9. Formative A & Formative Progress Feedback (2p) - 31/01

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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 25 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 90 min

Éléments de cette leçon

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Slide 2 - Diapositive

Google doc. para MYP2
  • ¿Quién  el voluntario de hoy para tomar notas? / who is going to volunteer to take notes today? Aquí

  • Do you have all the materials?
Hoy es treinta y uno de enero de dos mil veinticinco
Kayden y Liza
Adam y Milana
Rhea y Mark
Jules y Abigail
Toya y Amena 
Daphne y Osher
Sakuna y Lyze
Noa y Ella R. 
Margot, Ella y Noga
Teachers desk

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-¿Qué tal estás?
-¿Cómo estás?
-¿Cómo te sientes?

-Hoy me siento...
-Hoy estoy...

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  • What kind of questions can you expect in strand ii?
  • Strand i. Show understanding of messages, main ideas and supporting details
  • What kind of questions can you expect in strand ii?
  • Strand ii. analyse conventions
  • What kind of questions can you expect in strand iii?
  • iii. analyse connections
Write them down in your notebook.

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Strands & Phases

  • Phase 1 in term 2 will answer all the strands in Spanish

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Formativo A (listening)
Sumativo A (listening) en

Código  = 

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Revisión de los exámenes formativos
Do know the meaning of the words in green? 
Escribe los adverbios interrogativos en tu cuaderno y tradúcelos / Write down the interrogative adverbs in your notebook and translate them: l
  • ¿Quién...? - 
  • ¿Qué...?  - ¿qué significa?
  • ¿Dónde...? - 
  • ¿Cuántos...? - ¿cuántos años...?
  • ¿Cuándo...? - 
  • ¿Con qué...? - 
  • ¿Cómo? - 
  • ¿Por qué...?  (why) - Porque ... = because
  • ¿Cuál...?

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Revisión de los exámenes formativos
Escribe estos verbos en tu cuaderno y tradúcelos / Write down the following verbs in your notebook and translate them: le following verbs:
  • Mira 
  • Señala
  • Indica
  • Responde 
  • Explica 
  • Justifica (justifica tu respuesta) 
  • Menciona (menciona dos detalles) 

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Revisión de los exámenes formativos
Escribe una lista de 10 palabras con el vocabulario más importante y tradúcelas / Write down a list of the 10 key words for each topic and translate the words:
MI familia 
Mi casa / mi ciudad
El perro 

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  • What kind of questions can you expect in strand ii?
  • Strand ii. analyse conventions

¿Qué tipo de texto es? Justifica tu respuesta
-Un artículo
-Una carta
-Una entrada a un blog
-Un anuncio
-Un póster
¿A qué público va dirigido? = Who is the target audience / Justifica tu respuesta
-Personas interesadas en la cultura española
-Estudiantes de español

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  • This feedback is based on the main issues found in your assessments.
  • Take notes in your notebook, especially of the informations that applies specifically to you: many mistakes, very challenging, etc
  • After going through the feedback, you will complete the My Feed Cycle document.
  • Be specific when answering these questions: 

How can I use the FeedBACK and FeedUP for the upcoming summative assessment?
What are practical examples of what I should aim for?

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Feedback for Strand I
  •  These questions often have direct answers from the video.
  • Pay close attention to specific details (names, family relationship)
  • Focus on the words! 
  • Write down notes if you need to, like madre, hermanos, or trabaja.

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Strand II

  • Are the people friendly and casual? Listen for clues:
  • Do they use "tú" (informal) or "usted" (formal)?
  • Do they kiss on the cheek? That’s a cultural clue!
  • This helps you answer questions about whether they’re formal or informal.

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Strand III
Use the Video for Comparison
  • When you’re asked about your family:
  • Think: “In my family, who is similar to the people in the video?”
  • Example: If the video family has dogs, you can say, “En mi  familia no tenemos perros, tenemos gatos.”

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Don’t Forget to Explain Fully

For multi-part questions, answer both parts!
Example: If the question asks how Sonia feels about the cinema and why, say:
“Sonia no quiere ir porque hace una mueca.”
(First say what she feels, then explain why.)

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Write Clearly

  • Use short sentences and simple words. 
  • You don’t need long answers to get full points! Just write what you know and be clear.

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Before the Assessment

  • Review in Lesson Up the family vocabulary (padres, hermanos, abuelos, amigos).
  • Practice listening to Spanish videos with simple sentences. Focus on catching key words, not understanding everything.
  • Remember, even if you’re not sure, try your best.

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Listen to Simple Spanish Videos or Audio:

  • Write What You Hear:
  • After listening, write down what you understood. For example:
  • El padre trabaja en una farmacia.
  • Sonia tiene tres hermanos.
  • Replay the video to check your answers.
Practice makes the master. 

Do the same with these videos: 
Vídeo 1
Practice with the formative assessment: 

Write What You Hear:

After listening, write down what you understood. For example:
El padre trabaja en una farmacia.
Sonia tiene tres hermanos.
Replay the video to check your answers.

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Practice Answering Questions
  • Use the example questions from the formative assessment.
  • Example: ¿Cómo se llaman los padres de María?
  • Write your answer and say it out loud.
  • For comparison questions, think about your own family:
"Mi familia es similar porque también tenemos un perro"
"Es diferente porque vivimos en Madrid y no en Alicante."

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Why This Helps

  • You’ll feel more confident about the types of questions you’ll see.
  • You’ll improve your listening and writing skills by practicing with real examples.
  • You’ll avoid common errors by reviewing key tips from the feedback.

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My Feed Cycle - Reflexionamos
                                      Click here                  My Feed Cycle 

1. Use MY FEED CYCLE form to explain what your next steps are regarding the feedback given. 
2. Make a copy of the form and save it in your own device, you will use it again for the next formative. 
3. Once filled in go to MB>Portfolio> Post reflection (tip>save only the link to your document)
4. Upload a copy of the document to MB. Your teacher has opened a Dropbox for this purpose. 

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Guidelines/tips to prepare the for the summative
1. Revise the LessonUps used in class and if needed do again the activities. 
2. Revise the notes that you have taken in class (your yellow notebook).
3. Revise the Google document that we all share: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXxAZ73wJDyRirrQTZH48m5LBaUrWnWv8y2BMJTmZuQ/edit?tab=t.0 
4. Complete the activities of the workbook Mira 1

Do not forget to bring your laptop fully charged
Bring your headphones

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