student version Lesson 3 in 1.1 in 2022-23

Cruising along.... English lesson 3
1 / 43
Slide 1: Diapositive
EnglishHBOStudiejaar 1

Cette leçon contient 43 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Cruising along.... English lesson 3

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Preparation for today
1. Watch the 2 web lectures on how to write a press release.
2.  Apply the peer feedback into Assignment 1, the Article about your Field Trip.  Finalize your text by using the feedback.  
3.  Take the Diagnostic Test at home.  We will check and discuss your answers next week in class. 

4. Read the theory in your MyGrammar Lab book for Unit 19 (Auxiliaries and have got) on pages 90-91 followed by practice exercises on pages 92-93. 
5. Read the theory in your MyGrammar Lab book for Unit 20 (Present simple or continuous?) on pages 94-95 followed by practice exercises on pages 96-97. 

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Lesson goals
Students will
1. know how to create a  press release proposal  based on the web lecture and class exercises, thus preparing them for writing assignment 2

2. have acquired new language/communication skills in English.

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  1.  Check your answers for the Diagnostic Test + homework book
  2.   Receive tips on how to elevate your language skills
  3.   Review verb tenses + quiz on Kahoot
  4.   Receive directions for completing assignment 2, Press Release proposal
  5.   Make a definitive start on filling the template with the 5 Ws for your PR proposal.

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Required book for year 1!

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How to get registered

1. First make sure you buy the book with an access code (ISBN: 9781408299111)
2. Go to to register 

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Create your account
You need to create a username and password using your access code (inside front cover of your book). Bookmark the page and save the password for quicker log in - you will use this all year!

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Then use the Access teacher course ID 
English year 1 2022-2023 class 1A:              N7AK-APUY
English year 1 2022-2023 class 1B:              4JUW-9CE4
English year 1 2022-2023 class 1C:             ANUY-C7PA
English year 1 2022-2023 class 1D:            X3AE-PJ7P

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Tips how to reach a full B1-level (and beyond)
1. Go to for synonyms
2. Check the words you have selected in to make certain the new words make sense in the context of your article
3. Apply linking words or phrases (verbindingswoorden) (see next sheet) OR HAVE STUDENTS LOOK IT UP THEMSELVES.
4. Mix up the word order of your sentences

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How to check your level of English.   Remember:  Full B1 level must be reached in final Press Release

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In Class
interactive quiz via Kahoot

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Answer diagnostic test
discussion in class

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How many mistakes?
count your mistakes and show teacher

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A bit of grammar is 
good for the soul....

Let's go!

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1.   Present simple

Present simple: (I do, he does …)
Facts: Christian Dior targets men and women.
Habits: I always book my trip on internet.
Actions/situations which are generally true: Many consumers prefer well-known brands.
Time schedules/agenda: We launch this new product on 15 June.

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 2.  Present continuous (-ing)
Present continuous: (I’m doing, she’s doing…)
1) Something happens now, an ongoing situation
  Ex: We’re developing a completely new image for the brand.

2) Temporary situation
  Ex: We are offering a good discount during this period.

3) personal planning and appointments
  Ex: I’m meeting the manager of TUI next week.
Form: form of to be + verb + ing form

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3.  Continuous aspect (-ing)
It deals with time in progress at the moment of speaking and perceives actions and events as incomplete, temporary or developing. We use continuous forms to indicate that the event or situation is unfinished.

1.  Use present continous: to talk about situations that are changing, developing or progressing / it is going on now.
2.  Use the present perfect continous: to describe a situation or activity that started in the past and has been in progress for a period until now and going on
3.  Use the past continuous: to describe past events repeated over time

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4.  Past Simple (I did, she did)
1. To refer to events that took place in the past.
  For ex: Did you meet her in London last week?
  Yes, I met her in London. (past simple)
2. We often use a time adverb with the past simple:
  For ex: in 1972, a few weeks ago, last week, yesterday, a long time ago, etc.
3. Form past simple: verbs with ‘ed’ (regular form) with such words as developed, worked, danced, helped, jogged etc.
4. And form past simple verbs without ‘ed’ (irregular verbs) with words such as rose, went, sold, shone, threw etc.
5. Questions use ‘did’. Did you, did they, did she etc.

