Fictional Superheroes 20-05-2022

Take out your chromebook (CLOSED) and book 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 32 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 2 vidéos.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 80 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Take out your chromebook (CLOSED) and book 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

  • Wanneer je de klas binnenkomt en je chromebook op tafel legt is het DICHT
  • Je hebt je spullen op orde --> OOK een pen
  • Je loopt NIET rond in het lokaal --> ook NIET om iets weg te gooien (doe je aan het eind van de les)
  • GEEN telefoon in zicht 
  • Wanneer de docent aan het woord is ben je STIL
  • Je STEEKT JE VINGER OP wanneer je iets wilt zeggen
  • Wanneer IEMAND DE BEURT KRIJGT ben je STIL en LUISTER je mee

Slide 2 - Diapositive

  1. Non-verbale waarschuwing → ik kijk je aan of wijs je aan
  2. Waarschuwing 1 --> naam op bord
  3. Waarschuwing 2 → strafwerk als aan het einde van de les nog 2 streepjes staan
  4. Eruit → briefje halen → volgende ochtend om 08.00 op school terugkomen om gemiste tijd in te halen en ik bel je ouders….
Je NAAM kan altijd van het bord of door GOED gedrag te tonen (meedoen met de les, hard werken tijdens het zelfstandig werken)

Slide 3 - Diapositive

 Fictional Superheroes

Slide 4 - Diapositive

  • Warmer
  • Reading: The Most Famous Superheroes
  • Watching: Marvel clip
  • Writing: Create your own Superhero or Villain
  • Evaluation

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Today's goals
  • At the end of this lesson you can talk about your favorite superhero.
  • At the end of this lesson you can understand a short text that describes people.
  • At the end of this lesson you can describe people's appearances and abilities by using comparisons.
  • At the end of this lesson you can create your own hero by using the comparative/superlative adjectives.  

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Slide 7 - Vidéo

  • What do you think about the trailer? What did you see? 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Are you going to watch this movie?
I have already seen it.

Slide 9 - Sondage

Do you watch any superhero movies?

Slide 10 - Sondage

Who is you favorite superhero? Why?

Slide 11 - Carte mentale

Do you read any comic books?

Slide 12 - Sondage

  • You are going to read a text about the most famous superheroes.
  • On Google Classroom
  • Read the text and find words that you find difficult.
  • After that, answer the questions on p. 4.
  • +- 10 min 
  • Done? Take out your book
  • Do ex. 8, 11, 12 on p.109 t/m 111


Slide 13 - Diapositive

Answers questions
  1. Superman
  2. Spider-man,  Black Panther, Batman, Iron man & Captain America
  3. Iron man, Wonder Woman, Spider-man, Captain America, Mr. Incredible & Iron Man
  4. Batman
  5. The gravity levels on earth are less strong.

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Slide 15 - Vidéo

Captain America: Civil War
  • Who has watched this movie?
  • What did you think about the movie? Are you team Captain America or team Iron Man? Why?

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Who do you think is the strongest avenger?

Slide 17 - Carte mentale

Do you think Wanda is stronger than Vision?

Slide 18 - Carte mentale

Who is the smartest avenger?

Slide 19 - Carte mentale

Who is the youngest avenger?

Slide 20 - Carte mentale

Comparisons: comparative & superlative adjectives
  • I asked you these questions:                                                                                              - Who do you think is the strongest avenger?                                                              -Do you think Wanda is stronger than Vision?                                                             - Who is the smartest avenger?                                                                                         - Who is the youngest avenger? 
  • What do you think comparisons are? (Hint look at the words underlined)      = comparisons: vergelijkingen

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Comparative adjective
= vergrotende trap
examples: The Hulk is smarter than Thor.
Ant-man is smaller than Hulk.
Spider-man is more popular than Loki.
  • What is different in the third example?

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Comparative adjective
  •  => one syllable (lettergreep) = -er
- quick --> quicker than
- smart --> smarter than
  • => more than one syllable (dus meer dan 1 lettergreep) that doesn't end with le, er, ow or -y? = add more in front
popular --> more popular than
beautiful --> more beautiful than

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Superlative adjective
= overtreffende trap
Remember SUPER(heroes)lative = superhero are the best/strongest!
examples: Thor thinks he is the strongest avenger.
Jack is the youngest in the Incredibles' family. 
Iron Man is the most couragous avenger. 
  • What is different in the third example?

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Superlative adjective
Rules? almost the same as comparative adjective
  •  => one syllable (lettergreep) = -est
- quick --> quickest 
- smart --> smartest 
  • => more than one syllable (dus meer dan 1 lettergreep) that doesn't end with le, er, ow or -y? = add most in front
popular --> most popular 
beautiful --> most beautiful 

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Watch out!
  • good - better - best
  • bad - worse -worst

Slide 26 - Diapositive

  • Regular comparison? (gewone vergelijking)
use (not) as ..... as...
Hulk is as strong as Thor.
Wanda is not as strong as Thanos.

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Independent work time
  • Take out your book
  • Go to p.122 & 123
  • Do ex. 30, 31 & 32
  • Done? Do ex. 33 & 34
  • 15 min


Slide 28 - Diapositive

Writing: Create your own superhero/villain
  • Create your own superhero/villain by comparing them to an already existing hero/villain.
  • Describe the appearance of your superhero/villain.
  • Describe what kind of superpowers they have.
  • Describe what kind of personality they have.
  • Also draw or photoshop what your superhero looks like.
  • Min 100 words.
  • Google Classroom

Slide 29 - Diapositive

BUT FIRST: Preparation exercise
In Google Classroom I prepared 3 different preparation exercises before you're going to write the whole article.
Choose ONE that suits you the most. 
Do the preparation exercise and have fun creating your own superhero or villain!
Be creative ~

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Next lesson will be on June 2nd --> WRITING TEST

  • How can you prepare?
  • Do the ''Create your own superhero: writing assignment''  --> Ask for feedback from me or your classmates
  • Study the words from chapter 5 + much/many + possessive 's & past simple

Slide 31 - Diapositive

  • Comparatitive adjective & superlative adjective?
  • Remember SUPER(hero) adjective
  • What did you think of this lesson?
  • Homework 03-06-2022: Do ex. 31 t/m 34 on p. 122-125
  • Study theme words Chapter 6 Sports & Competition

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