Cette leçon contient 16 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.
La durée de la leçon est: 50 min
Éléments de cette leçon
SpeakOut lesson 6a: The Two Pablos
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In this lesson, Ss talk about tips for becoming more creative. The lesson begins with Ss doing the paperclip challenge. They then read a text on the topic of creativity and focus on word families and word building, and word stress. Next, Ss listen to a podcast where people talk about their creativity. From this recording, Ss review and practise comparatives and superlatives before discussing and comparing a set of tips for becoming more creative. Finally, Ss write a review, focusing on linking ideas.
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Wim T. Schippers
Boijmans van Beuningen - Rotterdam.
Today's class
Talk about becoming more creative.
Read a text on the topic of creativity: word families, word building and word stress.
Listen to a podcast about creativity: comparatives and superlatives.
Write a review: focus on linking ideas.
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How many words can you create using the letters from this word:
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On the board, write: creativity. Put Ss into pairs. Ask them to create as many words from the letters in ‘creativity’ as possible. Elicit an example, e.g. very. The pair with the most words after two minutes wins.
What is creativity?
Read the text.
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Read the text. Do you agree with what it says about creativity?
Complete the table.
Read the text.
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Complete the table with the bold words from the text you have just read.
Read the text.
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Complete the table with the bold words from the text you have just read.
Complete the sentences.
Read the text.
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Comparative and superlatives.
Read the text.
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Comparative and superlatives.
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Comparative as.....as is also possible. Paris is not as big as New York for example.
What is the rule?
Read the text.
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Comparative and superlatives.
Do exercise 6.
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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions
Pearson Speakout
Unit 6B
Slide 13 - Diapositive
Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions
To finish
Please get ready to finish this lesson together.
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To finish
The chain game:
using comparatives.
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All you need for this game is a timer. To begin, brainstorm some comparative adjectives and write them on the board. Then choose a topic that has many nouns, such as ‘animals’. Then write a comparative sentence on the board comparing two animals. For example, ‘Elephants are bigger than cats.’.
Now the game can begin. The aim of the game is to make as many ‘comparative chains’ as possible. To make a chain, students must make a comparative sentence starting with the last noun of the previous sentence.
So, for example, if the first sentence is ‘Elephants are bigger than cats.’, then the next sentence must start with ‘Cats‘ (e.g. ‘Cat’s are smarter than pigs.’), and the sentence must start with ‘Pigs‘ (e.g. ‘Pigs are fatter than dogs.’), and so on. Give the first team 1 or 2 minutes to make as many comparative chains as possible, and then change the topic (e.g. food) for the next team.