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Grammar - past simple 

1) completed actions and situations in the past
2) repeated actions
My brother applied for a the same job 5 times before he was hired.
3) sequences of actions
He ran to the car,  jumped in and raced off.

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Grammar - past continuous
1. An action in progress in the past
We didn't hear the intruder because we were sleeping that night.
2. Temporary situations
During my training I was earning less than my friend.
3. Two actions in progress at the same time
We were watching the sky and listening for the first sounds of songbirds.
4. Interrupted action with a situation
Seventy cars were crossing the bridge when it suddenly collapsed.

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5.  Present perfect

We use it to show that a finished past action has still result now.
Form: the present tense of have + a past participle (voltooid deelwoord). (3e rijtje)

Arise-arose-arisen (irregular)   /    walk-walked-walked (regular)
Throw-threw-thrown (irregular) dance-danced-danced (regular)

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6.  Past Perfect

We use it to show that a finished past action also has its result in the past.

Form: the past tense of have + a past participle (voltooid deelwoord) (3e rijtje)

For ex: They delivered my new television yesterday.  I had already paid for it.

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Grammar - past perfect vs past perfect continuous
1. We often use  'for'  and  'since'  with the perfect

2. The past perfect is use with a completed action/situation in the past
The leaves had fallen from the trees and they were completely bare.

3. The past perfect continuous is used for an action in the past that was still ongoing
The leaves had been falling from the trees and the underground was very slippery. 
(the leaves were still falling, the leaves were not bare yet)

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Any questions about your homework?

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QUIZ: In class check homework check unit 19/20 book
  • Mind your capital letters
  • Do not use contractions 

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You cannot disturb my boss.
She extremely important call.
use the verb MAKE

Slide 29 - Question ouverte

You're telling what's for dinner:

We ...... cauliflower cheese tonight.

Slide 30 - Question ouverte

....... you ever met my cousin Charles?
I could introduce you, you know.

Slide 31 - Question ouverte

You're asking after last night's experience:

....... you enjoy going to the cinema?

Slide 32 - Question ouverte

Which words come to mind when you read or hear the word Press Release?
Press Release

Slide 33 - Carte mentale

The web lecture on the next slide on press releases and 
take notes.

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Slide 35 - Lien

What two things are most important to remember about press releases?

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The final assignment
 For your graded summative assignment, you will write a press release on behalf of the Tourism Board in Rotterdam, Amsterdam or Haarlem (depending on your location). The press release is about students from Hogeschool Inholland being invited/encouraged to submit an Instagram page to the Tourism Board. The press release is dedicated to promoting tourism in their respective city. Student(s) will receive an Instagram Giveaway Prize for the most “Instagrammable” Instagram page. You decide yourself what the Giveaway Prize(s) are.
In effect, you have to put yourself in the professional role of working for the Tourism Board. Your job, as an employee of the Tourism Board, is to write the press release for your own Tourism Board. It is your job to write the press release and invite/encourage students from Hogeschool Inholland to submit an Instagrammable Instagram page to the Tourism Board.

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HOW do you plan to execute this press release? What's the plan?

Slide 39 - Question ouverte

Do you have all the information needed to submit Written Assignment 2?

Slide 40 - Sondage

Any burning questions so far?

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Preparations for next time:
  1. Read blog "How to Create a Riveting Press Release". See last sheet for link to blog. (required)
  2. Continue answering the 5 Ws in the template for your PR Proposal, which we worked on today in class. (required) Go to Moodle/English to find writing assignment 2 (press release proposal)
  3. Upload your PR Proposal into Teams before our next lesson. (required)
  4. (Re)watch videos in this LessonUp about writing a Press Release. (recommended) 
  5. Read the theory in your book for unit 21 on pages 102-103 followed by the practice exercises on pages 104-105. (Past simple and continuous; used to and would) (recommended) 

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In your own time:
Read this blog, How to Craft a Riveting Press Release,
See blog linked in the next slide/sheet.

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