Part 3 - Space Race

Part 3 - Space Race
The orange colour shows a grammar subject from the Basics. You can click the Basics tab on the left to find the explanation.

The blue colour shows words that might be new or difficult. You can use an online dictionary to find the meaning. You can add these to your personal word list.
Questions in English will be answered in English. Questions in Dutch can be answered in English and Dutch.

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 2

Cette leçon contient 50 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Part 3 - Space Race
The orange colour shows a grammar subject from the Basics. You can click the Basics tab on the left to find the explanation.

The blue colour shows words that might be new or difficult. You can use an online dictionary to find the meaning. You can add these to your personal word list.
Questions in English will be answered in English. Questions in Dutch can be answered in English and Dutch.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Task 1.

A. Discuss the following questions in your group. Basics
1. What do you think the term ‘space race’ means?
2. During which period do you think the space race took place?
3. Which countries or organisations do you think were involved with the space race?
4. Do you think the space race had a significant impact on the world?

Slide 2 - Diapositive

B. Watch the video down below. Click on the image to go to Youtube. Basics

Answer the questions on the next slide. Use the Past Simple to answer the questions.

Tip: Regelmatige werkwoorden eindigen in de verleden tijd in -ed. Onregelmatige werkwoorden veranderen helemaal, hiervoor zijn geen regels. Je moet de lijst met onregelmatige werkwoorden uit je hoofd leren. Deze lijst kun je vinden onder het kopje Basics.

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1. Which two superpowers were part of the space race?

Slide 4 - Question ouverte

2. What were the differences between these two superpowers?

Slide 5 - Question ouverte

3. How were the two countries able to create technological wonders?

Slide 6 - Question ouverte

4. Why was Yuri Gagarin seen as a hero in his country?

Slide 7 - Question ouverte

5. Who was John F. Kennedy and what bold claim did he make?

Slide 8 - Question ouverte

6. Why was landing on the moon not smooth sailing?

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

7. What were the famous words of Neil Armstrong?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

8. Which country had won the space race and why?

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

9. Why was that handshake in space so important?

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

Task 2. NASA in the 21st century
At the moment, NASA is focusing on exploring the ‘deep space’. One of their main interests of the last 17 years has been the planet Mars.


The Adventure Twins

Spirit and Opportunity landed on Mars January 3 and January 24, 2004. Both rovers lived much longer than their planned 90-day missions. Opportunity worked nearly 15 years on Mars and broke the driving record for putting the most miles on the odometer.

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Much/many or little/few
Als je een woord kunt tellen, gebruik je many. Deze woorden hebben een enkelvouds- en een meervoudsvorm. 

Denk aan woorden zoals ‘dog(s), friend(s), adventure(s), rover(s).

Voorbeeld: Jenny is very popular, she has many friends.

Als je een woord niet kunt tellen, gebruik je much. Denk aan woorden zoals money, information, peace, love en space.
Voorbeeld: Much love to you!
Als je een woord kunt tellen, gebruik je (a) few
Als je een woord niet kunt tellen, gebruik je (a) little
Je gebruikt a few / a little als het positief is wat je zegt (betekenis = een paar, een beetje)
Voorbeeld: Yes, I have a few coins for you!
Je gebruikt few / little als het negatief is wat je zegt (betekenis = weinig, bijna geen)
Voorbeeld: Oh no, there is little money left to do something fun!

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A. Practice! Basics
Create complete sentences with the words below and use much/many, (a) little/(a) few.

1. Rocks with bright-colored veins of gypsum (=gips).

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

A. Practice! Basics
Create complete sentences with the words below and use much/many, (a) little/(a) few.

2. Planets with water

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

A. Practice! Basics
Create complete sentences with the words below and use much/many, (a) little/(a) few.

3. Today – Mars – wet

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

A. Practice! Basics
Create complete sentences with the words below and use much/many, (a) little/(a) few.

4. Rovers – information

Slide 18 - Question ouverte

A. Practice! Basics
Create complete sentences with the words below and use much/many, (a) little/(a) few.

5. Pure silica – Home plate.

Slide 19 - Question ouverte

B. Questions Basics

1. NASA’s long-term Mars Exploration Program has four science goals. Write down which goal you think is the most important and give at least 2 reasons why.
Goal 1: Determine if there was ever any life on Mars.
Goal 2: Characterize (een beeld krijgen van) the climate of Mars.
Goal 3: Characterize the geology of Mars. Geologie (= aardkunde) is de wetenschap van de geschiedenis en de processen die een planeet vormen en gevormd hebben.
Goal 4: Prepare for Human exploration.

2. Discuss your answer with your neighbour. What did they write down? Try to convince them with your arguments if they picked a different goal.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

1. NASA’s long-term Mars Exploration Program has four science goals. Write down which goal you think is the most important and give at least 2 reasons why.

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

2. Discuss your answer with your neighbour. What did they write down? Try to convince them with your arguments if they picked a different goa

Slide 22 - Question ouverte

C. More about Mars Uitbreiding
Go to this site: and pick 3 videos to watch. 

Answer the following questions:

1. Which videos did you watch and why?
2. What was the most surprising?
3. Write down the 3 coolest facts you’ve heard.

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Task 3. Billionaires in space

Not only big organisations like NASA have been working hard to understand space. Nowadays, some billionaires have also put their mind to it. These billionaires have set uptheir own independent companies to try and reach their goals and aspirations.

