H4 - week 11

Today's class

1)  Grammar:
   Passive Voice - lesson 3.4 - ex. 10/11/12 & Test Jezelf/ego4u;
   Future tense ex. 7 & 8 lesson 3.5 & extra practice VWO3 booklet

2) Essay writing - hand in your essay
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

Cette leçon contient 21 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Today's class

1)  Grammar:
   Passive Voice - lesson 3.4 - ex. 10/11/12 & Test Jezelf/ego4u;
   Future tense ex. 7 & 8 lesson 3.5 & extra practice VWO3 booklet

2) Essay writing - hand in your essay

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous
Has/Have + been + verb + ing

  • Om de (lange) tijdsduur te benadrukken (I have been working all night)
  • Om irritatie aan te geven (He has been nagging me non-stop.)
  • Om aan te geven dat iets net is afgelopen (Her eyes are completely wet: she has been crying for hours)

Gebruik je net als de Present Perfect, maar met nadruk op lange tijdsduur

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Direct Speech

"It is a very moving speech"

"I think it has nothing to do with peace"

"Can you help me tomorrow?"

"I have never smoked in my life!"

"I saw Tim yesterday".

NOTE: "I hope so"
Indirect speech

He said it was a very moving speech.

She said she thought it had nothing to do with peace.

He asked if she could help him tomorrow.

She said she had never smoked in her life.

She said she had seen Tim the day before.

NOTE: She says she hopes so (-> verb present simple, therefore NO backshift)

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive

The Continuous tenses
Lesson 3.3 - ex. 13

 am/is/are + verb + ing 
was/were + verb + ing
 has/have + been + verb + ing 
had been + verb + ing
will be + verb + ing

Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Present Continuous  - am/is/are + verb + ing
1) action going on right now; 
2) can signal irritation; 
3) appointment in your agenda

1 ) Look at her! She is dancing on her bare feet!

2) Why are you always picking fights!

3) We are meeting our friends at the pub this evening.
Past Continuous  - was/were + verb + ing
1) longer action interrupted by shorter one = past simple 
2) Two longer actions going on simultaneously 

1) I was/you were doing homework when you called.

2) I was listening to the news while you were sleeping.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Present Perfect Continuous
has/have been + verb + ing

1) To emphasize duration (i.e. all day long, all night, for hours etc.)
2) Started in the past and is still going on 
3) Started in the past and has just finished/you can see the result
4) Can signal irritation

1) We have been working for hours to get this finished
2) She has been crying all day since he broke up with her at breakfast.
3) You have been running really hard out there for you are all sweaty.
4) You have been going on about this for ages: let it go now.
Past Perfect Continuous 
had been + verb + ing

1) To emphasize a longer action in the earlier past 

1) Before you called, I had been working very hard on my final. project.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Future Continuous
will be + verb + ing

1) Signals a longer action in the future/emphasizes duration in the future

1) Kevin Hart is performing tonight: I'm sure we will be laughing our heads off!

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Passive Voice (lijdende vorm)
vorm van "to be" + 3e vorm werkwoord

Focus op resultaat/wat er gedaan wordt/werd/zal gebeuren ipv wie het doet/deed/zal doen
(Bijv. "De dieven zijn gevangen" -> het resultaat is belangrijker dan wie ze gevangen heeft)

Het lijdend voorwerp (direct object) of het meewerkend voorwerp(indirect object) wordt onderwerp. 
Woordvolgorde Active Voice (bedrijvende zin) = subject/verb/object;
Woordvolgorde Passieve Voice(lijdende zin) = object/verb/subject.

In de Passive Voice krijgt de vorm van "to be"dezelfde tijd als het ww (persoonsvorm) in de Active Voice (bedrijvende vorm)

In de Passive Voice past de vorm van "to be" zich aan, aan het nieuwe onderwerp (enkelvoud of meervoud)

Je voegt de 3e vorm van het ww in de actieve zin (persoonsvorm) toe aan de juiste vorm van "to be"

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Stappenplan Active->Passive
1) Read the original sentence: who does what (= subject verb object -> John reads books).

2) What tense is it in? (reads = present simple)

3) Now turn this into a passive sentence: what is done by whom (= object verb subject -> The books are read by John)

4) Make sure you keep the form of TO BE in the same tense as the tense of the verb (pv/finite form) in the original active sentence (reads = present simple -> so the form of "to be" needs to be "am, is or are"

5) Check if the object is singular or plural and use the correct tense of to be & the correct form (books = plural; the tense is present simple; the form of "to be" in the present simple and in the plural form = are)

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Gebruikt voor:
  1. Feiten in de toekomst
  2. Spontane beslissingen/aanbieding hulp etc. aan iemand (op het moment van spreken bedacht)
  3. Meningen/persoonlijke opvattingen (vaak met think, promise, believe etc.)
  4. Voorspellingen die niet gebaseerd zijn op bewijs (I think Ajax will win the World Championship.)
  5. Verzoeken (Will you help me with that?)
  6. Suggesties (Shall we go to the movies? -> shall voor I/we)

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Will (addition)

For questions with I/we -> Shall I/shall we....(go to the cinema?)
Future facts
Weather forecasts

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Going to 
Gebruikt voor:

  • Plannen voor de toekomst (je bent van plan om iets te doen)
  • Voorspellingen op basis van bewijs (Look at him standing at the edge of the cliff! He is going to fall over!)

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Present Simple (Future)
Gebruikt voor:

School starts at 9 am tomorrow.

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Present Continuous
Gebruikt voor:
  • Dingen dit op dit moment gebeuren
  • Irritatie
  • Voorspellingen gebaseerd op bewijs
  • Afspraken die in je agenda kunnen staan (je weet zeker dat je dit gaat doen)

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Slide 21 - Diapositive