P3W5: Unit 3 lesson 5 Writing (modal verbs)

Welcome ML3E
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
1 / 15
Slide 1: Diapositive

Cette leçon contient 15 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Welcome ML3E
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Ready, set, go!
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5: 
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 2 - Diapositive

must be a strawberry
might be an orange but it could also be a mandarin
can't be a kiwi bc it's a veggie
I'm sure it is...
I'm sure it isn't...
I think it's possible that it is...

Slide 3 - Question de remorquage

Present tense: mv + verb

Something we know to be true:
Thanks for cooking! I must say that
I think this is delicious.

Something that's possibly true:
Going to a Christmas market might be the best holiday activity ever.

Something we know isn't true:
A ten! That can't be right because I 
made a mistake.

Past tense: mv + have + past participle

Something we know to be true:
You cried while bungeejumping? You must have been scared.

Something that's possibly true:
Sorry mom. I may have eaten the last piece of chocolate.

Something we know isn't true:
You saw Ms. Wildeman on The Voice? It couldn't have been her, she can't sing.
3.2 Modal verbs a.k.a. hulpwerkwoorden

Slide 4 - Diapositive

It's possible it escaped
from the zoo. (might)

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

Perhaps it is very hungry
by now. (could)

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

Perhaps it was
somebody's pet. (may)

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

I'm sure it isn't a lion.

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

Complete the speculation timeline
100% true
100% not true
Might (not)
May (not)

Slide 9 - Question de remorquage

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5:
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5:
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Welcome ML3E
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Ready, set, go!
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5: 
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5:
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3 lesson 5:
do exercises 1 - 6, 8 and 9

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 15 - Diapositive