Slide 24 - Diapositive

A. Look up information online and fill in the grid. Basics
Where is the base located?
What do they want to achieve
Space X
Virgin Galactic
Blue Origin

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Task 4.

A. Before reading. Leesstrategieën Basics
1. Welke leesstrategieën waren er ook alweer? Blik even terug en schrijf op welke strategie of strategieën je gaat gebruiken voor de leestekst hieronder.

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B. Before reading. Language Basics

1. Zoek op wat de volgende uitspraken/woorden betekenen:

1. To put your money where your mouth is
2. To have a starry-eyed vision
3. To believe religiously in something
4. Colonization

Slide 27 - Diapositive

C. Read the text and answer the questions.
For Jeff Bezos, space travel is about more than tourism

“We will have to leave this planet,” Jeff Bezos has declared, “and we’re going to leave it and it’s going to make this planet better.”
On Tuesday, the Amazon founder put his mouth where his money is as a crew member of the first human flight of the rocket built by his company Blue Origin.
The short trip from West Texas to the edge of space and back reached a number of other milestones, including sending the oldest and youngest people to space and marking the first time a commercial company launched ‘astro-tourists’ in a spacecraft. But the trip is only a first leap in a starry-eyed vision that Bezos, 57, has been working to fulfill for decades: laying the groundwork for millions of people to permanently live and work in space.

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Bezos’ company has been clear from its founding in 2000 in Kent, Wash., that it is about far more than bringing tourists to space for a few minutes of weightlessness. It’s about “building a road to space’’.
In order to preserve Earth, Blue Origin believes that humanity will need to expand, explore, find new energy and resources, and move industries that harm the Earth into space,” according to the company’s vision statement.

Bezos’s flight came just a week after Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, travelled to the edge of space aboard the company’s SpaceShipTwo rocket plane. The flights are propelling forward a new industry that hopes to take into outer space growing numbers of tourists, beginning primarily with rich individuals who can afford the tickets.

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But Bezos, a billionaire who made his fortune building Amazon into a global online marketplace but has dreamed of space travel since he was a child, has said that he believes almost religiously that sustaining the human race will require building space colonies — beginning on the moon — where millions can live and work and develop new resources to meet growing demands on Earth. He has described these as “very large structures, miles on end, and they hold a million people or more each.”

Bezos´s vision has been inspired by the work and writings of Gerard O'Neill, a physicist at Princeton University, whom Bezos met as a student. O'Neill argued in the 1970s that “we can colonize space and do so without robbing or harming anyone and without polluting anything” and laid out a vision for how “nearly all our industrial activity could be moved away from Earth’s fragile environment within less than a century from now.”

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C. After reading. Check yourself Basics
Hoe ging het lezen van de tekst? Had de strategie je geholpen of had je het anders moeten aanpakken? Leg uit en schrijf op.

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D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

1. Jeff Bezos is the owner of Amazon and Blue Origin.

Slide 32 - Quiz

D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

2. There had never been a commercial launch before.

Slide 33 - Quiz

D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

3. This launch was only the beginning according to Jeff Bezos.

Slide 34 - Quiz

D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

4. Jeff Bezos only wants to provide short trips to space.

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D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

5. Jeff Bezos believes that moving to space is not going to solve climate change.

Slide 36 - Quiz

D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

6. Future space colonies will only have small groups of people living there.


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D. After reading. Is the statement true or false? Basics

7. The idea of moving humans to space is a new idea.

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E. After reading. Questions Basics

Als je onderstaande vragen beantwoordt, baseer je dit op wat je in de tekst hebt gelezen en op je eigen ervaringen. Probeer de Present Simple te verwerken in de antwoorden die je geeft.

Would you ever go on a trip to space? Explain why.
1. Do you think you would ever move to space colony? Explain why.
2. Do you think it is fair that only very rich people can afford a ticket? Explain why.
3. Do you think this is the best way to deal with climate change? Explain why.

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Task 5.
Should(n’t) en must(n’t) (meer uitleg vind je onder het kopje ‘basics’)

Should = zou moeten, shouldn’t = zou niet moeten
Should(n’t) wordt gebruikt wanneer je iemand een suggestie geeft.
Voorbeeld: You should work out at least two times a week. You shouldn’t be so rude to him.
Must = moeten, mustn’t = niet moeten
Must(n’t) wordt gebruikt wanneer jij iemand iets verplicht of wanneer iets verplicht is.
Voorbeeld: You must clean your room before I get home. You mustn’t listen to him, he’s a liar.

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A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

1. I don’t think Mars is as promising, they ………… pick another planet to investigate.

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A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

2. When people go to space, they ………… wear special clothing.

Slide 42 - Quiz

A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

3. You know you …….… do that! It is not allowed.

Slide 43 - Quiz

A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

4. I think Mars’s geology is something you would find interesting, you ……….. look into it.

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A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

5. Isn’t launching a rocket bad for the environment? In my opinion, they …………do it.

Slide 45 - Quiz

A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

6. Our government ……. be the first to put colonies on the moon. It is crucial!

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A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

7. Not many people know a lot about space, they ………. teach this more at school.

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A. Practice Basics
Choose between should/shouldn’t, must/musn’t.

8. Oh my god, you ……… read this article!

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B. Uitbreiding
Pick one of the subjects below and give Jeff Bezos advice on what he must(n’t) and should(n’t) do with/about it. Use 80-120 words.

Choose one subject: climate change, living on the moon, ticket prices, factories in space.

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You're done! Good Job
Masterpiece is up-coming next. Make sure that you ready all the information on your Wikiwijs!

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