Art and Philosophy

Art and philosophy
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsWOStudiejaar 4

Cette leçon contient 16 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Art and philosophy

Slide 1 - Diapositive

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Assignment overview

To attract more teenagers to the museum, the museum has asked you to make something that connects a piece from their collection with a philosopher. 

The final product of this assignment is a video in which you interview someone about your chosen philosopher and your chosen work of art.

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Assignment details
  • Choose a philosopher from the list, or if you want to choose another, please ask your teacher. 
  • Pick a piece of art to explore for your assignment. Every student picks a different piece. 
  • You can visit Stedelijk Museum (admission free for under 18s), but only if you go there alone. No pairs or groups: the museum doesn't accept groups of students which show up unannounced.
  • The alternative is to do your interview on a philosopher and a self-chosen piece of public art. Take a selfie with your chosen object. This should end up in your final product. 

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Requirements final product

  • Interview someone who you encounter when you visit your chosen piece of art (not a classmate). Ask them what they think of the piece of art. 
  • Then share the ideas of your philosopher and ask them if they can relate those ideas to the artwork. 
  • Comment on the other person's response.
  • Hand in a 5 minute video in which your teacher can see you having the conversation on art and philosophy as described above.

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Art: Getting started

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Karel Appel
Made for the former restaurant of Stedelijk 
Learning to look at art

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Philosophy: Getting started

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Exploring philosophy
  • What am I doing here?   Nihilism & existentialism
  • Go with the flow                Stoicism and Taoism
  • Clear-headed                     Rationalism & logical positivism
  • Where's the party            Hedonism and Marxism
  • That depends...                 Relativism
  • That's not fair!                   Ethics
  • So ugly...                              Aesthetics

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Research a school of philosophy
  • Form pairs. Choose one of the two schools of philosophy.
  • Go here and read the general description of the schools of philosophy. 

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Research a school of philosophy
  • Then use any means necessary within the confines of your laptop to find accurate and reliable information on your school of philosophy. 
  • Make sure to include a philosopher whose work is part of the school of philosophy. Put text and images in Padlet to share your findings with the class.

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Now analyse this:  De Muur
Use your assigned school of philosophy to analyse, praise or criticise De Muur. 

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Let 's practise in some wold famous museums

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Let's visit Tate Modern or Moma
  • Explore the museum's collection online.
  • Choose an art work that speaks to you (this doesn't have to be the piece that you are going to use in your video).
  • Write a short text in which you explain your your opinion on your chosen piece of art.
  • Present your piece of art and your opinion to your group.
  • Pick one of the four art pieces and dicuss it with the four of you. Then report the discussion back to class.

Slide 16 - Diapositive

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