too....

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Super-Stretching Abilities
You know you’ve got it when: You're basically a human Cheesestring. 
Made famous by: Elastigirl ( The Incredibles ), Mr Fantastic ( Fantastic Four ). 
How would you use your power? Your stretchy skin could get you out of many a tricky situation: you could adapt your physique into a sailing vessel, a parachute or a humongous catapult. But really, we'd probably mostly use this for laughs. 
Disadvantages: You'll probably attract stares and comments in the street. And be careful not to overdo it, lest you end up the wrong size/shape permanently. 
Verdict: A pleasingly versatile power, if not the most glamourous. 

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too....

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Other Super Powers
Object manipulation
Inpenetrible Armour
Animal Transportation
X-Ray Vision
Time bending or Freezing

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Samen nakijken
Let's take a look at Period 1, Skills Test model answer.

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Period 2: Spider-Man 
Grammar Rules

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Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
The past simple describes actions that happened in a specific moment in the past. On the other hand, the past continuous describes actions that were in progress in the past.​
De past simple beschrijft acties die op een specifiek moment in het verleden hebben plaatsgevonden. Aan de andere kant beschrijft de past continuous acties die in het verleden aan de gang waren.​
Mary-Jean was walking in the park when it started to rain.​
A burglar entered our house while we were sleeping.

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Spider-Man (climb) up the Washington Monument yesterday.
was climbing

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Peter Parker (see) Liz at the laboratory.
was seeing

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Liz (not know) that Peter Parker (is) Spider-Man .
didn't know / is
not know / was
didn't knew / was
didn't know / was

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While Peter and Ned (learn) for a test, they
(see) someone stealing a bike.
learned / were seeing
were learning / saw
was learning / were seeing
learned / were seeing

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Peter (stand) on top of a building when he
(find) the missing backpack.
was standing / finder
were standing / found
stood / was finding
was standing / found

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Peter (invite) Liz out on a date but she
(not want) to go.
invited / not want
was inviting / didn't want
invited / didn't want
invited / not wanted

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Bij woorden met één lettergreep gebruik je -er (+ than) in de vergrotende trap
In de overtreffende trap gebruik je the + -est.
Oscorp developed a gas that would make soldiers stronger.
He became the toughest supervillain ever.
Bij woorden met meer lettergrepen gebruik je more (+ than) in de vergrotende trap en the most in de overtreffende trap.
Is Minecraft more popular than Fortnite?
It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
Er zijn een paar woorden die afwijken in de vergrotende en overtreffende trap:
good - better than -the best
bad - worse than -the worst

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Of all the superheroes, I think Spider-Man is (good).
the most good
the best
better than

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Spider-Man has many superpowers but shooting webs is his (favourite) power .
favourite than
most favourite

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Spider-Man's (great) wish is to kiss Liz.
most great
greater than
more great

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Spider-Man is (slow) than Superman.
the most slow
slower than
more slow than

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I’m going to sit down _______we get there. I’m so tired!

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I should study for my test _______ I didn't do very last in the last period.

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I thought I had enough money to buy a new bike _______ I don't.

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It was dark and cloudy outside ____ I took my umbrella with me when I went for a walk.

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We will stay inside _____ it starts to rain .

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Superpower Presentation - Tuesday 31 Oct:
-Zorg dat je minimaal 45-60 seconden praat (uit je hoofd, steekwoorden mag!)
Je kiest uit de volgende dingen:
  • Je promoot je superheld / bad guy.
  • Wat maakt hem zo fantastisch?
  • Wat zijn zijn superkrachten?
  • Hoe kwam die eraan?
  • Je vertelt een dag in het leven van je superheld / bad guy.

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Task Checklist
You have introduced your superhero or supervillain.
You have described his other superpowers.
You have described how he or she became this way.
You have written a journal entry about what happened and how your superhero or supervillian feels.
Your journal entry includes the past simple and past continuous.

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Task Checklist
  • Je hebt je superheld of supervillain geïntroduceerd.
  • Je hebt zijn andere superkrachten beschreven.
  • Je hebt beschreven hoe hij of zij zo geworden is.
  • Je hebt een dagboekaantekening geschreven over wat er is gebeurd en hoe jouw superheld of supervillain zich voelt.
  • Je dagboekartikel bevat de verleden tijd en de voltooid verleden tijd.

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Today's Lesson - p. 55 & 56 of your Blink Textbook
Write the first draft of your superpower journal:
  • Introduce your superhero or supervillain.
  • Describe his/her superpowers.
  • Describe how he or she became this way.
  • Write a journal entry about how you used your superpowers and how your superhero or supervillain felt.
  • Remember to include the past simple and past continuous, linking words (and, because, so, but) and comparisons (stronger than, more beautiful than / the strongest, the most beautiful).

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Today's Lesson - p. 55 & 56 of your Blink Textbook
Schrijf de eerste opzet van je superkrachten dagboek:
  • Introduceer je superheld of supervillain.
  • Beschrijf zijn/haar superkrachten.
  • Beschrijf hoe hij of zij zo geworden is.
  • Schrijf een verslag over wat er gebeurd is en hoe jouw superheld of supervillain zich voelt.
  • Vergeet niet de verleden tijd en de voltooid verleden tijd te gebruiken.

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Today's Lesson - p. 58
Write the final draft of your superpower journal:
  • Peer review - score your partner's superpower journal
  • Correct your mistakes
  • Show the teacher 
  • Complete the final draft of your superpower journal
  • Submit your superpower journal and get feedback

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Today's Lesson - p. 58
Schrijf de eindversie van je superkrachten dagboek:
  • Peer review - scoor het superpower dagboek van je partner
  • Verbeter je fouten
  • Toon aan de leerkracht 
  • Maak de laatste versie van je superkrachten dagboek
  • Stuur je superkrachtenboek in en krijg feedback

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Lesson 6 & 7
You will work on your task. Your superpower journal describes exactly what you have to do and what you have to hand in: you write a superpower journal entry.

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Grammar & Words Test
Go to Kwizl.eu > select Formatieve Toets 'Spiderman'
Dese toets bestaat uit 6 vragen
Voor deze toets zijn maximaal 43 punten te behalen
Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden.

You have 5 minutes to study your onregelmatig werkwoorden on p.59.

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Complete your Superpower Journal and send it in Teams > Assignments > Superpower Task
  • Make sure you have 2 paragraph: 1) Describe who you are and how you got your superpowers. 2) Talk about a day that you used your superpowers.

Prepare your presentation:
  • -Zorg dat je minimaal 45-60 seconden praat (uit je hoofd, steekwoorden mag!)
Je kiest uit de volgende dingen:
-Je promoot je superheld/ bad guy.
-Wat maakt hem zo fantastisch?
-Wat zijn zijn superkrachten? -Hoe kwam die eraan?
-Je vertelt een dag in het leven van je superheld/ bad guy.

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Lesson 9
You will practice speaking skills by talking about superpowers: You will choose a superhero or supervillain, describe them to each other in a speed date and give each other a score.

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Lesson 10
Skills test: you will show what you have learned from this topic. The test consists of five parts: listening, reading, grammar, words and writing.

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Lesson 11 & 12
Reading lessons: you will work on your own on two digital reading assignments. 

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Lesson 13
In this lesson you will work on your own on a digital listening assignment.

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Lesson 14 & 15
These lessons are flexible.

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Have we achieved our lesson goals?
  • Did you see what mistakes you made in your skills test and did you learn what was correct from the model answer?
  • Do you have a basic understanding of what we are going to do in Period 2: Spider-Man?

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