Lesson 1 - Introducing the Unit

Group - discussion 1
1. Discuss the importance of food and drinks in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Talk about how the choices we make can impact our overall health and well-being.

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Cette leçon contient 33 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 90 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Group - discussion 1
1. Discuss the importance of food and drinks in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Talk about how the choices we make can impact our overall health and well-being.

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Categorise the photos above based on their nutritional value
Categorise the photos above based on their nutritional value

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fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, sugary beverages
Type the name of your favourite type of food and drinks.

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

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How bad / good do your favourite food and drinks influence your health?

Slide 4 - Sondage

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Practical Group Activity (1)
Create a balanced meal plan or a healthy snack recipe. Think about incorporating a variety of food groups and colours into your meals.
Prepare a PPT presentation for your classmates. 

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Write a review (150-200 words) of your favourite restaurant. Introduce it, and say why you like it, describe what it looks like, and then tell us about the food and your favourite meals in particular. Make me want to go!

Things to include:
  • Write your review in simple sentences that you feel comfortable with.
  • Use words you know to describe the restaurant, food, and your feelings.
  • Try to include at least three reasons why you like the restaurant or food.
  • Draw a picture of the restaurant or food if you want.
  • Don't forget to include a title for your review.

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Lesson 1 - 3.04.2024
Introducing Unit 3
Food, Drinks and Health: New Diets/Looks and Health

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Group - discussion 2 
Use concept of mindful eating and discuss the importance of listening to our body's hunger and fullness cues. Talk about strategies for avoiding emotional eating and making mindful food choices.

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What topics would you like to discuss during Unit 3?

Slide 9 - Question ouverte

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What questions connected to the topic of the unit
do you have?

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

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Criterion B
Analysing the Strands: the visual - written text

Criterion D
  • Creating a poster (100 - 150 words / 200 - 250 words / 300 - 400 words)
  • Writing an advertisement for healthy food / diet (+ rationale)

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My goals during this unit:

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

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What words / phrases do you associate with the concepts presented in the title of the unit?(health, looks, food)

Slide 13 - Carte mentale

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What is healthy food?

Slide 14 - Question ouverte

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What is unhealthy food?

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

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What are junk food and fast food? Is there a difference?

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

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- What type of ad was it? (video, poster outside, billboard)
- What was it about?
- Why do you remember it?
- How is the language being used in the ad?
- What is the message of the ad?
- What kind of conventions does this ad use?

Tell me about the last ad you remember, connected to our current unit: 

Slide 17 - Question ouverte

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Lesson 2
Analysing an Advertisement

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Analyse your own advertisements

1. Find three different ads for HEALTH, LOOKS or FOOD
              A video
              An image of a poster/billboard outside
              A pamphlet/leaflet
2. Analyse the conventions in a paragraph (30 minutes). You may use additional resources for your analysis.
a) explain why ONE advertisement is effective.
b) compare the THREE advertisements and its effect on the reader
c) evaluate the product
3) Present to your partner (15 minutes)

Emergent students: 100 words
Capable students: 200 words
Proficient student: 300 words

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Compare vs Evaluate

Compare: Similarities and differences

Evaluate: Advantages and disadvantages

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These advertisements all have a clear goal in mind; they are all attempting to sell a product or persuade people to join their organization, for example. "Your Health Is Our Priority" is what stands out the most on the health billboard, and I believe it's because the wording is bold and large. The product is arranged in the middle of the poster, it catches my eye.The black background made me focus on the food. When the food is small and it wants to show more detail, it zooms in; when there is more food, it zooms out so that it can fit into the entire screen. In the beginning, the background music is elegant and soft, and it starts getting louder and happier in the middle. This ad is pretty similar to the beauty product advertisement because they both use dark backgrounds to highlight the product/food, and it’s a very good technique to attract people. Compared to the health bill board, it does not really catch my eyes that much.

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Give each other feedback on:

  1. Did they mention… (+ is it correct?):
Target audience
Text type
2. Is there:
Informal language
First person writing
3. Suggest how to improve their writing (3 times)
4. Identify something good about their writing (be specific)
5. Upload on classrooms

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Slide 25 - Question ouverte

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Slide 26 - Carte mentale

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Techniques used in Advertising
  • Ethos
  • Pathos 
  • Logos

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How to write a persuasive advertisement

How to write a persuasive advertisement

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Ethos Ethos refers to ethics and credibility. 
When it comes to advertising, look at it as the way in which you present your brand to the world. What makes your brand more trustworthy than your competitor?
 This techniques often uses famous celebrities to promote.

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Pathos Pathos is another persuasive technique that plays on the audience’s emotions. By playing up emotional elements in ads, such as nostalgic moments, connections, or personal experiences, advertisers aim to tap into people’s emotions in order to attract them to a brand.

Joy, humor, tragedy, family, outrage, fear, and love are just some of the emotional topics advertisers use to convey pathos. 

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When using logos in an advertisement, brands aim to promote logic and reasoning in order to get their message across. To accomplish this, advertisers will often use facts, statistics, or data to prove their case.

“Why do I need this product?”

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Slide 32 - Question ouverte

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Ethos, Pathos & Logos Assignment

Find three advertisements which use the three Persuasive techniques and justify…

I think the advertisers use Ethos, Pathos or Logos because…..

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