Bijles Isa

Bijles Isa
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Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte et 3 vidéos.

Éléments de cette leçon

Bijles Isa

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Used to & would + verb
To talk about regular past actions that no longer happen.
Ms. Dangerfield used to play outside a lot as a child.
Ms. Dangerfield would always swim on Sundays.
To talk about past states that are no longer true
Ms. Dangerfield used to love annoying her big brothers.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Used To
Used to is used to talk about past habits or states that are no longer true or use used to to talk about past habits (repeated past actions) that don't happen any more.

I used to live in London. 
She used to play tennis every weekend.
She used to smoke but she gave up a few years ago.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Explain the use of used to and provide examples for the students to understand.
Would is used to talk about past habits or actions that were repeated in the past (and don't happen any more)
Bij would ligt de nadruk op dat het vaker gebeurde, 
Every day, he would take the train to work. 
They would always have dinner at 6 pm.

Would for past habits is slightly more formal than used to.

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Explain the use of would and provide examples for the students to understand.
Used To vs Would
Used to is used for past habits or states that are no longer true. Would is used for repeated past actions or habits.

I used to live in London, but I would visit my family every month. He used to play football, but now he would rather watch it on TV.

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Explain the key differences between used to and would and provide examples for the students to understand.

Slide 6 - Vidéo

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Slide 7 - Vidéo

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

The past perfect simple
Form: had + past participle (volt.dw), for example: had arrived, had walked, but also: had gone, had driven etc.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Kort samengevat:
De present perfect simple: ik heb gedaan (I have done)
De past perfect simple: ik had gedaan (I had done)
Bij deze twee tijden kan vergelijken met het Nederlands goed werken.
De past perfect simple geeft aan wat er als 1ste gebeurde in het verleden (situatie 1)

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

We often use the past perfect (had + voltooid deelw.) to talk about something that happened in the past;
more specifically, if we want to talk about something that happened before something else in the past.

Je gebruikt de 'past perfect' vaak als je een verhaal aan het vertellen bent over wat er gebeurd is in het verleden. Je hebt het nodig om duidelijk te maken wat er eerst gebeurde, wat daarna, etc.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

The past perfect continuous
Form: had + been + -ing, for example: had been walking, had been laughing, hadn't been driving etc..

*This tense is used in the same way as the present perfect continuous, only this time it's (further) in the past.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

The past perfect continuous:

1. When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was messy and one of them had a black eye. It was clear that they had been fighting.
2. I was very tired when I got home. I had been working all day.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

2. The past perfect continuous
The Past Perfect Simple
had + past participle (volt.dw) - had walked
  • korte actie
  • omschrijft wat er als 1ste gebeurde in het verleden.

The Past Perfect Continuous
had + been + verb + ing - had been walking
  • lange actie
  • omschrijft wat er als 1ste gebeurde in het verleden.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Slide 14 - Vidéo

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions